History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
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Index to Births in Washington County PA and surrounding areas
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. William and Mildred Bails Dec
Blazier Triplets born Jan 1, 1956
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Arleigh and Sarah Cale Dec 1948
Twin sons born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Domberger August 1948
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ellenberger 1888
Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher 1890
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hootman Dec 1928
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Leonard 1898
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. David Mull 1890
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Redd March 1898
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Esther Steiminger
Dec 1948
Joseph William PALLINI, born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PALLINI Jan 1st 1957
Son Joseph William Pallini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Pallini, New
Year's Day Baby;
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Bavuso, New Year's Day Baby - Tax Exemptions:
Daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. David Lucas born Dec. 31, 1956, Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Lebois of California Pa Dec. 31, 1956
Son born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tustin 1900
Births from McDonald PA area newspapers.