History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituary of Joseph Dawson 1968
retired coal miner
Transcript of the Obituary for JOSEPH DAWSON from The
Observer-Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1968, Section
B [possibly page B-8]:
JOSEPH DAWSON - Joseph Dawson, 73, of 609 North Main Street,
Houston, died at 8:05 p. m. Saturday, January 6, 1968, in Washington
Hospital, after an illness of seven weeks.
Mr. Dawson was
born Nov. 24, 1894, at Horning, a son of Anthony and Sarah Barton
Dawson. He was a retired coal miner.
He was a member
of Palanka Sportsmen's Club; Slovenian Cub [sic], Bishop and UMWA Local
Surviving are his
wife, Stella Bowland Dawson; five daughters, Mrs. Martha Cornell, Mrs.
Sarah Kosharsky and Mrs. Bertha Smith, all of Houston; Mrs. Twilia
Raynier, Canonsburg and Mrs. Catherine Nesic, Westland; three sons,
Joseph, Jr., Imperial; Richard, Houston and Frank, Hendersonville; one
brother, William, Follansbee, W. Va.; three sisters, Mrs. Ivy Hurley,
Horning, Mrs. Bertha Ruth and Mrs. Sarah Baird, both of Akron, Ohio; 23
grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren."
DAWSON - Friends of Joseph Dawson, 609 North Main Street,
Houston, who died Saturday, Jan.6, 1968 will be received after 2 p. m.
Monday in the Speakman Funeral Home, Houston, where services will be
held at 1 p. m. Wednesday, January 10, in charge of Rev. Robert P. Veydt.
Burial in Oak Spring Cemetery.
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023