History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Multiple Weddings July 1889
Article from The Reporter newspaper,
Washington Co., Pa., July 18, 1889, page unknown:
"ENGLAND - LINDLEY - July 7th at Pleasant Grove
church, by Rev. S. L. Parcell, S. J. England and Miss Rachel A. Lindley,
all of East Finley township.
"GROSSMAN - SAMUELS - July 11, by Rabbi Alter,
Lewis S. Grossman and Miss Jennie Samuels, both of Washington.
"HOSIAK - RUSSELL - July 11, by Rev. W. B. Smiley,
assisted by Rev. W. M. Ewing, Prof. J. R. Hosiak, of Cambridge, Ohio,
and Miss Lulu Russell, of Chartiers township.
"KELLEY - MILLIGAN - July 5, in Cumberland, Md., by
Rev. S. F. [Butts ?], John W. Kelley and Miss Annie M. Milligan, both of
"KING - [HURNEY or BURNEY] - July _, at the Catholic
church, by Rev. Father Doyle, John W. King and Miss Mary [Hurney or
Burney ?], all of Washington."