History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
Enhance your genealogy research about families in Little Washington, Washington County PA
using newspaper articles, birth, death, marriage, notices, obituaries (often with cemeteries
named), probates, deeds, surname finds, family trees, family histories, reunions and other information.
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NOTE: WC-PA = Washington County PA
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800)
from Washington Co PA
White-Richardson and Van Scyoc-Patterson
Mrs. Willam (Jane) RICHARDSON, daug. of BENJAMIN WHITE |
born in the Western Reserve, Ohio, in 1812; taken by her mother to Washington county, Pa.
as a baby |
to Pittsburgh after
death of husband |
See write-up at bottom of this page.
Robert and Mary Ann (Van Scyoc)
1780 |
from Adams County, PA in 1780, previously from Monmouth County, New Jersey
prior to the Revolution |
Three grandsons migrated to Athens Co., OH around 1832-33 |
See information at bottom of this page.
Contact Jack McNatt <grampy AT>
Source: Various
No other information is known except the names listed and the Deed
dates. If you know other details about these persons (date of
birth, death, place of origination before Washington County PA, who they
married/when/where, please send that to me so I can include the
information. PLEASE PUT THE PAGE URL IN YOUR EMAIL so I don't have to
guess or search for your family's name. The columns "Entered
Washington PA (date)," "From," and "Comments"
will ALL be web-user submissions; the contributor will be listed under
See first entry, above - From the Pittsburgh Gazette Times dated March 23 1912:
Mrs. JANE RICHARDSON, aged 99, the oldest inmate of the United Presbyterian Home for the Aged, died yesterday in that institution. She had celebrated
her ninety-ninth birthday on the nineteenth of last November. Up to a short
time ago, she had been in the best of health.
Mrs RICHARDSON was born in the Western Reserve, Ohio, in 1812, the year that marked the beginning of the second conflict with Great Britain. Her father,
BENJAMIN WHITE, was killed in the war and when yet a babe, Mrs RICHARDSON
was taken by her mother to Washington county, Pa., where she was reared by an uncle. The deceased lived the greater part of her life in Washington
county and was married to WILLIAM RICHARDSON at that place. After her
husband's death, Mrs RICHARDSON came to this city, having for a short time previously lived in the state of Ohio. For the last 19 years she had been
an inmate of the United Presbyterian Home for the Aged. She leaves two
daughters, Mrs ANNIE GRIGGS of Cambridge, O., Mrs W H FRITZ of Pittsburgh; 10 grandchildren, D H FRITZ of Oakland, Cal., W A FRITZ of East St Louis, J
W FRITZ of Kansas City, Kan., Mrs PHILLIP ROMIG of Uhrichsville, O., and S A
FRITZ, GEORGE L FRITZ, C M FRITZ and the Misses JOSEPHINE, BELLA MAY, and JENNIE of this city. Six
great-grandchildren also survive.
PATTERSON - My Washington county Patterson family (Robert and Mary Ann (Van
Scyoc) Patterson) came to Washington Co., from Adams County, PA in 1780. His
parents had migrated there from Monmouth County, New Jersey at some time
prior to the revolution..
Three of Roberts grandsons migrated to Athens Co., OH around 1832-33. The following exerpt (sic) is from the 1869 History of Athens County, Ohio by Charles
M. Walker.
"Abram and Jacob McVey, brothers, came to Athens from Washington
County, Pennsylvania, in 1832, and settled in Alexander township. Some of their descendants are still living in the county. About the same time a
large emigration from Washington and Greene counties, Pennsylvania, came to
and settled mostly in Alexander. Among them were Joseph Post, Moses, William
and John Patterson and their families, Jacob and David Cook, Dennis Drake,
Peter Vorhes and family, of whom five sons are living in the county, John
Gray, Elijah Brown and his sons Henry and Jerry, Lawrence Blakeway, Cephas and Zenas De Camp, John Winget, Joseph Barmore, William
Russell, David
Pierce, John Cowan, John Brownlee, Ziba Lindley, Sen., and family, Elisha
Jolly, William E. Bane, Absalom Conkey, John Clutter, Daniel Espy, Solomon Leighty, Amzi Axtell, Edward Fletcher, Samuel Lively, William Hoaglan, Abram
Enlow, Joseph Parker, Ludlow Squires, Hezekiah Topping, and Henry Carey.
They formed a valuable class of citizens, distinguished for thrift and taste in the management of farms, stock, etc."
Jack McNatt <grampy AT>