History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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News Articles
City of Washington PA
Locals, Glances, Personals or Notes from Newspapers
From the Charleroi Mail newspaper, Polio article, July 1, 1950:
Washington Man to Head Co. Polio Work
Washington, Pa.-- C. W. ROHRKASTE, North Main street, was elected chairman of the Washington County Chapter
of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., at a meeting of the Chapter
Wednesday night. Mr. ROHRKASTE succeeds John QUINN, Cecil [Pa], who became a Director of the
Executive Committee.
Other officers elected were Mrs. Estelle OSTEROUT, Monongahela, vice chairman; Richard G. MILLER, Jr., Washington, treasurer, Leo
WRIGHT, McDonald, secretary, and John QUINN, Cecil; Mrs. Mry ALFIERI, Charleroi, and Chris
Alvater, Washington, directors.
Voted into membership in the County Chapter were Mrs. Frances O'NEIL, Industrial Nurse off Tygart Valley Glass Company; Ira W. LEECH, Washington
and Jefferson College; Mrs. Gladys STAUB, Registered Nurse, and Douglas J. BOWMAN, Education Director of Washington County Schools.
Drs. Guy H. McKINSTRY, Grant E. HESS, Jr., and William C. EDWARDS were named to the Medical
Advisory Committee with Dr. McKINSTRY as chairman.
All officers and committee members will serve one year.
[glances_1950_polio_july-1-1950_washpa typed by Judy Florian]
here for image of newspaper article "Washington Man to Head Co. Polio Work"
from the Charleroi Mail newspaper, July 1, 1950.
Researched and typed by Judith Florian, or typed by volunteer
Amy Denecke of New Jersey.