History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
Site Search or Page Search (Ctl Key+F) easily finds items of interest.
Washington County Pennsylvania History and Families
I'm frequently asked about doing searches and what records to use to make a complete search. This list compiles the basics
researchers should check.
In some cases, a researcher may need to check adjoining counties
if county lines moved or if families split into other areas.
Earliest settlers and onward
- Census
- Deeds - You could do a "Title Search", tracing the deeds from Warrant owner to present day owner.
- Wills
- Accounts
- Orphan's Court
- Road Petitions - Law Library, microfilm
- Land maps - Caldwell's, Farm Maps (all Law Library / Citizen's Library) aerial maps (Tax Office)
- Neighbor's deeds - often neighbors were related
- In newspapers, Notices of Land Sales
- In newspapers, Ads for "Lost" animals (mares, cows - usually) or runaway slaves (owner name given + description of slave)
- County Histories -- three main ones, at Citizens (one Beers, online) for biographies-- not everyone was included, though
- Local town newspapers - if saved before
Church records
- baptisms - IF recorded
- marriages - IF recorded
- Cemeteries (Misc Cemeteries book at Citizens Library) - Walk a cemetery if you know the person was buried there
If Birth or death dates known
- Do microfilm newspaper search (Citizens Lib)
- Births often listed in "Local" "Personal" np columns for a Town (ex. Hillsborough --eg Scenery Hill), Twp, or area (example Ten Mile area)
- Deaths also in these columns OR an actual Obit
- Births, Deaths, Marriages not listed at the Courthouse until around the turn of the Century or later
If desperate
- Visit a courthouse and check every Index they have for your surname.
- Copy every record (or handcopy important details) for every person in a surnname.
Save until you figure out if related.
This is just a starting list. There are always obscure one of a kind records that might not fit into the above categories.