Washington County PAGenWeb
The Will of William KINNEY of Strabane Twp., died 1825

Written and submitted by Leslie Nelson
WILLIAM KINNEY (d 1825) of Strabane Twp
Will Book 4, p 77
In the name of God Amen. I William Kinney of Strabane Township Washington County, & State of Pennsylvania, being old and weak of body, but of perfect mind, and memory and knowing, that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain, this my last Will and testament, and first, I commit my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and I commit my body to the earth, to be burryed in a decent and Christian like manner, at the directions of my executors, and as touching such worldly estate, as it hath pleased god to bless me with, in this life. I give and dispose of it in the following manner, and form: first, I order all my lawful debts, and funeral charges be paid, by my executors, out of my personal estate. Secondly, I give and bequeath to my son Isaac Kinney, the sum of fifty dollars, and under my grandson Dorey Kinney, forty dollars, and unto my grandson William Kinney, forty dollars, and I give unto my grand-daughter Rachel Kinney, forty dollars, and I give unto my grandson Manuel Kinney forty dollars, and I give under my grand-daughter Lucy Kinney forty dollars, and unto my grandson John Kinney I give forty dollars, and I give unto my grand-daughter Nancy Kinney, forth dollars. Those grandchildren of mine mentioned above are children of my son Isaac Kinney. And I give unto my son John Kinney, one dollar, and I give unto my son James Kinney one dollar, and I give unto my grandson William Kinney eighty dollars, and I give unto my grandson Joseph forty dollars, and I give unto my grand-daughter Martha Kinney, forty dollars, and I give unto my grand-daughter Sarah Kinney, forty dollars, all the grandchildren being four are children of my son James Kinney. and I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Beeabout, one hundred acres of land, more, or less, in the State of Ohio, it being the land on which she now dwells, during her natural life, and after her death then to her children, and likewise all the movable property that I bought at constables sale, whatever of it remains to be hers via: My daughters Elizabeth Beaubout, Likewise I give unto my daughter Sarah Perkison; and my daughter Rachel Hall, and my daughter Nancy Kinney, all my real estate in Washington County, equally divided amongst them, but if my daughter Nancy Kinney, should be called away by death, without a lawful heir, then I order her share of said estate, to be divided equally between my daughters Sarah Perkison and Rachel Hall, likewise, I order all my real estate in Washington county to be rented out by my executors until all my legatees are paid off out of the rents. What I give to my daughters Sarah Perkison and Rachel Hall of my personal estate during my life time, the remainder of my personal estate after my lawful debts and funeral charges is paid, all the remainder of my personal estate I give to my daughter Nansy Kenney. Lastly, I appoint Washington Perkinson, with the assistance of James McNary, executors of this my last Will and testament, and hereby I disallow revoke and disanul all former wills made by me, before this time, this and no other, to be my last Will and testament, ratified and confirmed. It witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty forth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four.
Signed, sealed, and pronounced by me as my last will and testament in presence of: Moses McWherter [,], Heny. Reynolds[,] John Garetson[,] Robert Crouch. William Kinney (seal)
To Robt. Coldmery, Esq., Register & Recorder of Washington Pa: Sir being appointed one of the executors of the estate of Wm. Kinney late of Strabane Township desesed State this method to inform you that I decline serving as such. Given under my hand this 21 day of July 1824. James McNary
County of Washington, ss.
Register of Wills Office
*A line break or spaces were inserted into some Wills for readability.
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