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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1909
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Mon., Nov. 22, 1909, Whole Number 6283, first page:
[from Banner section] Weather: Rain and colder
[newspaper] $3.00 per year
Article from The Observer newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Mon., Nov. 22, 1909, Whole Number 6283, first page:
[all caps] Farmer and State Police Have Battle [all caps] - Well
Known Resident of Amwell Township Puts Up Hot Fight When Two Officers
Attempt to Hale [sic] Him Before Justice of the Peace - [all caps]
Shotgun and Hunter Origin of Trouble [all caps] -
Further developments are expected as the result of a battle royal
which followed the arrest of Robert Wolf, a well known resident of
Amwell township, by the state police. It is said that both the officers
and Mr. Wolf were considerably used up in the affray.
It seems the trouble had its origin several weeks ago when it is
alleged Wolf with a shotgun in hand chased Brice Pitcock who was hunting
on the Gardner farm. Pitcock, after being compelled to leave the
promising game preserve, swore out a warrant before Justice of the Peace
J. A. Seaman charging Wolf with surety of the peace.
It is stated that the warrant was served on Wolf, who said he
would be on hand for a hearing. He failed to appear, however, and on
Friday the warrant was placed in the hands of Officers Bell and Barr, of
the state police [sic no caps], who went to the farm occupied by Robert
Wolf and his brother Jacob, to serve the paper.
The officers claim Wolf, armed with a husking peg and a corn
cutter met them at the gate, and instead of going to the justice's
office peaceably [no comma] prepared to give battle. The struggle which
followed was short but gory.
The officers finally succeeded in handcuffing Wolf and had dragged
him about one-fourth of a mile along the road when his brother Jacob
appeared on the scene and persuaded them to release their prisoner on
condition that the brother go at once to the justice office and place a
*** felt for a hearing on he [sic] surety of the peace charge.
The hearing was held before Justice Seaman Saturday evening and
Wolf, whose interests were looked after by Attorney Samuel Amapoker [?],
was bound over for the next term of court. He furnished the necessary