History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituaries from Feb. 18, 1901
Transcripts of Obituaries from The
Washington Semi-Weekly Observer newspaper, Feb. 18, 1901, page unknown:
The Summons of Death. ____ ___ Answered the Last Roll Call. - Charles F. Donaldson - ______, Pa., Feb. 14 -
Charles F. Donaldson, a
school teacher of Unity township, who served with Company I, _____
Regiment, in the Phillipines, died ____ of pneumonia, aged 25
Joseph Boyle - Joseph Boyle died at 9:30 Saturday morning __ his home in
Kleo[?]. Almost seven years ago he suffered a stroke of paralysis, from
which he never fully recovered, ___ with a complication of other ____,
secured his death, after many years of suffering.
Mrs. Mary Lows__tter [Lowstetter?], aged 67 years, died yesterday
at the home of her son, ____ Lowstetter [?], in Duquesne, after as ___
of a few days. She is survived by her husband and several children. Mrs.
Lowsetter [?] was a native of Monongahela ____ the remains will be taken
to ____ place Saturday for interment. - Dis [Dispatch?].
Mrs. Martha Like - Wednesday morning, February 8 [6 or 8], 1901, of
typhoid fever, at her home in Midway, ____ the death of Mrs. Martha
Like, aged about [58 ?] years. Rev. Moses conducted the funeral services
on Friday. Interment in [Center?] cemetery. Besides her husband, Mrs.
Like is survived by four children, Mrs. Webber, William, Tom __, Martha.
The latter two are also ill with a fever. - Burgettstown Enterprise.
Miss Edith Pease - Miss Edith Pease died at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C. Pease, of South Strabane township, at 3
o'clock Sunday morning, February 17, 1901, of typhoid fever, aged 25
years. The deceased had been ill but about two weeks and her death was a
surprise and shock to all. She was loved and respected by a host of
young people. The funeral services will be held at the late home on
Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m. Interment in Washington cemetery.
[NOTE: Difficult to read if the spelling Pease or Peese in this
Mrs. John N. Brownlee - Mrs. John N. Brownlee died at her home at
West Middletown on Wednesday evening, Feb [13 ?], aged [94??] years.
Mrs. Brownlee had always resided at West Middletown. Her maiden name was
____ Rebecca Bushfield, being a sister to ____ Bushfield, of Latrobe,
and Misses __anie and Irene Bushfield, all of whom survive. Four years
ago Mrs. Brownlee was united in marriage to Mr. Browlee and to this
union two children were born, ___ with the father survive. Mrs. Brownlee
was a member of the Christian church and was held in high esteem by ____
with whom she was acquainted.
John Brownlee - John Brownlee died Wednesday evening, February 13,
at his home at West Alexander, of paralysis, aged 79 years. He is
survived by his wife, whose maiden name is Orr, and two daughters, Mrs.
A. H. __mison, North avenue, East Washington, and Mrs. Thomas McConn
[?], of West Alexander. Mr. Brownlee has been a [rest of obituary was
cut off during copying]
[Not sure how many obituaries follow that were not Xeroxed.]
An obituary for a Mr. Crall is cut off. His obituary ends at
the top of a column.
Rev. Henry F. Means - Rev. Henry F. Means, formerly of Pittsburg[sic], died on Friday at his home in Phillipsburg, Pa., after a
short illness. He was born in Allegheny county 44 years ago and received
his early education here. Later he entered Washington and Jefferson
college and upon his graduation from that institution was enrolled as a
student in the Allegheny theological seminary. For a number of years he
had been pastor of the Phillipsburg Presbyterian church and was a member
of the Huntingdon presbytery. He was active in church work and his loss
will be felt by his congregation. The deceased is survived by a wife and
three children. He was a brother of Attorney N. A. Means, of this city,
and his mother and three sisters are residents of Wilkinsburg --Leader.
Mr. Means was a cousin of Mrs. Alonzo Linn and of Miss Anna Power and
Mrs. S. H. Houston, and took the full college course here, being
graduated with the class of ['84 ?], the Rev. Matthew Rutherford, J. S.
Nease, and Minor H. Day, all of Washington, being classmates. In June
'[87?] Mr. Means was married to Miss Anna Hickman [?], of Washington,
the family then residing on West Beau street, where Dr. Ashbrook now
Mrs. Lynn White - Mrs. Lynn White died Saturday, February [16?],
1901, at 3 o'clock p. m., at her home near Taylorstown, of [cancer?],
aged [86?] years. Mrs. White had been a sufferer from the disease that
resulted in her death for more than two years. Something over a year ago
she underwent an operation at a Pittsburg[sic] hospital and it was
thought for a time that a permanent cure had been affected but several
months ago the dread disease again made its appearance. Through all her
days and nights of suffering and weary waiting [?] for the time when
death would come to her relief, Mrs. White was at all times calm and
patient, and though she realised that her ailment could have but one
termination, she was thoroughly resigned to her fate and seemed anxious
for the end. The deceased was a member of the United Presbyterian church
of Claysville, at which place funeral services will, today at 1 o'clock,
be conducted over her remains. A short service was held Sunday evening
at the late home at Taylorstown. Mrs.'s White's maiden name was Clara
Anderson, she being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Anderson, of
Claysville. Besides her husband and parents, she is survived by a
brother, S. B. Anderson, Hall avenue and a sister, Mrs. Wilbur Watson,
West Chestnut street.
Lieutenant A. J. Gibson - Lieutenant A. J. Gibson, aged 78, died at his
home in a cottage at Tarantum[?] camp ground Tuesday. Lieutenant Gibson
was born at Garver's Ferry and at the age of 14 went to Kittanning to
learn the printing trade with J. M.Crawl. Afterward dr____ went to
Clarion, Pa,; where he and D. W. Foster edited the Clarion Republlean[?].
Several years afterward Lieutenant Gibson went to Freeport again, where
he edited the Freeport Ledger. From there he came to Pittsburg[sic]....
[rest of obituary was cut off during copying]
[Not sure how many other obituaries follow in this column that were NOT
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023