History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituary of Alice Dorothy McWhorter 1985
daughter of Samuel C. and Alice Ramsey Johnston
wife of Alonzo McWhorter
Transcript of the Obituary from The Observer-Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., May 25, 1985, p. D-4:
Alice Dorothy McWhorter - Alice Dorothy McWhorter, 76, of Gabby
Avenue, Washington, died at 5:15 p.m. Friday, May 24, 1985, in Washington
She was born September 6, 1906, in Washington, daughter of Samuel C. and
Alice Ramsey Johnston.
Mrs. McWhorter was a member of the Christian Gathering of Washington.
Her husband, Alonzo McWhorter, died in January 1977.
Surviving are one son, Robert S. McWhorter of Columbia, S. C., two daughters,
Mrs. Eugene (Dorothy) Riggle of Washington and Mrs. Nelson (Barbara) Gotwalt of
State College; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
[If there was anything else written in her obituary, it was cut off during
McWHORTER - Friends of Alice Dorothy McWhorter, 76, of Gabby
Avenue, Washington, who died Friday, May 24, 1985, will be received from
noon to 3 p. m. Sunday in Warco Funeral Home, Inc., S. Timothy Warco,
Supervisor, Wilson at East Katherine avenues, Washington, where services
will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, May 27, with Mr. Sam Polan and Mr. Foley
Seiv**s* officiating. Interment in Washington Cemetery. Memorial
contributions may be donated to the Christian Gathering, Allison Avenue,
Washington, or to the charity of one's choice.
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Wednesday, September 06, 2023