History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Surnames from Newspapers
If a name or names are only mentioned, please go back and
read the introduction page for explanation.
This page has mixed newspaper items for the surname
*If you connect to the Baker family of Frederick Co., MD who moved by
1810 to Washington Co., PA, please contact the webmaster. I need help
connecting my Bakers into the correct line.
Article from The Reporter
newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1820, page unknown:
"List of Letters Remaining at the Post Office at West Middletown on
Dec. 31, 1819 - [not a complete list] - Joseph Lan* [Lane ?]
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., __date?____,
page unknown:
"Local Affairs - The Rumor on the streets this ____ that James A.
Lane assessor ____ ward had been killed by a ___ B. & O. railroad is
without _____." [probably says without merit]
Article from The Washington Pa. Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington
Co., Pa., Sept. 20, 1876, page unknown: Ad - Lane and Fetherlin -
Realtors, Insurers
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July. 23,
1891, page unknown:
"Around Canonsburg - Constable Lane of Washington was in town
yesterday on business."
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan.
18, 1929, p. 19:
"J. M. Lane Real Estate & Ins. - 144 Washington Trust Building
Phone 12."
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 17,
1936, p. 5:
"April 11, 1936 - Wilmer Lane, Canonsburg, executor of the will of
Lizzie Frances Lane, late of North Strabane township to Henderson H. Horr,
et ux, same place, a lot fronting 117.58 feet on State Highway Route 108,
North Strabane township."
Horn Papers, Vol. III by W. F. Horn
John Lane, Buffalo Twp. # 55 - 2 sections of land
John Lane, Blaine Twp., # 54
None of these are related to the descendants of Rev. Daniel Lane,
to my knowledge.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., June 20, 1893,
page unknown:
"J. T. Lane, traveling passenger agent for the B. & O.
railroad, was a Washington visitor Monday morning."
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July 22, 1891,
page unknown:
"J. T. Lane, traveling agent for the B. & O., was in town
Tuesday evening."
Article from The Daily Evening Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa.,
Sept. 14, 1887, page unknown:
"West Middletown - Will Lane returned from a two weeks' visit
among friends in the vicinity of Bentleyville Tuesday. He expects to
return to Pittsburgh in a few days."
[NOTE: Is Will related to descendants of Rev. Daniel Lane branch.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1878,
page unknown:
Division of Washington - Registry Assessor - James Lane [not ours]
"The Fourth Ward will be that part of town south of Beau street and
east of Main. The election will be held at the residence of Mrs. Lane,
East Wheeling street."
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1929,
p. 19: Advertisement - J. M. Lane Real Estate & Ins. 144
Washington Trust Building Phone 12
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., July 23, 1891,
page unknown:
"Around Canonsburg - Constable Lane of Washington was in town
yesterday on business."
Horn Papers Vol. III by W. F. Horn - John Lane, Buffalo Twp., #55
-2 sections of land, John Lane, Blaine Twp
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 31,
1820, page unknown:
"List of Letters Remaining at the Post Office at West Middletown,
Pa. on Dec. 31, 1819 - Joseph Lane " [NOTE: this is probably Joseph
of the West Middletown Lanes]
Western Historical Society Obituary File -
Lane, Verna Wilkens d. Mar. 26, 1946, Wilkensburg, Pa.
H. B. Wilkens, John Collection, Leaf 4
Lane, William J. d. July 7, 1976 - ex-Senator Lane dies age 71
Democratic Whip 8 yrs. 1961-1969
Did not seek re-election due to ill health.
Was he the Lane that the Lane-Bane Bridge, on Rt. 40, Brownsville, Pa.
named for? [Grandma wrote next to this question - yes.]
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 22,
1883, page unknown:
Spring Elections - constable James A. Lane
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., May 13,
1936, page unknown: (not complete article)
Deeds - Don S. Lane
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Feb. 13,
1936, p. 13: (not complete article)
For Sale - J. M. Lane
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 24,
1936, p. 11: (not complete article)
Deeds - Mar. 21, 1936 - Don S. Lane to Raymond A. Ross
Newspaper Clippings Vol. II (Citizen's Library file)
- Paul F. Lane d. Oct. 13, 1920 [not ours]