Washington County PAGenWeb
Will of John Robb of Robison Township, 1804

Submitted by Roberta
Mueller April 29, 2005
Transcribed from handwritten copy of original and typewritten
In the Name of God Amen, I John Robb of Robison Township, County of Washington and State of Pennsylvania, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and memory, blessed to Almighty God for the same, do make and publish this my last will and Testament, in manner and form following: (That is to to say First, it is my Will, that immediately after the Decease of my beloved wife Barbara Robb, my moveable property and chattells be sold by my hereafter to be named Executors at public verdict (?sp), out of the monies arising from which my funeral expenses, and all just debts shall be discharged, and that whatever shall remain, together with all money due by Virtue of a bond given by my brother Joseph Robb, shall be divided into four equal Shares betwixt my Sons Andrew Robb, David Robb, Joseph Robb, and Moses Robb, excepting nevertheless the Sum of twenty pounds to be given out of said Monies to my Daughter Isabella Robb Catherine Little, and the Sum of ten pounds to my Daughter Agnes Robb otherwise Andrew, together with all the Expenses, which may attend the Decease and funeral of my wife Barbara Robb. After which I bequeath to my beloved wife Barbara Robb her bed with all the clothing thereunto belonging, the use of her Bedroom during her natural life, as well whatever may be necessary for her comfortable Support during Life, together with the Kitchen Shelf and all the furniture thereunto belonging. It is also my Will that any land be sold either by public or private Sale as soon as possible after my Wife’s decease, and when all children are attending the reading of it shall be discharged, whatever remains will be divided into eight equal Shares betwixt my Sons William Robb, John Robb, James Robb, Andrew Robb, Samuel Robb, David Robb, Joseph Robb and Moses Robb in manner following, that is to say, My Sons John and James shall receive their proportion out of the first payment, if sufficient, if not, the residue is to be discharged out of the second payment; after this my Sons Andrew & Samuel shall receive their Shares, so soon as the payments for the land will admit; again, David and Joseph are to have theirs in the same manner, and lastly William and Moses are to have their’s. And lastly I do hereby appoint my Son William Robb of the Township, County & State aforesaid, and James Little of Fallowfield Township, County and State aforesiad, the sale Executors of this my last Will and Testament, herby revoking all former Wills by me made, In Witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal this
Signed valid, published and declaredby the above named John Robb to be
his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us, who have herunto
subscribed our names as Witnesses signedin the presence of the Testator John Robb
D. WitherspoonJames Calvin
John Robb Washington County
Be it remembered that on the 8th day of February A.D. 1804 personally appeared before me the deputy Register for the probate of Wills of, in and for said County David Witherspoon and John Porter two of the subscribing witnesses to the written Instrument in waiting, who being duly sworn according to law do declare and say that they were personally present and heard and saw John Robb the within named Testator Sign Seal publish pronounce and eclare the within instrument of writing as and for his last and Testament and at the time of the Execution thereof he the said Testator was of sound and well disposing mind memory of understanding according to the best of these deponents knowledge observation and belief – that they signed their names thereto and witnessed in presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of each other—That they saw James Calvin the absent witness sign his name thereto in the presence of the Testator.
Sworn to and subscribed signed before me D. Witherspoon John Porter John E. Sounderson
Email received Aug 31st 2006:
The wording about John Robb's daughter: "Isabella Robb Catherine Little." is possibly an error? The original seems to say: "Isabella Robb otherwise Little". (Instead of Isabella Robb Catherine Little.) See the image below.
Further in the will is "Agnes Robb otherwise Andrew", and the word
is the same as the one for Isabella.
The transcriber of the Will has our thanks for her hard work in reading, typing and posting the
Will. I've been told that it has been a big help to a lot of people!
Italics added by webmaster. Note: The use of otherwise is to
identify a person by birth name, and otherwise by the married name, e.g.
Isabella Robb otherwise Little and Agnes Robb otherwise
County of Washington, ss.
Register of Wills Office
*A line break or spaces were inserted into some Wills for readability.
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