History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituary of John W. Warrell
died Wednesday, June 11, 1969
Submitted by Eileen Gibson, no relation
to person in the obituary
From The Observer Reporter newspaper, Tuesday, 17 Jun 1969, page unknown:
John W. Warrell, 74, of Knoxville Road, Steubenville R.D. 1, Ohio, a retired employee of Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corporation died Wednesday, June 11, 1969 at 10 pm in the Ohio Valley Hospital after an illness of five weeks.
He was born December 5, 1894 in Claysville, a son of the late John E. and Clara Hanna Warrell, and was a resident of
Claysville before moving to Steubenville several years ago, where he was employed as a brass molder by the steel firm.
During World War 1 he served with the 332nd Infantry Division in Italy. His wife, Mabel Dixon Warrell, is deceased.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Turner ( Mary) Loy, Steubenville R.D. 1 and Mrs. Donald (Pauline) Phillips, Burgettstown R.D. 4, two sisters, Mrs. Ralph (Margaret) Clutter, Claysville and Mrs. Howard (Lola) Young, Washington; four brothers: Elmer Warrell, Clyde Warrell and Frederick Warrell, all of Claysville and Neil E. Warrell, New York City; also seven grandchildren.
The funeral service was held Saturday morning, Jun 14 from the McClave Funeral Home, Steubenville, with Rev. John A. Backora officiating. Burial was in Union Cemetery.
Page added Nov 15, 2006
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023