History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1900
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Tues., Oct. 13, 1900, p. 7:
"South Strabane - South Strabane, Oct. [12 ?] - Cy Dinsmore,
who has been ill with rheumatism, is convalescent.
J. G. Dinsmore
has finished balling straw on the Highland farm.
The Mt. Pleasant
Sabbath school has been re-organized for the winter. J. G.
Dinsmore is superintendent, Miss belle Hallam, secretary, and Miss Kate
Hallam, treasurer.
Daniel Myers and
Frank Hootman are Washington visitors. They expect to locate there in
the near future.
Mrs. Carrie
Swickard, of Laboratory, spent Thursday, with Strabane friends.
John Herron, and
Mrs. Robert Herron were visiting friends of Dunningsville yesterday.
The Italian who
camped on the Myers farm, have moved to Daniel's Run. They are laying a
pipe line from the Eli Ross farm to Zollarsville.
The apple crop is
very small. Cryrus [Dinsmore] of Highland, say it is almost [too blurred
to read].
Mrs. Robert
Giffin returned yesterday from a visit to her father in East Finley
[? ___] Hootman
was a Washington visitors [1 word unreadable].
Advertisements [not typed in full]
The Alfred E. Meyer Co. Rooms37-39 Vandergrift Building, [5__] Fourth
Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. [possibly re: the stock exchange ?] with a
branch office at 36 Twelfth St. Wheeling, W. Va. and a "Washington
Pa. Correspondent, G. M. Davis & Co. Rooms 37 and 38 Levine Building
Telephone 390".
"B. C. Lindley, Auctioneer. ten years' experienced. Terms
reasonable. Call or address [22 ?] West Wheeling Street. Office of Ed.
R. Smith, Jr."
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Tues., Oct. 24, 1900, p. 6:
"SOUTH STRABANE - South Strabane, Oct. 23 -
Miss Lizzie Kammerer, of R. D. No. 6, was a Washington
visitor yesterday.
L. C. Roberts, wife and son spent Sabbath day with Mrs. Roberts'
brother, W. A. Hootman, Strabane.
Dr. Max Hootman, Washington, spent Sabbath day with his parents at
J. C. Dinsmore was a Strabane visitor yesterday.
Robert Giffin is having gas put in his house. Mrs. Robert Herron
returned yesterday from a visit to her mother in Allegheny.
[Clell ?] Kammerer is visiting relatives in this vicinity."
"Uncle Tom's Cabin - On Thursday, Oct. 25, Al. W. Martin will
present his mammath production of the immortal American drama, 'Uncle
Tom's cabin,' at the Lyric theater. In this company are 60 people,
including three magnificently equipped brass bands. Grand street parade
at noon."
Advertisement -
Sunderland & Foley, [31 ?] E. Wheeling St. [plumbers and gas
Bumgarner - near Duncan Glass Works
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Oct. 25, 1900, p. 5:
"[caps] Why He Quit Drinking [caps] - Three Times the Cup was
Dashed From His Hand - More than two years ago Jimmy Eckels, of near
Lock No. 4, was drinking with some friends in a neighbor's house. As he
was in the act of picking up a glass slipped from his hand and smashed
to pieces on the floor. Laughingly he asked for another, and was
reaching for it when a little child threw a china doll, and accidentally
broke the second glass. The young man's face wore a serious expression
now, yet he tried to make light of it, and, saying he would be sure of
the next one, he stood up and poured out a drink in a cup that stood on
the table. Still standing, he picked up the cup with both hands, and was
just placing it to his lips when a violent fit of coughing seized him
and he let the cup fall. By this time he was sober enough, and when
asked to try again he flatly refused. He has never tasted liquor since.
- Roscoe Ledger."
"[caps] Waynesburg's Resources [caps] - [Pine ?] Stone and Timber,
With Cheap Gas and Coal - A. S. Boyd, a McKeesport contractor, was in
Waynesburg on Tuesday trying to employ carpenters. Mr. Boyd had never
visited our town before and like nearly every other stranger who comes
here he was favorably impressed with it. He commented on the beauty of
Waynesburg and the attractive homes and business buildings and was
greatly surprised to find we had such fine building stone here. He says
that Indiana blue stone is used for building purposes for some extent in
McKeesport but that the Waynesburg blue stone far surpasses it in
beauty. Waynesburg's resources are not equaled anywhere - the cheapest
fuel in the world, both gas and coal, the finest building material to be
found in the country, both stone and timber. - Republican."
Advertisement -
For "Chase and Sanborn's Teas and Coffees" - Geo. W. Driver,
Sole Agent.
[This article is in quotes in the newspaper.] [caps]
"May Be Called To Pittsburg [sic; caps] - Rev. R. E. McClure,
Blairsville, Favorably Considered. -
"Two of the calls issued during the month by United Presbyterian
churches of Pittsburg [sic] have been accepted and formal notices sent
to the inviting sessions. One other call from a church close to the city
has been accepted. "The call from the Fourth church, East End, to
Rev. H. H. Marlin, of the Eleventh church, West End, has been answered
affirmatively by Mr. Marlin, who will assume his duties within a few
days. His predecessor at the Fourth, [sic, comma] church was Rev. John
Gaily. The Eleventh church has begun its search for a successor to Mr.
Marlin and several men have either preached in the church, or have been
heard by the committee in charge of the matter. It is expected that a
call will be expected to Rev. R. E. McClure, now pastor of the church at
Blairville." [end quotes from the newspaper, quoting from the
Gazette.] - Gazette.
"Rev. R. E.
McClure was graduated at W. & J. college with the class of '88, and
is a native of West Middletown. He has many friends throughout the
county who will gladly note his advancement."
[Top of article cut off during Xeroxing] Article is about changes in the
railroad train schedule. Names in the part that can be read are:
Division Passenger Agent E. D. Smith of the Baltimore and Ohio RR
General Passenger Agent C. W. Bassett of the Pittsburg and Western RR
General Superintendent D. F. Maroney
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Nov. 3, 1900, p. 1:
“PROGRAM FOR NOVEMBER 17. Representative Men to Speak
at Court House Dedication. Arrangements are nearly completed for the
exercises in connection with the dedication of Washington county’s
handsome new court house, on the afternoon of Saturday, November 17. At
a meeting of the committee to whom are entrusted these arrangements,
held at the commissioners’ office Saturday forenoon, it was reported
that the architect had given assurance that the building would be all
ready at the time stated. The formal address of dedication will be made
by Judge Buffington, of Pittsburg*, of the U. S. District court of
Western Pennsylvania. The Hon. J. Murray Clark, of Canonsburg, an
ex-commissioner, will speak for the commissioners, and Judge Taylor will
make an address, he representing the court. Alexander Wilson, Esq., will
*peak for the bar and the county officers, other than the commissioners.
The people at large will be represented on this important occasion by
two of the county’s representative citizens, J. Wiley Day, of Morris
township, and D. S. Fulton, of Hanover township. By that date the court
house offices will be occupied and on the succeeding week a regular term
of quarter sessions court will be convened. The program and invitation
committee will push their work now, and the committee on assignment of
rooms in the new building to different purposes on the date named is
busy at that work.”
* letters omitted or as spelled in original