History of and Other Families (o_f) from
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Submitted by Judith A. Florian, webmaster
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1879 Page 1
Article from The Reporter, newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 6, 1879, page unknown:
Beallsville Items - For the Reporter - January 4th, 1879 -
The following are the officers at McGarr's Literary Society:
President, W. F. Nicholson, Vice President, W. H. Young; Secretary, Miss
Josie McGarr; Recording Secretary, Miss Josie Weaver; Treasurer, Geo. W.
There is a young man here from near Pittsburgh, who had his feet
frozen so badly on Thursday, that it is thought they will have to be
taken off.
Rev. H. Winnett, formerly of this place, is visiting in this
Capt. Horn was in our 'city' last Friday, talking [italics]
Reporter [italics] to his friends.
The mercury stood at 17 degrees below zero yesterday, and this
morning at 8 o'clock, 6 degrees below.
Mr. Peter Hickman is making out a list of all the old veterans in
this place.
They have taken the young man whose feet were frozen, to his home,
since writing the above.
Someone took a valuable 'nuby' from the New Year tree at Clover
Hill. They are going to give him some trouble about it. - Frank
Advertisement - An elegant assortment of ladies cloaks, handsomely
trimmed and best fitting, just received at J. W. Lockhart's.
Ad - for B. and C. Hayes
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 13, 1879, page unknown:
Estate of Alexander Scott, deceased, late of
Monongahela City. Letters of Administration having been granted
the undersigned notice is herby given to those indebted thereto to make
immediate payment, and to those having claims or demands to present them
for settlement. - JAS. [S. ?] [BOYER ?], Administrator. 1-8-6*
Notice - Notice is herby given that Joshua W. Denman,
Assignees of S. J. Wilson, has filed his account in the Court of Common
Pleas of Washington county, Pa., and that the same will be allowed and
confirmed on Monday, January 27th, 1879, at two o'clock P. M., if no
sufficient cause be shown to the contrary. - J. P. MILLER, Prothonotary.
- Jan'y 1st, 1879 - 4t.
Estate of Thomas Wilson, deceased,
late of Somerset township.
Letters of Administration having been granted the undersigned
notice is herby given to those indebted thereto to make immediate
payment, and to those having claims or demands to present them for
settlement. - THOMAS F. ALLEN, JOHN MESSENGER, Administrator. 12-[18
Estate of Ruth Parsons, deceased, late of East Pike Run township.
Letters of Administration having been granted the undersigned
notice is herby given to those indebted thereto to make immediate
payment, and to those having claims or demands to present them for
settlement. - J. B. GRAVES, Administrator. 12-[1*?]-6t East Bethlehem P.
Estate of John P. Smith, deceased, late of Allegheny county, Pa. Letters of Administration having been granted by the Register of
Allegheny county, Pa., to the undersigned, all persons having claims
against the same will present them, and persons indebted to the estate
will please make payments at once to - MRS. SINA E. SMITH, H. W. SMITH,
Executors, 137 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 12-[1*?]-7t.
[Rest of this column cut off on this Xerox.]
Advertisements [Ads have surnames in them, but articles are
cut off. Some names I can read are below.]
Winters and Vowel_[rest cut off] - drug store for sale
Teachers [sic] Insitute will be held at Centerville on Friday
Evening, January [17 ?]... [surnames] Professors ___ [Beard ? or Heard
?], Teal, McCollum, Hertsog...
M. K. Salsbury, Sec. and Treasurer - notice to stockholders of
Pittsburgh Southern Railroad, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Article from The Reporter, newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Jan. 30, 1879, page unknown: (excerpt)
Annual Statement of the Receipts and
Expenditures of Washington County, Pa. for the Year Ending 1878
[blurry and parts cut off]
__ McCracken?
Joseph Liston
____ Truesdell
__ S. Snee
Books -
hard to read names, last name listed is ___ G. Johnston & Co.
___ L. Hawkins, Co. Treasurer Bridges - long list,
blurred [sub title cut off] - and the list begins in previous column,
money column blurred
William Markell
Florilla?? Davidson
John Reps
Thos. Caldwell
Jacob Baker
Chas. Rankin
Cynthia [Lane?? or maybe Long??]
James ___
Chas. West
Jas. Gorden ? or Golden? Jr.
J. and Sarah Andrews
Rudolph Eckstein
Samuel Tobias
Charles G___h
Benj. Thornburg
John Tannehill
Julia Beckworth
Hestes Kerney |
[Some headings skipped if they had no names.]
H_per & Kammerer
L. M. Marsh
Geo. W. Corntree??
In the case of Wm. Floyd Iams???? and others.
A. F. Hartford, repairs
Boyd Crumrine, Librarian
Wm. C. Wiley
Boyd Zediker $13.97
Joe Baker $2.00
J. M. Day $117.31
[They were witnesses and were paid for appearing.]
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1879, page unknown:
Sheriff Works Deputies Putting Down Rioters
From Beallsville -
Corbly Baker
James Baker
Geo. W. Baker
Article from the The Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1879, page unknown:
Sheriff Works' Deputies Putting Down Rioters From
Beallsville - [not a complete list of names; Xerox cut off] -
Cap. A. L.
Hawkins, Ulery Hawkins, Oscar Hawkins
NOTE: Mr. Works was the Sheriff for a time.
Article from the The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1879, page unknown:
Beallsville - Oct. 16th?, 1879 -
-Mrs. Hughes performed on her stilts last night they were 6
feet high. She did some nice jig dancing in them. [sic, no
punctuation used]
- Jim Clark, of Bentleyville stole a pig from Lee McGiffin
Tuesday night. Lee hunted the pig up and sent Clark up.
[e.g. to prison]
- Mrs. Jennie Elwood, of Pike Run, while attending James
Baker's funeral yesterday, was severely injured. The seat she
was sitting on tilted out behind the wagon, throwing her out backwards
on her head and knocking her senseless for some time.
- Zack Robison is going to move back from Kansas November 1st.
-Ex-county surveyor, Allen White and family were visiting
friends here last week.-
[from] Frank Elwood? [correspondent]