History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Deaths and Obituaries of People with ties to Washington County PA
Pre-1900s Undertaker's Horse-drawn Wagon, and early 1900s
automobile hearses.
All McDonald Newspaper Items from Victoria Hospodar Valentine,
researcher and transcriber.
Unless noted, all other Newspaper Items from Judith
Florian, researcher, transcriber, webmaster.
Obituaries from March 28 1898
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Mar. 28, 1898, page unknown:
DEATHS - YATES - At his home, at West Alexander, at 7 o'clock Sunday
morning, March 31, 1898, from the effects of paraylsis, A. F. Yates, aged about
[68?] years.
Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. m.; inhumantion [sic] to be in West Alexander cemetery.
COSGROVE - On Sunday afternoon, March 27 [?] 1898, at his home on Hall
avenue, of kidney trouble, Henry A. Cosgrove, aged 49 years.
Funeral at 9 a. m. Tuesday at the Catholic church. Interment in the Catholic
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Mar. 28, 1898, page unknown:
DEATH ROLL - HENRY A. COSGROVE - Henry A. Cosgrove died Sunday
afternoon at his home on Hall avenue, near North Franklin street, after a
protracted illness, aged 49 [?] years. He has been ill of kidney trouble and
other ailments so that he has been kept in doors nearly all the time for two
years. A part of that time was spent in hospitals but for several weeks he has
been at home, having borne his intense suffering with patience and fertitude.
The deceased came to Washington about 14 years ago at the opening of the oil
excitement and was employed on the first ____ well near Clark's school house,
that was among the first wells to be drilled in this field, and which turned out
to be a strong [gusher ?]. He has also been employed at McDonald in this time.
The deceased was a member of the Roman Catholic church. Some years since he was
united in marriage with Mrs. Amon, who, with three step-children, survive him.
He also has a sister, Mrs. Oliver Edgar, of Buffalo, N. Y., and a brother,
Charles, of St. Petersburg, Clarion county.
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 28,
1898, page unknown:
DEATH ROLL - A. B. CROUCH - A. B. Crouch, ticket agent at
Butler[?] for the P. & W. R. R., died at his home there Saturday
morning, March 26, 1898. He had been in poor health for over a year,
and the past week was in such a condition that his death was
momentarily expected. Mr. Crouch was born in Washington county, but
had been connected with the P. & W. R. R. since boyhood, being
stationed at Butler eight years. He was a member of the Presbyterian
church, and was popular. A wife and two children survive him.
Transcript of Obituaries from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 28,
1898, page unknown:
DEATH ROLL - A. F. YATES - A. F. Yates, a well known and
respected citizen of West Alexander, died at his home Sunday, at 7 a.
m. Mr. Yates had been in an almost totally ______ condition for about
___ months... [can't read next line] ...paralysis. During the late war
he served with ________ in the Twelvth _____ [Virginia?]...[copy is
very black and I can't read the last 4 lines]. [Last 3 words look like
son and daughter.]
and Death Notices for People from or near McDonald PA
This page was last edited Tuesday, September 05, 2023