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Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Guthrie 65th Anniversary 1968
Article from The Observer-Reporter newspaper,
Washington, Pa., Jan. 4, 1968, p. A-9:
"Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Guthrie Observe 65th Anniversary With a
Dinner Party -
25 members of the immediate family and invited guests honored Mr. and
Mrs. Simon L. Guthrie, a well-known Graysville couple, Sunday, December
31, with a dinner party at the Mansion house, Old Concord.
observance was held in honor of their 65th anniversary of December 28.
and Mrs. Guthrie were married December 28, 1902, by Rev. T. M. Cain in
the parsonage of the Pleasant Valley Methodist Church, Pleasant Valley,
W. Va.
Guthrie is the former Edna Cunningham, daughter of William and Priscilla
Jane McMillan Cunningham, of near Calis, W. Va., a pioneer family of
that district.
Guthrie is the son of Westley A. and Martha Jane Hitchcock Guthrie. He
was born and reared near Ryerson Station, Richhill township. Through his
grandmother, Catharine Enoch Guthrie, he is a descendant of David Enoch,
Sr., who was one of the founders of North Ten Mile Baptist Church near
Lone Pine.
resided near Limestone, W. Va., the first six years of married life
moving to Graysville in 1908, where they still reside, maintaining their
own home. Mr. Guthrie is a veteran oil and gas worker, having been
employed for a number of years by the old West Virginia Natural Gas
Company and later by Carnegie Natural Gas Company. When he
retired, at the age of 72, he was a pumper in the Braddock oil field for
the late "Gar" Devine. He is a charter member of the
Graysville Knights of Pythias Lodge and is [part of a line missing
Waynesburg Lodge No. 757 P. P. O. Elks.
Guthrie is an active member of the Unity Presbyterian Church and its
Ladies Auxiliary.
of their six children were in attendance at the dinner, which was
highlighted when the couple cut a decorated cake. The color scheme
was red and white, the cake being flanked on either side with vases of
red mums.
the gifts received was a money tree, a gift from their children -- Mrs.
Jeanette Wise, of Toledo, Ohio, who was unable to attend; Mrs. Virginia
Creighton, of Warwood, W. Va.; Mrs. Ruth Day, of West Finley, R. D. 2;
Willis B. Guthrie and Maude D. Fordyce, both of Claysville, and Kenneth
J. Guthrie, of Waynesburg.
are 12 grandchildren, a number of great-great grandchildren and one
great-great grand-daughter, in California. Others attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Phillips, of Triadelphia, W. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tedrow
and son, Sephan, Billie Guthrie and son, Stephan,* of Waynesburg; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Davidson and daughters, Debbie, Sherrie, and Amy, of
Claysville; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guthrie and son, Michael, of Washington;
F. A. Fordyce, of Claysville; Mrs. Pearl Fletcher and Mrs. Sallie
Barnhart, of Graysville. Mrs. Cecile Dinsmore, of West Finley, R. D. 2;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coffield and Mrs. Anna Burns, all of Graysville, and
Mrs. Mary Guthrie, of Claysville.
the conclusion of the dinner the wedding party was entertained by an
instrumental group consisting of five girls from the North Ten Mile
Presbyterian Church at Prosperity, under the direction of Mrs. Frank A.
* Don't know if the 2nd Stephan listed was a mistake in the newspaper or
if the 2nd one is the son of Billie Guthrie.