History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
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Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families

Judith Florian's Interests
This page is not specific to genealogy. It is to introduce
myself, and tell about a few things that are important to me.
I was born and raised in
Washington County, on "Goat Hill." I grew up in a time when it
was normal to see billowing white smoke from the three major plants near my
home: Washington Steel, down over the hill towards Jefferson Avenue; Jessop
Steel located north off Weirich Avenue, and Brockway Glass Plant at the split of
West Wylie Ave and Weirich Avenue. It was during the 1960s, when we walked
miles to school, made candy stops at neighborhood mom & pop stores, and
there were no malls yet. My father was a
postal carrier. My parents were instrumental in forming the local National
Association of Letter Carriers (NALC). My mother was an
L.P.N. and homemaker.
My mother's mother was the genealogist of the
family. But as most kids, I rarely listened to all that "grown-up
talk" when we had family get-togethers. Grandma Ruthie's house w\as
always the gathering point on Grandpap's August birthday, after weddings such as
Aunt Mary's second marriage, Laura and daughter Wynona's visit from California
(state), and funerals-unfortunately, our family had to endure too many funerals
(Grandma buried son Howard Jr. as a baby, her daughters Marcella-my mom- and
Betty Ruth). I didn't even know Grandma was interested in genealogy when I lived
at her house after both my parents died. It was not until my 20s that I really
started listening to Grandma's great knowledge of family, through each person's
life - and death. Grandpap had died; I wished I could ease Grandma's pain, but
the only idea I had was to show interest in her hobby of genealogy, hoping I
could help Grandma think of something else than her teenage sweetheart for a few
hours a day. My plan sounds now so naive, hoping to soothe grief with a
past-time. But I do think our daily talks gave her a little distraction in
those difficult months. And in the next years, both of us found enjoyment
and excitement over each new "find" in our Lane family. I was
happy to be able to tell Grandma I had found Brethren minister Rev.
Daniel Lane in the Tax records, his father's 1844 newspaper obituary, and proof
that Daniel had 3 siblings Grandma had never heard of before. The
need for a job after graduating nursing school took me to Ohio within two years
of showing interest in grandma's hobby. But in that time, I had turned the
Court House upside down for records on every Lane I could find, and I had gone
to 2 states and 4 counties to follow hot leads that ended a few times in gold
mine results and other times ended in more new questions than the answers
we'd sought. By the time I had moved residences to Ohio we had enough to
fill a book. And that's exactly
what we did. Through calls every day, several times a day, I picked
grandma's brain over every fact she knew, comparing her info to official
documents. We did a mass mailing to family members to get more info on the
living and dead of individual families. Somehow we pulled it all into our
first genealogy book, which grandma gave as gifts to her remaining daughter
Mary, and to her 12 grandchildren. My sister, Grandma and I started our
second book... but they both died before it was finished. So
this is a bit about how I got started in genealogy. Never underestimate
the power of a hobby to bring you closer to your family is the lesson I learned
from my simple wish to ease an old woman's grief.
acknowledgement to my genealogy teacher, co-researcher,
my grandmother Ruth
Lane McGary
Special acknowledgement to my co-researcher, co-author, and co-trouble-maker, my
sister Cathy Caldwell