History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Multiple Weddings March 1897
Article from The Reporter, newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., Mar. 5, 1897, page unknown: "SOCIAL -
[caps added by typist]
[Other non-wedding items omitted here - see files for 1897.]
"'Squire John JOHNSTON and his wife celebrated their golden
wedding Wednesday night at the family residence on Beaver street,
Sewickley, surrounded by an unbroken family circle.
3, 1847, in Washington county, Pa., John JOHNSTON was married to Mary
Ann Buchanan FLANEGIN.
the marriage there were four children, Jane Guy, now the wife of Daniel
de Purton LINN, of Carson Ranch, Cal., was present at this notable
event; Martha Richmond, wife of Capt. Nicholas Way; Dr. William McC.
Johnston and James Johnston, of Sewickley.
are nine grandchildren. - Pittsburg [sic] Dispatch."
"West Alexander, March 5 - The latest social event of interest
in the neighborhood of West Alexander is the wedding of Miss Laura A.
Craig and James P. Reed, two of Donegal's best young people.
ceremony which was performed by Rev. W. H. Lester, of the West Alexander
Presbyterian church, occurred at the residence of the bride's mother two
miles north of town on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, only the near
relatives of the bride and groom being present.
large number of useful and costly gifts were bestowed upon the new made
bride. [sic]
Thursday evening a reception was held, many of their younger friends
and Mrs. Reed expect to take up housekeeping about April 1 near
The best wishes of scores of friends in this place go with them to their
new home."
"MARRIAGES - REED-CRAIG - On Wednesday, March 8, 1897, at the
bride's home near West Alexander, by Rev. W. H. Lester, James P. Reed
and Miss Laura A. Craig, both of Donegal township.
ECHERTON - SHARPNACK - On Saturday, February 27, 1897, at the
residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. W. T. Gibson, Waynesburg,
Lewis Echerton, of Bentleyville, and Miss ____ Sharpnack, of
Carmichaels...[not sure if there is more as the Xerox ends here]."