Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Political Candidates and Office Holders

Court Building
Politics and Politicians in Washington County Pennsylvania
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
John J. CARINS 1911
Present Burgess of Roscoe,
running for County Commissioner
McDonald PA Outlook Newspaper, February 10, 1911
John J. CARINS, the present burgess of Roscoe [Pa], has entered the race
for nomination for county commissioner at
Mr. CARINS is well qualified for the position, the June primary, on the Republican
ticket. So many staunch friends and supporters have urged him to take
this step that after thinking the matter over for some time, he finally
announced his intention of becoming a candidate, although never having come
out for county office before. He has held several offices in the Borough
of Roscoe. Be___ a mine foreman in the employ of the Vesta Coal Company
at California, he has [been?] an active factor in the mining industry [for]
years and is alert to the interests of coal miners at all times. He has taken
prominent part in mining institutes ___ other progressive steps for the
betterment of those employed in and about the mine_. Mr. CARINS is a
ready talker, and is thoroughly conversant with conditions as [they?] exist in
this county. He possesses [the?] ability for cool judgment and keen
insight. In the commissioners' office, [there?] is no doubt but that he
would exercise [the?] same careful tactics that has [sic] made [him?]
successful in his own line of business.
John J. CARINS has the confidence of a large host of people in this ______
would command their support. Not? _____ this, but he is well and
favorably ___ throughout the county and while [he?] realizes that he is
entering a contest [which?] will require hard work to win, he ____ expects to
overcome the heavy odds _____ clean methods and honest dealing [with?] all
whom he may come into contact.
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023