History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Surname Mixes Articles by Year
Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1889 Page One
Article from The Reporter,
newspaper, Washington Co.,
, Mon., Mar. 18, 1889, page unknown:
[top of article cut off this Xerox copy]
Sheriff Lockhart sold the personal property of R. E.
Wilson, in Franlklin township, on Saturday.
Four head of horses were sold, the prices ranging from $5 to $50.
A wagon brought $10 and some harness $25.
[George B. Mitchell - obituary - see Obit page]
[People's Building and Loan Association item.]
Today (Monday) is the last day for filing applications for
liquor license.The
following persons have filedapplications
with Clerk of Courts [Mr.] Allen: Jessie M. Boyd, of Allen township,
distiller; Joseph Kammerer & Son, of
township, distiller; Joseph Harrison, of Carroll, distiller; Wm. S.
Markell, of Carroll, distiller.The
hearing before Judge McIlvaine will take place on Thursday, April
[Additional Glances on page 3.]
Advertisements -
A. B. Caldwell - New Carpets [text
not typed]
Tully's GAR Entertainments - In
the opera house, Monday and Tuesday evenings.
See Advertisement.
Yellow and White Onion Sets! -
A. T. Baird & Co.
Lost - On Sunday, [all caps]
twenty dollars [all caps], between
Jefferson street
and M. E. church on Beau.A
suitable reward will be paid on leaving it at the [caps] Reporter [caps]
For Rent - [All caps] Two
Furnished Rooms on
West Chestnut street
- will be rented singly or together to good parties.
Inquire of [all caps] JNO. B. WEIR [all caps].
- [all caps] White Leghorn Eggs [all caps]: __ per setting of thirteen
eggs.Also a few White
Leghorn [caps] Chickens [caps], male and female. - [all caps] D. D.
Porter [all caps].
Lost - During the fire, Monday
morning a black [all caps] Morocco Pocketbook [all caps], containing a
sum of money and valuable papers.A
suitable reward will be paid for its return to [all caps] W. J. Jamison.
Strayed - Two Bay Horses strayed
from the premesis [sic] of Louis Hundertmark.
The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning them or sending
word to - Mr. Hundertmark.
Lost - [Spy Glass ... no
names... not typed].
[Rest of column cut off on this Xerox
[Advertisement] - The Messenger between
is W.
W. Titzell
[all caps].Orders left at
J. M. Sprigg's grocery store, Vowell's drug store, or McKay & Co.'s
News Depot, before 9 o'clock each morning, will be attended to the same
Oil Men!
Don't be deceived by wordy dealers who attempt to sell you
imitation Overalls or Pants which are not made by Sweet, Orr & Co.
.... [can't read rest of ad on this Xerox copy].
Article from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co.,
, Mon., Mar. 18, 1889, page unknown:
List of Letters Remaining in the
Post Office at
on Monday, March 18, 1889: [The font used in the newspaper for this list
is very small, so it is very difficult to read.
The names are not alphabetized and there are only commas between
the names in a very long column/paragraph. My apologies for any
mistakes made by this typist.]
Curtis McCracken,
Samuel Cowley,
S. M. McClure,
Spencer Vanatee,
E. B. Botsford,
[Thos. ?] Thayer,
Isaac Wetzel,
Frank Castel,
Dr. E. J. Meachum,
H. G. Rugen,
Nathan Heilman,
Jas. Anderson,
G. O. Davis,
Joseph Fulmer, Esq., John M. Gresham,
Lewis Smith,
J. Scott Thompson,
Lawrence Hering, L. M. [Prigg ?],
John Pickle,
J. S. Penrod (# 2 I think- can't read),
J. H. Slagle,
J. _. Conway,
John F. Clark,
N. C. Crawford,
Lee B. Webb,
J. W. Weir,
John Zimmerman,
Harvey Miller,
Henry V. Brown,
H. W. [Car*** ?Carnes?],
George Creig,
James P. Mull,
L. B. Dickey,
Ed. Nabor,
Frank Jacobs, Nealson Bane,
G. W. [? Lesle ? ],
Hugh McGillas,
H. F. McGillis (2),
J. H. McBride,
George H. Butler,
George W. Adams,
Mayme T. Tuigg,
John Howard,
Dr. John Cr**swell,
M. Kirley,
J. R. [Boyer ? or Royer ?],
M. J. Davis (2),
Max Deitch,
M. Frankel,
R. H. Richardson,
Frank McCracken (2),
Eug**ne [Eugeine ?] McNary,
E. H. Rice,
E. W. Day,
E. K.,Machlin,
[Sy*burn ?Sylburn?] Suppler,
Robert Flint,
John R. Taylor,
L. K. Shatabarger,
E. M. G. Crawford,
Sam McCammy,
Elmer Gamble,
Eli Day,
Tommie Long,
Allen D. Albert,
W. M. Wilder,
George Emerick,
A. Bebout,
Bazel Milton,
Alfred Stewart,
[Lantel ? ] Boon,
B. Frank Waterman,
Wm. H. Penn,
Wm. A. Tares,
A. Belsmeyer,
C. P. Floyd,
Walter Pierce,
William Buter,
Chas [Hea** ?Heats ?],
Chas. Meyers,
D. B. McCloskey,
Rev. S. H. **liard,
Chas Synder,
Chas. Ray,
C. S. Pitts,
C. W. Qenner [q not o],
Carlos B. Swift,
Henry Bicked.
Mrs. Eveline Frazier,
Mrs. Cynthia Blake,
Mrs. Fannie Arnold,
Mrs. Dan McCarty,
Mrs. Clara McCartney,
Mrs. Della Morton,
Mrs. W. G. Rice,
Mrs. Caroline Ellsworth,
Mrs. Tillie Le [Lemos ?],
Mrs. Annie Fishter,
Mrs. Sarah A. Wheeler,
Mrs. R. D. [Dunis ?],
Mrs. Rebeca [sic] Tobyas,
Mrs. E. J. Watson,
Mrs. E. Mooney,
Mrs. Jos. Bradley,
Mrs. Mary Henderson,
Mrs. Margaret D. Brown,
Mrs. Maggie Bane,
Mrs. Mary [Cain ?](2),
Mrs. John Harsha,
Mrs. Gennie Lovis,
Mrs. Lizzie [Heoccle ?],
Mrs. Lydie Ramsey,
Mrs. J. O. Crawford,
Mrs. Mattie Slusher,
Mrs. Nettie St. Clair,
Mrs. Mary J. Shafer [or Shater ?],
Mrs. Anna O. Evans,
Misses Ella Lyons,
Jennie Patterson,
Maud Scott,
Dora Pine,
Annie Greer,
Annie Powell,
Fannie Edgerton,
Ella Elexander,
Ella King,
Ella Murray,
Etta McKinley,
Emma Hamilton,
Mary Whitehill,
M. J. Emery,
May Decuest,
Ina Alysworth,
Minnie Adams,
Maggie Chambers,
Lizzie Garland,
Maggie R. Thompson,
Kate Malone,
Laura E. Scott,
Lottie Smith,
Mary F. Matthews,
[Milda ?] McHallen,
Jennie Craig. |
In calling for the above please ask for advertised
letter and give date of advertisement. - James Brady, Postmaster. |