History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1921
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1921, p. 8:
Captures Large Blue Heron - Cokeburg, Dec. 14. - Lindsey
Owens of this place, recently caught a blue heron in a trap. The bird
measured six and one-half feet from tip to tip and stood five and
one-half feet high. It was a fine specimen, but not so large as one
caught by Mr. Owens last year.
Labor's Actions Pleasing - Judge J. A. McIlvaine yesterday
afternoon, through Publicity Agent William Clark Black, of the central
Labor Union, extends his appreciation of the resolution passed at the
meeting of that body last Sunday afternoon, extending to him their
congratulations and best wishes upon his retiring from the bench. Judge
McIlvaine is much gratified at the action of the Central Labor
Ad - [cut off this Xerox] G. W. P. Jones - piano sale and
victrola, lamps... [very large ad]
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Dec. 24, 1921, p. 7:
"This Real Optimist - New York, Dec. 24 - The wife, son and
daughter of Lieut. Stephen A. Farrell, aviator lost in the naval balloon
which disappeared December 13, are so optimistic of his safe return that
they have prepared the usual Christmas tree in their home here."
"EIGHTH WARD - Miss Mary Kuaselman, of Fayette street, left
Wednesday morning for Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where she will spend
her Christmas vacation with her sister, Mrs. Harvey C. Baldwin. Mrs.
Kuaselman on her return will visit friends in Buffalo, N. Y.
James Crawford, Sr., of Fayette street is confined at his home ill of
[rest cut off of copy]."
"Schools Have Done Well In Sales of The Christmas Seals -
The report of the sale of Christmas seals in the Washington borough
schools, with a comparison with last year's sales is as follows: [Note
by typist- figures for 1920 and 1921 are left out from this typing.
School names only are typed here.] Seventh ward, Third w., First w.,
Eighth w., Fifth w., Sixth w., High school, Clark school, Miss Caldwell
[school], Seminary [Washington Female Seminary], Central Office...
School total [numbers left out here] Citizen's library...Mrs. Honesty...
Total amount..... [rest not typed]."