History of and Other Families (o_f) from
The City and County of Washington Pennsylvania
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NOTE: WC-PA = Washington County PA
Early Migrations (late 1700 to early 1800)
to and from Washington Co PA
to Shelby Co Kentucky
Brethren Families from Volume C 1809-1811
*Deed Date* |
several Brethren families
including Leatherman, Hostetler and Hartman (many from Washington
Pennsylvania) settled in Kentucky in the area that later became Shelby,
Spencer and Nelson Counties, starting about 1785
I had read in a history of Shelby County,
Kentucky, that Squire Boone
(reported to be a Brethren elder) brought several families from
Pennsylvania to settle in Shelby Co. Also, several Brethren
including Leatherman, Hostetler and Hartman (many from Washington
Pennsylvania) settled in Kentucky in the area that later became Shelby,
Spencer and Nelson Counties, starting about 1785, when Kentucky was
a part of Virginia.
David Miller b. 8/3/1767, md. Elizabeth Wise
(b. 11/8/1764).
Art Miller |
David Miller first shows on tax list in West
Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., Pa. (when David would have turned 21) and
last shows up 1794 (the year before he appears in Shelby Co., Ky.).
This, along with the proximity to other families (Hartman, Leatherman and
Wise) in both Pa. and Ky. leads me to believe the David Miller in Washington
Co., Pa. David Miller is the same as the one in Shelby Co., Ky |
Here is what I have on David Miller, whom I believe came from Washington
Co., Pa. to Shelby Co., KY.
David Miller b. 8/3/1767, md. Elizabeth Wise (b. 11/8/1764). Tradition says
she was from Md. Children: (1) Mary b. 8/16/1788, md. James Johnson; (2)
Elizabeth b. 1794, md. Henry Sigler; (3) David Jr. b. 8/4/1796; (4) Henry b.
11/3/1798; (5) William b. 3/25/1801; Andrew b. 6/4/1803; (7) Nancy b.
11/12/1805, md. Samuel Clark; (8) Anna Theresa b. 11/13/1808, md. Col James
Gregg and Seth McKeithley.
Further, I
believe he was son of the William Miller who died 1802 in Washington Co.,
Pa. Based on public records there was considerable interaction between the
I don't have lock-tight proof that this David Miller came from Washington
Co., Pa. but it looks like a good bet to me. |
Brethren families |
COB settlers in East Tennesse in Green and Hawkins Co. TN. in the 1790's. |
Another Brethren researcher wrote: You might be able to find these among the COB settlers in East Tennesse in Green and Hawkins Co. TN. in the 1790's. |
The only published material that I have found on the Brethren coming to
Shelby Co. KY is in the book, "Descendants of Jacob Hochstetler" by Rev.
Harvey Hostetler.
The Hartman / Hardman families moved to Washington Co. PA from Frederick
Co. MD. The oldest tax list that I could find for Washington Co. was
1781, which lists two people named Anthony Hartman, Abraham Hardman,
Solomon Hardman and Adam Hardman. Abraham and David Hartman were listed
in the Washington Co. militia rosters in the Pennsylvania Archives. Some
of the land on which they lived was in West Bethlehem Twp. and some in
Deemston (which is between West & East Bethlehem Twp). Also in Deemston
were some other families that later moved to Shelby Co. KY (Wise, Ruble,
David Hartman moved to the Shelby Co. KY area in 1785 when Kentucky was
still a part of Virginia. After Kentucky came into the union and Shelby
Co. was formed in 1792, the tax lists showed several Hartman / Hardman,
Leatherman and Hostetler names. Most of the Hartman / Hardman land was
located near Guist, Beech and Brashears Creeks a little way north of Salt
River. Filson's book on Kentucky (as I recall, the name was something
like "The Settlement and Present State of Kentucky", there is a map of
north-central Kentucky showing parts of Jefferson, Fayette and Lincoln
counties Virginia. On this map, in the eastern part of Jefferson County,
north of Salt River, on a branch of Brashears Creek, a group of houses is
shown with the name "Boons". This is the area that was settled by a
group brought by Squire Boone. (This Squire was the brother of Daniel
and Israel, not the father of Daniel and Israel Boone).
Abraham Hartman married Margaret Leatherman and David Hartman married
Susannah Leatherman, but I haven't yet found which Leatherman family they
were from. Agnes, Hannah and Elizabeth Hartman married Abraham, Adam and
Christian Hostetler respectively. Esther Hartman married Adam Harter,
Catherine Hartman married a Miller (I have no data on this Miller
- Ira Hardman
Squire Boone I was a Quaker. His son Israel was read out of
Exeter Meeting in 1747 for marrying an Indian maiden. The rest of
the family ditto in 1748 and sold the farm in 1750. See
Millers, Wise, Leatherman, Hardman, Zug/Zook |
David Miller b. c1744,
md. to Deborah Zook (d/o Peter Zug/Zook) came from West Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., Pa. by 1796 to near Boston in
Nelson Co. |
I wonder if you can relate to the Millers in early Shelby Co. that came
from western Pa.? Specifically:
David Miller, who was married to Elizabeth Wise, shows up in 1795 on
Brashear and Beech Cr. and moved to Clark Co., Ind. by 1814. This David
Miller appears to have been son of William Miller who died 1802 in West
Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., Pa. The Wise, Leatherman, and Hardman families were all neighbors of William Miller in Pa. Isaac Miller born
1755 as son of John Miller of Westmoreland Co., Pa.
Isaac shows up in Shelby Co. on Salt River by 1795. His wife was Margaret. He died Rutherford Co., Tn. in 1808. Other Millers: Robert,
John, Conrad, George P. and Abraham appear in early Shelby Co.
My David Miller b. c1744, md. to Deborah Zook (d/o Peter Zug/Zook) came from West Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co., Pa. by 1796 to near Boston in
Nelson Co. I do believe my David was related to the David Miller in Shelby Co. and perhaps the other Millers there. Any thoughts would be
greatly appreciated.
- Art Miller, Louisville |
Johann Christian Leatherman was born ca 1715, imm 1731, Dunkard after 1768,
in Va 1772, Shelby Co, Ky 1784 dca 1805.
Brother Daniel Leatherman was a Bishop in the Church. Several of his
children became ministers and several went to Washington or Fayette Cos., Pa.
Michael m. Caty Palmer res. "Buck's Haunt", 13 ch.
Daniel Jr. res. Bethlehem Twp. 6ch.
Susannah m. John Moser
Hannah m. John Baker Sr.
John m. Catherine Miller 10 ch.
I thought Squire Boone II died and his children were raised by Daniel's wife.
- |
No other information is known except the names listed and the Deed
dates. If you know other details about these persons (date of
birth, death, place of origination before Washington County PA, who they
married/when/where, please send that to me so I can include the
information. PLEASE PUT THE PAGE URL IN YOUR EMAIL so I don't have to
guess or search for your family's name. The columns "Entered
Washington PA (date)," "From," and "Comments"
will ALL be web-user submissions; the contributor will be listed under