Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Reunions and Family Get-Together
Descendants of Samuel Alexander Lane Family Reunion 1948
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1948, p. 7:
"LANE - Descendants of Samuel Alexander Lane
held a family reunion Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Friesal, Murray Hill, with 39 persons in attendance. This
is the first gathering of the clan in 21 years. [NOTE: so last reunion
was held in ca. 1927 ?]. Those in charge of the affair were Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Friesal and daughters, Helen and Marie, and Mrs. Ethel Lane.
Those attending brought well-filled baskets and the
committee in charge served a bountiful picnic dinner at 5:30 p. m.
Later is [sic] was planned to hold a reunion each year.
Those named on the committee for next year were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lane,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edwards, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friesal."