History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
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Pioneer Families of Charleroi PA
NIVER Family
From The Charleroi Mail, Charleroi, Washington County,
Pennsylvania, February 21, 1914, page one:
Mother Of E. C. Niver of Mail Dies, Aged 80 - Mrs. S. M. Niver, mother of E. C.
Niver, Editor of the Mail, died at her home in Brockwayville Friday night. Mrs.
Niver, who was in her 80th year, was the widow of the late Dr. W. C. Niver, one of the pioneer physicians of Jefferson county, who died in 1893. She is survived by six children. They are Mrs. W. G. Curry of Andrews, North Carolina, E. C. Niver of Charleroi, Mrs. T. J. Emigh of McKeesport, Florence, Lucy and Mary Niver at home.
Email if you are related to the NIVER family.
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023