Washington County PAGenWeb
The Will of James Crow (1857)

Contributed by Doris Greaves
The Will of James Crow decd
In the name of God Amen, I James Crow being of a sound mind and a recollecting memory but weak in bodily health, do ordain this my last will and testament – written this sixteenth day of September in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight-hundred and fifty-seven…..First it is my will that my funeral expenses and my just debts be paid….Second it is my will that my wife Sarah A C Crow to have my beds and beding, and bureau, and all my kitchen furniture and one hog, I also will to my Brother William J Crow one hog, also to Brother Clark Crow one hog. Also to Clark Crow my rifle gun, It is my will that after all my just debts are paid that the balance of my personal property shall be equally divided between my wife Sarah A Crow, my mother Mary Crow. My Brother Wm J Crow and Clark Crow……Third it is my wish that Wm J Crow and Clark Crow is to have my right and interest in and to my Fathers real estate now occupied by my mother Mary Crow by them paying to my wife Sarah A C Crow one hundred dollars at the decease of my Mother provided she remains my widow so long. Fourth and last it is my will that my wife Sarah A C Crow and Wm J Crow be and I do appoint my Executors, as witness thereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written
James X Crow Seal
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Thomas C Huggins and John J Nixon
Washington Co be it remembered on the 17th day of November 1857 Before me John Meloy Registrar for the probate of Wills and granting letters of administration in and for said county came Thomas C Huggins and John J Nixon witnesses to the will of James Crow decd who after being duly qualified according to law depose and say they were present and saw the testator
his mark thereto. That at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other they subscribe their names as witnesses thereto that they heard the testator publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument as and for his last will and testament. And at the time of his doing so he was of sound and mind memory and understanding. To the best of their knowledge, observation being sworn to and subscribed before me
John Meloy, Register Thomas C Huggins
John Nixon
Nov 17th 1857 Settlors Testamentary with copy of will annexes issued to Sarah A C Crow and John J Crow the Extrs named in the will who on same day were duly qualified
John Meloy Register
Registered and compared with the original Nov 17th 1857
John Meloy Register
WILLS for the CROW Surname, Washington Co PA
Source: Washington County,PA Willbook Index, 1781 – 1900 compiled by Bob and Mary Clossen, Clossen Press 1985
Given name | Volume/page | Probate year |
CLARK | 15/146 | 1895 |
GEORGE | 9/5 | 1865 |
JACOB | 5/274 | 1836 |
JAMES | 7/621 | 1857 |
JOSEPH | 8/355 | 1852 |
LAWRENCE | 5/211 | 1835 |
RUTH | 11/290 | 1881 |
SARAH | 9/117 | 1866 |
WILLIAM | 7/156 | 1851 |
County of Washington, ss.
Register of Wills Office
*A line break or spaces were inserted into some Wills for readability.
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