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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Miscellaneous Newspaper Articles of 1878 Page 3
Articles from The Daily Evening Reporter
newspaper, Washington County, Pa., Tues., Sept. 10, 1878, possibly front
PITTSBURGH SOUTHERN RAILROAD - There was a meeting on Monday in
the office on Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, of the stockholders of the
Pittsburgh Southern Railroad for the election of officers. Messrs. T. M.
Walker, J. H. Miller and A. C. Hays were appointed judges. The election
resulted in the selection of the following officers: President, Geo. P.
Hays, of Washington, Pa.; Directors, Joshua Wright, J. P. Miller, John
W. Bayer, A. McMurray, Joseph Kammerer, Wm. Espy, Thomas McClelland, V.
Harding, J. P. Donnelly, W. Frye and Wm. Thompson. There was a tie vote
between Joshua Reamer and Joseph H. Phillips; which will leave a vacancy
to be filled by the Board.
excerpt- Sheriff of Beaver County... prisoner escaped from
jail...prisoner Charles Higby ...charged with murder of 2 men...
Articles from The Daily Evening Reporter newspaper, Washington County,
Pa., Tues., Sept. 10, 1878, possibly front page: Beallsville Items - For the Reporter, Sept. 9, 1878.
Jas. Tombaugh and Marian Hilderbrand, of Odell, went to Illinois
last Monday.
Sargent W. J. Scott and Frank Yohe were in our place last week.
J. W. Stephens, of Bentleysville [sic] has contracted to erect the
bridge on the N. G. between Kammerer's and the above place.
Mrs. Sarah Byers, of Hillsboro, died last Friday, aged 83 years.
The apple crop of Jas. Jones, of near Centerville, is estimated at
one thousand bushels.
A child of Nathan Crouch, near Finleyville, died Sunday morning
and was buried in this place Sunday evening.
There is going to be a reading room started in this place.
The California State Normal School opens Sept. 16th.
William Blair, near Perriopolis, Fayette county, was terribly
mangled last Saturday, by being caught by the tumbling shaft on a
threshing machine. - Frank Ellwood.
gives this as the situation: A meeting of the Democratic County
Committee was held here this afternoon. It was called by the few
adherents Morgan R. Wise has in this county, for the purpose of
ratifying his nomination for Congress. Col. T. B. Seabright was working
the thing up, and in the forenoon confidently announced that everything
was arranged, and that Wise would be endorsed without difficulty. [other
names are given in this article but these were cut off].