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Glances and Years Past
Locals, Glances, Personals or Notes
"Local Glances" Type Items Jan 1957
From the Charleroi Mail Newspaper, Charleroi PA, Local Glances Jan 2,
1957, page 8:
Mr. and Mrs. Ewing BROWN, of State street [Charleroi Pa], had as weekend guests
their two grandsons, Kevin and Jeffrey BROWN, of Rut_fred Acres.
Mr. and Mrs. William MULL and daughter, Jackie [MULL], of Richeyville, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milan
Grant street, over the week end. [sic]
Mrs. Elizabeth MORTON, of Short street, who was ill for a few days is
getting along nicely.
George KARP, maintenance man for the Bellmarette Joint School
District, is a patient in the Charleroi-Monessen Hosptial.
Jack MARRA, who is employed on the Fayette County offices in
Uniontown, visited during the holiday season at his home on Green
David NICODEN, a student at Bethany College, spent the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul NICODEN, of Fayette street.
The regular meeting of Belle Vernon American Legion Post 659 will be
held on Monday evening and? the Post Home Reports will be made on the
sale of Christmas trees and on the various projects of the post during
the Christmas season.
1957_Jan 2_pg8_charleroi_local-items
Surnames on this page: BROWN, MULL, FRANCESCHI,
Researched and typed by Judith Florian, or typed by volunteer Amy Denecke of
New Jersey.