Washington County PAGenWeb
The Will of Mary Ann Watson, died 1869
West Bethlehem Twp., Washington Co PA

Submitted by Candice Buchanan
Mary Ann Watson Will (1869), Washington County Will Book 9: 409, Register of Wills Office, Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania. Transcribed by Candice Buchanan for the Watson family genealogy.
In the name of God Amen. I, Mary Ann Watson of West Bethlehem Township, Washington County, State of Pennsylvania being weak of body but of sound mind, memory and understanding, thanks be to God for the same, do make and publish this as and for my last will and testament.
To my son Robert Watson, I give and bequeath my Grey mare, 1 bed, & bedding, my candle stand, one set of chairs, Table, clock, Dreser [sic dresser] & dishes, 2 Brass Kettles, 2 Iron Kettles and all the rest of my personal property of every kind and description, excepting that otherwise bequeathed herein.
To my son Samuel Watson, I give and bequeath my bureau.
To my daughter Harriet Arnold, wife of Abraham Arnold, I give and bequeath all my clothes.
To my daughter Sarah Jane Johnson, wife of Zenas Johnson, I give and bequeath my Rocking Chair.
To my Grand Daughter Amanda Arnold, daughter of my daughter Harriet Arnold, I give and bequeath my bed & bedding in the room down stairs.
And lastly, I nominate, constitute and appoint my son David Watson, Executor of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 24th day of April 1869.
Mary Ann Watson [HER MARK]
Attest. E. R. Smith, S. A. Day
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Washington County,
Be it remembered that upon this 11th day of June 1869, before me Geo. Buchanan, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration within and for said County came E. R. Smith, Esq. & S. A. Day, the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing attached will of Mary Ann Watson, deceased, who, after being duly qualified according to law; depose and say, that they were present at the execution of said will saw the testatrix sign the same – heard her publish it as and for her last will and testament; that they at her request, in her presence, and in the presence of each other, subscribed their names thereto as witnesses; and that at the time of doing so, the said testatrix was of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge, observation and belief. – E. R. Smith, S. A. Day
Sworn & Subscribed before Geo. Buchanan, Reg’r.
And now, June 11th, 1869, it being adjudged that the said will has been duly proven, Letters are issued to David Watson, who was qualified and the will registered & compared by Geo. Buchanan, Register.
County of Washington, ss.
Register of Wills Office
*A line break or spaces were inserted into some Wills for readability.
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