History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
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Multiple Weddings in March 1822
Article from The Reporter newspaper, Washington Co.,
Pa., Mar. 10, 1822, page unknown:
[NOTE: In this newspaper and date, no capitalization was used on
Miss or Mr., or on Rev. The groom and bride's names are all in caps.]
[top of list of "Marriages" cut off on this Xerox]
[Saturday ?] evening, [3 small words] by the rev'd Charles Wheeler, mr.
Abraham Gardner, of Armstrong county, to miss Cath [sic] Christy, of
Amwell township.
Thursday evening last, by the same [as above], mr. Joseph Price, to miss
Hannah Fleming, daughter of mr. John Fleming, of this borough.
same day, by the same [as above], mr. William Kirk, of this borough, to
miss Agness [sic] Lindsey, daughter of mr. Patrick Lindsey, of Strabane
same day, by the same [as above], mr. William Crispan, of Morris
township, to miss Mary Ann Vankirk, daughter of mr. Henry Vankirk, Jr.
of Amwell township.
Thursday last at Steubenville, Ohio, by the rev'd Obadiah Jennings, mr.
William Cunningham, of Chartiers township, Washington, co. to miss
Elizabeth McClure, formerly of Washington."