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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
Your Ancestor's Family Stories
Pioneer Families of Charleroi PA
The Charleroi Mail, Charleroi, Washington County, Pennsylvania, July 23,
1912, page 2:
Dies At Mony Alto Infirmary - (Martin ?) Bender aged (20 ?), __lero, died
at the Mont Alto Infirmary Sunday from tuberculosis from which he had been
____ for some time. The body has been brought to Charleroi, and the funeral
will be held Wednesday morning with mass at St. Jerome Catholic church at 9
o'clock. Interment will likely be in Calvary cemetery.
The Bender family has a record for violent deaths. Eight years ago (Martin's
?) brother Stephen was killed at the Tremont mine, and was so badly mangled
(that for) a considerable length of time he lay in the morgue unidentified. A
few months after the mother died as the result of burns. About four years ago
the father Michael Bender was killed in a fall of slate at the Black Diamond
Those surviving are Miss Frances Bender, a sister of Pittsburg, and two
brothers, Michael and George. Miss Frances was formerly employed as a
saleslady at Berryman's store. George is enlisted in the regular army. The
Bender family was one of the pioneer families of Charleroi, having lived here
nearly from the start of the town.
Email if you are related to the BENDER family.
This page was last edited Friday, July 07, 2023