History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Surnames from Newspapers
If a name or names are only mentioned, please go back and
read the introduction page for explanation.
GAMBLE - note that these are not in order by dates
[excerpt, surname of interest only - ALL post office articles
would have had other names but these were not copied]
Article from The Reporter ? newspaper, Washington, Pa., June or
July [date?], 1818, p. unknown:
List of Letters remaining in the post office at Washington PA on 30
June 1818 - Solomon Gamble
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington, Pa.,
Monday, March 18, 1889, p. unknown:
List of Letters remaining in the post office at Washington PA on
March 18, 1889: Elmer Gamble
Article from The Daily Reporter newspaper, Washington, Pa.,
Thursday, March 14, 1889, p. unknown:
"Joe Gamble will spend a few weeks with his father at Shire
Article from The Washington Observer newspaper, Washington, Pa.,
Friday, March 19, 1875, p. unknown:
List of Letters remaining in the post office at Washington PA on
March 13, 1875: Irable(?) Gamble
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington, Pa., March 29,
1898, p. unknown:
DEEDS - March 24, 1898 - Anna B. Gamble, administratix, to John C.
Wilson (126 ?) acres and 150 perches and 28 acres and 149 perches of
land to Nottingham township [sic]; price $6, 427.41.
Article from The Washington Observer newspaper, Washington, Pa.,
August 30, 1909, p. unknown:
(title) Teachers and Pupils of Old School Meet (at?) Present Davis
School House... Among former teachers.... Margaret Gamble
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington, Pa., September
21, 1878, p. unknown: Jury List - Gamble, Andrew,
farmer, Somerset (twp.)
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington, Pa., October 18,
1900, p. unknown:
"St. Cloud, Oct. 17 - Andrew Gamble of near Kammerer,
will sell his personal property. He has rented his farm to Guy M.
Hetherington, and will move to Washington by Nov. 1st."
NOTE: These are all excerpt only, name of interest only. All
were handwritten.