Microfilms of Washington Co PA Newspapers
Check with the Citizens Library for microfilms of past issues of the Washington
Observer-Reporter. Also, The Observer-Reporter web site is archiving obituaries and articles [past 3 years; last 30 days of archives is free but a fee is charged for older archives. Some archived newspapers of 1997 through 2002 can still be accessed through [originally done by].
Unless otherwise noted, The Manderino Library has the following old newspapers on microfilm, for Washington PA [city and county news, along with news from other counties and the State at large.]
- Herald of Liberty (1798-1802)
- Observer-Reporter (15 Aug 1808 - 30 Nov 1997) -
For Brownsville
- (Brownsville) American Telegraph (1814-1818)
- Brownsville Clipper (20 Jun 1889 - 22 Dec 1912)
- Brownsville Telegraph (29 Aug 1927 - Mar 1988)
For California
- California Times (18 Oct 1963 - 14 Dec 1979)
- California News (1933, 1943, 1949-56, 1959-63)
Washington Newspapers -
Check with Greater Canonsburg Public Library for the following on microfilm:
For Canonsburg [The Canonsburg newspapers carried the local news, and published news from surrounding communities, like: Cecil and Cecil Township, Muse, Houston, Midland, Peters Township, North Strabane Township, McDonald, Venetia, Mt. Pleasant Township and Washington. If you cannot find something in the Washington newspapers, you may want to check the Canonsburg newspapers.]
- Canonsburg Herald - Aug. 23, 1872 - March 2, 1888; July 3, 1889 - May 3, 1900; (missing Oct. 6, 1893 - April 10, 1897); April 27, 1905 - Aug. 23, 1906
- Rural Notes - Oct. 9, 1879 - Oct. 14, 1886
- Canonsburg Notes - Feb. 17, 1893 - Oct. 6, 1893; April 10, 1897 - Oct. 28, 1897 (Partial Tape)
- Canonsburg Notes Weekly - Jan. 10, 1902 - Dec. 30, 1904
- (Canonsburg) Daily Notes - Jan. 1, 1900 - August 1979 (quit publishing)
- Daily Notes/Chartiers Valley Notes - Sept. 1, 1979 - May 21, 1980
- The Canon (Canonsburg) - Sept. 26, 1983 - Dec. 23, 1985; Jan. 6, 1986 - Dec. 22, 1986; Jan. 5, 1987 - Aug. 31, 1992
- The Washington Reporter - Aug. 14, 1808 - Aug. 25, 1875
- Canonsburg Herald (weekly) 1872-1888, 5 films
- Canonsburg Notes (weekly) 1902-1904, 1 film
- Daily Notes (weekly) 1893-1897, 1900-1973, 151 films
- Rural Notes (weekly) 1879-1893, 2 films
For Charleroi:
- The Charleroi Mail (1906-1960
- Deaths in Charleroi after 1960 are listed in Monessen's The Valley Independent.
For Connellsville
- Connellsville Courier (weekly) (8 Aug 1879 - 7 Nov 1929)
- (Connellsville) The Daily Courier (Jan 1974 - Oct 1986)
For Donora
- The Donora Public Library has the Donora Herald-American newspaper on microfilm from 1901 until the early 1970s when the paper was merged with another.
For Greensburg
- (Greensburg) Tribune Review (Jan 1986 - current)- check The Manderino Library
For Monessen
- Monessen Daily Independent (28 June 1902 - 30 April 1966)
- Monessen Valley Independent (1 May 1966 - 31 Dec 1979)
- (Monessen) The Valley Independent (1 Jan 1980 - 30 April 1997)
For Monongahela
- Check with Monongahela Area Public Library for the following on microfilm:
- Daily Republican (daily)1881-1971, 143 films
Who holds these microfilms?
- Daily Herald (daily) 1971-1972, 6 films
- Monongahela Valley Republican (weekly) 1851-1908, 14 films
For Uniontown - check The Manderino Library
- (Uniontown) Genius of Liberty (May 1805 - Dec 1900)
- Uniontown Morning Herald (Jan 1907 - Sep 1980)
- (Uniontown) Herald Standard (1 Oct 1980 - current)
For Waynesburg - check The Manderino Library
- Waynesburg Republican (1 Jun 1870 - Dec 1986)
For Pittsburgh - check The Manderino Library
- Pittsburgh Gazette - July-29-1786 - Jan-30-1834
- Pittsburgh Daily Gazette - 1-31-1834 - 1-7-1842
- (Pittsburgh) Daily Morning Post - 3-28-1846 - 2-20-1859
- Pittsburgh Post - 2-21-1859 - 1-31-1963
- Pittsburgh Post Gazette - 2-1-1963 - current -- The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is now on-line.
- Pittsburgh Press - 1-2-1970 - 4-3-1992
NOTE: This information was collected through telephone calls to local libraries in 1999 and 2000.
If you can add to the history of Washington County PA newspapers, please email