History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1936 - page 1
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1936,
p. 9:
Reported Recovering - Glenn A. Weirich, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Weirich, of Washington, R. D. 5, employed by the Bell Telephone
Company, is recovering from a knee operation in the Manhattan General
Hospital, New York City.
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 9, 1936, p. 9:
Eight New Members For Journalistic Group -
With Austin V. McClain, W & J alumni secretary, serving as the
presiding officer, eight students were inducted into Pi Delta Epsilon,
national honorary journalistic fraternity [?], at a meeting held at the
[college?] last night.
New members are Ray Atwell, ____ Zamere, John Logan,
John ___land, Barnard Berman, Paul Of__, Joseph Marshall and Gerald
Greenwalt [Greenwart?]. Following the initiation, Ray Atwell was elected
president and Maurice Zamore secretary.
The group will meet monthly.
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Tues., Jan. 17, 1936 [possibly 1935 ?
unless it is a year in review?], p. 4:
Deeds -
- November 3, 19__ - Orie S. [Haller
, to
Don S. Lane
, [can't read Lane's location, or description of lot], all on
Highland avenue, Donegal township, $1.
- December 31, 1935 - First
National Bank, Houston, to Blanche E. Dague, et. al., Houston, a lot 50
by 50, Main street, Houston, $3,500.
-January 3, 1936 - [to Houston Evangelical
Christian Church]
-December 21, 1935 - Anne E. Hayes, et. al.,
Washington, to Ross Independent Oil Company, a lot [can't read the
- December 7, 1935 ? - Sa___ [Sadie ?] Dague,
South Franklin Township, et. al. to Albert J. Allison, East Washington,
et al, [# acres ?], East Finley Township, $100.
December 27, 1935 - D. M. Anderson, master in
partition, to John Bryan, Monongahelia, a lot fronting [100 ?] feet,
Fifth street, Monongahelia. September 20, 1935 - Lillian
Crawford, et. con., Canton, Ohio, to Peoples Bank and Trust Company,
California, a lot fronting 50 feet, Pittsburgh street, West Brownsville,
[price not readable on Xerox copy].
[all caps] Has Rounded Out 14 Years As Detective
[all caps] - W. B. Dinsmore Is Also Prominent in Legion Affairs - Few of
the employees retiring from office yesterday had served longer in their
respective positions than William B. Dinsmore, of Washington, who
rounded out 14 years as Chief County Detective. He held the important
office under three District Attorneys, the late Judge Erwin Cummins, of
Houston; Judge Howard W. Hughes, Washington, and Attorney Warren _. B [Burchinal
??]. [rest is too blurred to read. Article is very long.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Tues., Jan. 17, 1936, p. 15: [excerpt only]
Mrs. Weygant's aunt and uncle... Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 20, 1936, p. 4:
David McClure visited Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Nixon of Thomas. Mrs. Nixon is a sister of Mr. McClure.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McClure of Amity were callers
Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Della Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Weygandt were guests Saturday
at the home of Mrs. Minnie Kammerer of Swissvale.
Mrs. Jennie Charlton, who has been seriously ill
the past three weeks of a heart ailment, is reported improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Weygandt and daughter Ella
Mae of the Hill Church vicinity visited here Sunday at the home of the
former's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Weygandt.
The local inn and gasoline station which has been operating[sic] for several years by Preston Hatfield, has been sold to
Samuel Bales, of East Maiden street, who will operate both inn and
service station.
The Missionary Society of Laboratory Church will
present a play entitled 'The D**strict Skule' which will be given in the
church Thursday and Friday nights, December 30 and 31. The scholars will
all be persons from Laboratory community. Proceeds will go to the Womans
Missionary Society. The first rehearsal will be held tonight at the home
of Mrs. James Frye. Those who are to take part are asked to be there at
The regular Wednesday evening prayer and Bible
study meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Viola Freeman at 7:30.
These cottage prayer meetings will be continued throughout the winter.
Harold Charlton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Charlton, of Laboratory, who has been ill at his home for several weeks
of an attack of appendicitis, is gradually improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMurray were guests Thursday
evening of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns, of Gabby Heights.
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 22, 1936, p. 5:
Buffalo Grange Will Meet Friday Evening - Buffalo Grange
No. 1523 will meet Friday night, January 24, at [8 ?] o'clock, in the
Cleland school, with the new officers in charge.
The program, on the theme 'Know Your Own Grange,'
Introduction, lecturer.
Hidden treasure contest and grand march.
Rollcall [sic], answering question, 'What Does the Grange Mean to Me?'
Music, orchestra.
Reading, Mrs. John Miller.
'The Origin of Our Subordinate Grange,' Mrs. John Flack.
'Things the Grange Should Do in 1936,' extemporaneous.
Music, orchestra.
The Grange ritual, officers of 1935.
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 22, 1936, p. 5:
Advertisements - [very blurred]
Carl A. Vance, 109 S. Main St. Phone 473 - Norwich Remedies
Valentine & Murray - Geo. Wash. Hotel, Phone 2298 - Rexall Remedies
Miller's Pharmacy - cannot read rest
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 28, 1936, p. 11, page unknown:
, AGENT. Real Estate and
Insurance. Room [248?]
Trust Bldg. Phone 17. [NOTE: This is probably one of the
West Middletown Lanes.]
Advertisement - Realtor, Fire Insurance - Wm Christian
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1936, page unknown: [citation only]
Mrs. Clara J. Lutes... Rev. _ R. Burson, pastor of the Beallsville
Presbyterian church...
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 31, 1936, p. 7:
Missionary Meeting - The Womans [sic] Missionary Society of
Central Presbyterian Church will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Walter P. McConkey, North Main street. Mrs. William Saxton, Mrs.
Clyde Rodgers and Mrs. McConkey will be in charge of the program.
[A column is cut off at the top. Caps added.]
[First item readable is about David McCLURE.]
Walter FOWLER, a member of the Headquarters Company of National
Guards, returned to his home here Saturday after having spent the past
week at McKees Rocks.
Mrs. Belle ROBERTS and Mrs. Mabel FRYE attended the funeral in
Washington Saturday afternoon of George MOWL, who died at his home in
Monesson Thursday of pneumonia and was buried in Washington Cemetery
Mrs. Earl ROSS and her father J. T. REYNOLDS were callers in
Waynesburg Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Frances KELLEY of Briar Hill spent the weekend at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. REYNOLDS.
Mrs. Lottie CREE of Amity was a guest Monday at the home of her
cousin, Mrs. Ethel SHIPE.
Mrs. Bernard NASER and children Norma Jean, Peggy Lou and
Junior and her brother Sammy SWART spent Sunday with Mrs. NASERS [sic]
aunt, Mrs. Merle MANON, of Van Buren.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. PAUL and Mrs. Harold PARL [?] and
children, Alice Laura and Junior, of Wilkinsburg, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. PAUL's father, John PAUL, and his sister, Mrs. Ethel SHIPE,
of Laboratory. The condition of Mr. PAUL who has been ill for several
months, remains unchanged. Other guests at the PAUL home Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. S. D. RIGGLE of Lone Pine and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn RIGGLE and
daughters Betty Mae and Dorothy of Centerville. Glenn RIGGLE is a
grandson of Mr. PAUL.
J. T. REYNOLDS of Laboratory and R. A. SAMPSON of Washington
were callers in Greene County Sunday at the home of N. E. EVANS, who has
been confined to his bed for some time due to illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn WEYGANDT and David McCLURE of Laboratory
were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry HIXON of
Thomas. Mr. HIXON, who has been ill for some time of a heart ailment, is
improving but is still confined to his home. Mrs. HIXON, who has been
ill, is improving.
[about the Laboratory dartball team - no names]
[about the play 'District Skule']
The regular monthly meeting of the Golden Link Class of
Laboratory Church will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. John C. TEYSSLER. The word for roll call will be 'Ressurection'
[sic]. A covered dish luncheon will be served.
[annual Laboratory church meeting - no names]
[Altruistic Class of the Third U. P. Church - no names]
Sunday morning new officers for the Laboratory Sunday School
were elected as follows: Superintendent, Dr. W. W. WEYGANDT; assistant
superintendents, Elmer CRUMRINE and R. J. CARLTON; secretary, Harold
CARLTON; assistant secretary, Edna Mae CRUMRINE; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary
POLEN; organist, Miss Virginia POLEN.
Glyde Missionary Meeting Wednesday - the Women's Foreign
Missionary Society of the M. E. Church of Glyde will meet Wednesday,
April 1, at the home of Mrs. Amy ROBERTS. Mrs. D. B. COOPER will be
leader of devotions. The program leader will be Mrs. Florence FORSYTHE.
Those who have quilt patches at home are asked to bring them to this
meeting. The usual covered dish dinner will be served. All members and
visitors will be made welcome.
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 8, 1936, p. 3:
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Weygandt were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, of Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. William Templeton, of Linden, spent Thursday
evening at the home of the latter's brother, David McClure and family.
Other guests at the McClure home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dawson,
of Finleyville.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Dague and children, Shirley Ann and
Charles Ann, of Van Buren, visited Sunday afternoon with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sanders spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Sanders' father Mr. Rutan, of Chambers Dam.
[Laboratory Dartball team.]
Miss Eva Mae Charlton was a weekend guest at the home of Miss
Martha Weirich, of Washington R. D. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rocco and daughter, Elsie, of Canonsburg,
were guests over the weekend at the home of Mrs. Rocco's brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bedillion.
Miss Nelle McElree, of Crafton, spent Sunday as a guest of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Weygandt.
Mrs. Opal McDonigal, of Bridgeport, Ohio, is visiting this week
at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell.
Mrs. Lee Finch, of Lagonda visited for a short time Monday with
her grandmother, Mrs. Lizzie Iams.
Mrs. Lee Dillinger, of Waynesburg, was a guest last week at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Dunn.
[Annual congregational meeting of Laboratory church.]
[Mid week prayer and Bible study.]
[Rest of column cut off on this Xerox copy.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 8, 1936, p. 3:
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Weygandt were recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, of Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. William Templeton, of Linden, spent Thursday evening
at the home of the latter's brother, David McClure and family. Other
guests at the McClure home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dawson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Dague and children, Shirley Ann and
Charles Ann, of Van Buren, visited Sunday afternoon with the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sanders spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Sanders' father Mr. Rutan, of Chambers Dam.
[Laboratory Dartball team.]
Miss Eva Mae Charlton was a weekend guest at the home of Miss
Martha Weirich, of Washington R. D. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rocco and daughter, Elsie, of Canonsburg, were
guests over the weekend at the home of Mrs. Rocco's brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bedillion.
Miss Nelle McElree, of Crafton, spent Sunday as a guest of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Weygandt.
Mrs. Opal McDonigal, of Bridgeport, Ohio, is visiting this week at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell.
Mrs. Lee Finch, of Lagonda visited for a short time Monday with
her grandmother, Mrs. Lizzie Iams.
Mrs. Lee Dillinger, of Waynesburg, was a guest last week at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Dunn.
[Annual congregational meeting of Laboratory church.]
[Mid week prayer and Bible study.]
[Rest of column cut off on this Xerox copy.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 8,
1936, p. 3:
[church services]
[Boy Scouts; Cub Scouts.]
The Golden Rule class held their regular meeting at the home of
Eleanor Baker last Friday afternoon. There were twenty members present
in addition to their two teachers, Mrs. Donald Ward and Mrs. Frank
Crompton, and a guest, Mrs. W. D. Reed. The girls made.... [rest cut off
on this Xerox].
[Rest of column cut off on this Xerox copy.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1936, p. 7:
HOME FROM FLORIDA - Mrs. D. M. Wesel, of the Smart Gown Shoppe, 60
North Main street, has returned from a three months' vacation at Miami
Beach, Florida.
HOME FROM FLORIDA - Dr. and Mrs. Max Hootman, East Maiden street,
returned yesterday from a three months' sojourn to St. Petersburg,
Services Auxiliary ___ Monday Night - [blurred; not quoted]
....Auxiliary of the Central Presbyterian Church will meet at the home
of Mrs. Charles Martin, 335 Locust avenue... joint hostess is Mrs.
Dorsey Petit.... this is first meeting of fiscal year.
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 14,
1936, p. 10:
Jurors - May 18
Earl Caldwell, farmer, Hanover
Charles Lutz, farmer, West Pike Run
Charles Hazlett, farmer, South Franklin
June 1 J. C. Zediker, farmer, North Strabane
W. H. Baker, farmer, Centerville
Henry Bane, laborer, East Bethlehem
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Apr. 15, 1936, p. 1:
Local Men Painfully Hurt in Hill Church Road Crash Last Night -
James Lane, of Penn street, and John Crouch, of Second street, were
painfully but not seriously injured last night when their automobile
collided with a truck on the Washington-Pittsburgh road north of the
Hill Church. Each was badly ___ and bruised but was able to return home
after being treated by a local physician.
They were en route to Pittsburgh to attend a DeMolay function when
the accident happened. Their automobile, owned by W. W. Crouch, was
badly damaged and the truck was also damaged considerably.
[Article about Falls creek and Brookville, Jefferson Co., Pa. concerning
the Works Progress Administration -WPA. Names in article: Dale Thompson,
Falls Creek; Herman ____ of Falls Creek; Josh McDonald of Reynoldsville
- all 3 jailed; Daniel Keller of Coal Springs was hurt.
Second Article from Johnstown, April 15 about relief workers
in Cambria Co. for the WPA. Name: Earl Mardis, labor organizer in
District 11.]
MONTHLY MEET [sic] OF SPORTSMEN - Wild Life Pictures Are Shown;
Many New Members Received - [excerpt about the Washington Sportsmens
Association - names mentioned were: Thomas Smith, of Langeloth,
president of the County League; Dr. G. W. Rinck, president of the
Association; Frank Comkpton, appointed chairman for junior sportsmen's
assoc.; Nevin Davis, named sec. and treasurer of the group.
Ad: Hear Carrie Marsh sing 'His Big Bass Viol.'. Eagles
Article about Henry H. Hood was cut off in Xeroxing. He was elected
Secretary-Treasurer at an Insurance Company. His father had the same
roles since 1915, the late H___ Hood.
Ads: [all are 3 lines long; names only copied here]
Newmark Shoe Store
H. D. Peterman, Optometrist
Ben Reynolds & Co. - musical and Electrical __
Reichart Furniture Co
J. Samolsky & Son Shoes and Men's Clothing
Sharp's Furniture
Samilson's - Women's Wearing Apparel
J. Luois Siegal - Shoes, Men's Wear
[There were more Ads, cut off in Xeroxing]
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Apr. 17, 1936, p. 8:
Wills Probated - The following wills have been
filed in the office of the Register of Wills and letters of
Administration issued:
Hannah M. Lane, late of Washington, who died March 7th leaving an
estate valued at $100. named a daughter Lula G. Davis and son-in-law,
Henry W. Davis of 143 Ruple avenue as beneficiaries.
Mrs. Talitha Matilda Miles, late of Washington, who died April 2 leaving
an estate valued at [$3,600 ?], named the following as beneficiaries;
blanche M. Hill, daughter, Benton, Ill.; Leslie B. Miles, son,
Clearwater, Fla.; Arthur E. Miles, son, 201 Franklin street, Washington;
Elfie M. Stroup, daughter, Red Barn, Tex.; Ralph Ribb, grandson, address
unknown; Ruby Gray, granddaughter, New York City; Ritta Ribb,
granddaughter, Texas; Hatta Riddle, sister, Saegertown; Ida Koontz
Murphy, granddaughter, 730 Beech street, Washington; Almina MacIlrie, no
relation, address unknown, and Hazel Gray Miles, daughter-in-law, Tampa,
Fla. Letters of administration were issued to Clyde S. Koontz.
Were Overcome by Gas Engine Fumes - Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler McClure,
near Thomas, were rescued from axphyxiation [sic] from gas engine fumes
because Mrs. McClure summoned neighbors by telephone when she found her
husband lying on the floor. They were washing and Mrs. McClure returned
from hanging out the clothes and found Mr. McClure on the floor. She
telephoned neighbors, who arrived at the house to find Mrs. McClure
sitting on the steps in an apparent stupor. Both were revived.
Two Alledged Numbers Runners Are Arrested [copy blurred, excerpt
only] - Libero Venanzi, Monongahela and Arthur Gordon, Washington,
arrested. Constable Clark Miller; Constable Walter _____. Ulderman
William Knox.
Widow Awarded $800 For Breach of Promise - Beaver, April 17 - A
jury awarded Mrs. Mila Suzich, Freedom, $800 yesterday in her heart balm
suit against Eli Belich, 50, also of Freedom. She sued for
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., May 18, 1936, p. 11:
Marianna School Visits County Seat Points of Interest - Forty
students from the sixth-seventh and eighth grades of the Marianna
schools visited Washington Saturday and spent a full day sightseeing. During the morning they visited the Modern Tygart Valley Glass
Plant. They also visited the jail, fire department and completed the
day's outing by seeing how a newspaper is printed. They were shown the
various departments of The Reporter and followed the process of getting
out a paper from the beginning to the time the paper went to press. The
mats and the plates they had seen made in the composing and sterotyping
[sic] rooms were followed to the press room where they saw the complete
paper coming from the big press. The students were accompanied by their
Members of the party follow: Luvenia Allen, Anna Bagrich, Joseph Bagrich, Doreen Bell, Loretta Boyd, Dorothy
Caylor, Nora Crockett, Betty
Cromwell, Gertrude Davis, Janet Dennis, Helen Doty, Mary Ferguson, John
Fetsko, Pauline Fetsko, Gordon Hammond, Emma [Jesses ?], Anna Koss,
Virginia Lauderback, Helen Matula, John McCarty, Richard Miller, Ada
Morris, Ethel Muransky, [Elljah -sic] Nichols, Francis O'Rourke, John
Pollack, Stephen Pryor, William Reneovich, Mary Roth, Margaret Sabol,
Charles Smith, Kathleen Smith, Mary Stogran, Benny Tambourine, Mickey
Temonoff, Mary [Tonn_e ?], Grace Williams, Frances Wolfe and William
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., May 20, 1936, p. 11: [top of column cut off]-
[first item cut off] ....entertained in their home here Sunday Mr.
Creighton's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Morton and daughters,
Jennie and Dorothy, of Eighty-Four.
Mrs. Belle Roberts visited Sunday evening
with friends in Elm Grove, W. Va.
M. and Mrs. Robert Weygandt will leave
today for their home in Tucson, Ariz., after having spent the past week
visiting here at the home of the forme's father and sister, John
Weygandt and Mrs. James Frye.
Miss Lucile Blake is spending several
days at the home of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ward and daughter,
Eleanor, of Martins Ferry, Ohio.
Mrs. Nevada C. Christman was a guest
Saturday afternoon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Anna Swaney, of
Wheeler McClure, of Thomas, spent Sunday
here at the home of his brother, David McClure.
Mrs. Anna Rush is visiting for several
days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Donald Lewis and Mrs. Sowers, of
Lone Pine.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Knott of Pittsburgh,
were guests Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Weygandt.
Mr. Knott is a nephew of Mr. Weygandt. Other guests at the Weygandt home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dague and small granddaughter, of
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Conner and daughters
Eva [Dale ?] and Roxie Lee of Lone Pine visited Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMurray.
Fred Fowler is spending several days at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Stewart A. Dague, of Van Buren. Mr. and
Mrs. Harper Manon of Van Buren visited Sunday at the home of their
son-in-law, Clarence Conkle, who is recovering from pneumonia at the
home of his mother in Laboratory.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna attended the
funeral Monday of Mrs. Clarence Craig, of Claysville.
Miss Hilda Washabaugh, a graduate nurse,
was called Saturday to Waynesburg by the serious illness of Mrs. Garard.
Mrs. William Templeton, of Linden visited
Saturday evening at the home of Miss Mary E. Pittman. Mrs. Garnet
McKahan, of Washington, spent Sunday with her sister, Miss Pittman.
The Womans [sic] Home Missionary Society
at Laboratory Church will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Hallam of Acts of the Apostles. [sic; but, it appears the words Acts of the Apostles was meant to be in the next item which
is a notice of the regular midweek Bible study and prayer meeting in the church, not identified. This notice also ends with
The subject will be 'The Acts of the Apostles'.] [item about a
church's, not identified which one, prayer and Bible Study meeting. Item
not typed here; contains no names.]
Mrs. John Edgar returned to her home in
Pittsburgh Monday after having spent several days here at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Lizzie Iams.
[Rest of Xerox copy too blurred and faded to read.]