History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Surnames from Newspapers
If a name or names are only mentioned, please go back and
read the introduction page for explanation.
This page has mixed newspaper items for the surname
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Wednesday, June 11, 1873, page one:
Candidates - for Sheriff - D. F. ROSS, Washington [not a complete
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Sept.
16, 1878, page unknown:
Estate of Joseph Henderson: Samuel Ross, administrator
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., September 21, 1878, page one: [Not
a complete article]
Jury List - ROSS, James M., farmer, Peters Twp.
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1879, page unknown: "Sheriff
WORKS Deputies Putting Down Rioters From Beallsville" [article
not copied, only 1 name copied]
- J. W. Ross (NOTE: WORKS is
the surname.)
Article from The Weekly Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July 13, 1887, page unknown:
To Samuel Ross, Rankintown, on July 8th, a daughter.
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Monday, March 18, 1889, page one: "West
End Improvements - The following persons have dwellings in various stages
of completion in West End - .... Mrs. Joseph ROSS [Not a complete
Article from The Daily Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Monday, March 18, 1889, page one:
William Ross Sr., who had a stroke of paralysis some weeks ago, is
still in a critical condition.
Byers G. ROSS will engineer on the saw mill of Murry WILSON the
coming summer.
Professor HOGE gave one of his magic lantern entertainments at
the Pleasant Grove school house on Tuesday evening, March 12.
An album was awarded to Miss Emma ENGLAND. Abe ASHBROOK was
the only candidate for the ring and therefore got it. Smith
MITCHELL captured the jewsharp and Grant ROSS was the lucky
candidate for the cane.
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., April 9, 1890, page unknown:
"South Strabane Items - Correspondence of the Reporter, April
8th - Thos. Ross is lying very ill with pneumonia at his home
in Strabane." Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1881, page unknown:
Killed - On Tuesday, David Ross.... [text not copied]
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Saturday, Mar. 26, 1881, page unknown:
An Old Document - Thomas Greer, of this borough*, has a
lease dated May 10th, 1763, conveying a tract of land, on the south
branch of the Potomac from John ROSS to Thomas LAWSON,
"yielding and paying therefore the rent of one pepper-corn on
Lady-day next." He had previously paid "five
shillings current money of Virginia." A pepper-corn is
the berry of the fruit of the pepper plant. Lady-day--the day
of the annunciation of the Virgin Mary, March 25th.
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Friday, Apr. 1st, 1881, page unknown: [not
complete article]
The Twelfth Cremation - Col. I. N. Ross.... George F. ROSS
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 12, 1881, page unknown:
B. F. ROSS and Lee ROSS from Greene County, left on the 12th
instant for Silverton, Colorado, where they intend locating.
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., May 18, 1881, page unknown: [not complete
Shot in the Face -- ...who lives on the ROSS farm, near