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Transcribed extractions from a newspaper published in Warren.
Names are in bold for ease in finding them.
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Class Were Photographed--For a number of years Mrs. J. P. Jefferson has instructed a class of young men in the First Presbyterian Sunday school. Monday night the 24 members were all together and they went to the Bairstow studio where a group flashlight was taken. Mr. Theodore Norman, a member, expects to leave Warren in a few days and will locate in Massachusetts. Those who constitute the class are Thomas Perks, Earl D. Bartlett, W. J. Humiston, Frank H. Gruninger, Arthur Miller, Thomas Jenkins, Tracy M. Greenlund, Theodore Norman, L. H. Burkhart, R. O. Brigham, C. L. Knowlton, John M. Lyons, John C. Johnson, F. C. LeVan, O. F. Miles, A. Mies, Wilson H. Waters, Edwin Johnson, O. A. Pressel, George Swain, Harry A. Bishop, Harry J. Parks, F. E. Knopf, A. White.
O. H. Hunter & Son Stock Purchased By L. H. Green and J. E. Blair
An important mercantile deal was consummated today when the stock of the O. H. Hunter & Son dry goods store was purchased from H. P. Hunter by L. H. Green and J. E. Blair. The inventory has been completed and the new proprietors will open the store within a few days and will doubtless receive a very liberal patronage from the people of Warren and vicinity. They should not only retain the old and substantial trade the store has enjoyed but materially increase the business, as both are popular and experienced men in the mercantile trade and are well known in the community as men of character, energy and ability.
Mr. Green has been identified with the dry goods business for many years. He was with the old firm of Parmlee and Henry, was associated with David Shear for a number of years and afterward with the C. H. Smith company. The latter position he resigned several months ago.
Mr. Blair was engaged in business in Warren for 22 years and few merchants possess more energy and business acumen that he.
The new firm will start business under the most auspicious circumstances. They have a large and centrally located store, with well lighted and dry basement and the room will allow them to care for a much larger stock than has heretofore been carried.
It is the intention to carry a complete line of carpets and rugs, draperies, lace curtains and ladies's suits and garments.
The stock of goods is being marked and arranged and within a day or two announcement will be made of the opening sale when $35,000 worth of merchandise will be offered to the public. Owing to improvements to be made it will be necessary to materially reduce the stock and genuine bargains will be numerous.
Mr. H. P Hunter retires after a continuous service of 31 years. The business was established by his father, the late O. H. Hunter, in the year 1842 and is probably the oldest business house in the city. Mr. Hunter has no plans for the future and has decided to enjoy a much needed rest.
Daily Reflections
Another Fall Wedding--Axel E. Johnson and Miss Nellie Opie, both of Warren, were united in marriage this morning at the parsonage of the First Lutheran church by the Rev. W. E. Brinkman.
Senior Class Picnic--The Senior class of the Warren High school had a picnic Friday evening on the hill near the Rogers Mills, Gladerun. There were 25 members of the class present and the affair proved a delightful one.
Party for Bride-elect-- Miss Alice Siegfried entertained the members of the Rascheur Club, a young ladies' organization, Friday afternoon at her home on Hickory street, at a handkerchief shower and luncheon in honor of Miss Mary Yates, who is to wed Harry D. Kopf on Tuesday, October 6th, the invitations for the ceremony being sent out today. Ten young ladies were present at the festivities. The luncheon was served at five o'clock.
Street Car Conductor Injured--Peter Hofstedt, a conductor on the Sheffield line, was struck on the head by a trolley pole near Gladerun Friday afternoon shortly after three o'clock, and received a number of bad scalp wounds. He was also rendered unconscious for a time. He was adjusting the trolley to the wire and leaned too far out of the car so that his head came in contact with the pole, the car being in motion. Hofstedt was taken to the office of Dr. Leroy Chapman, where his wounds was [sic] dressed and later he was taken to his home at Stoneham. He passed a fairly good night and inasmuch as no internal injuries were evident it is expected that he will be around again and at work in about a week.
Serious Accident--Wilbur Akeley and his niece, Miss Alice Akeley, who reside about half way between Russell and Akekey Station, had a narrow escape from death at 8:30 o'clock last evening, when the carriage in which they were riding was precipitated over an almost perpendicular bank, onto the tracks of the D. A.V. & P. Railroad about fifty feet below. As it was, Miss Akeley suffered a fractured rib, while Mr. Akeley miraculously escaped with only a few slight bruises. The horse was killed, and the carriage was completely demolished. Miss Akeley teaches school at Lander and she was driving home with her uncle when the accident happened. About 100 yards north of the railroad track at Russell, they attempted to pass another carriage and the wheels of the two rigs became locked. As Mr. Akeley started to back his horse, the animal became frightened, and despite the frantic efforts of the driver to stop him, backed over the bank.
(edition was eight pages in length)
Daily Reflections
Have a Girl--A daughter was born early this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Musante, of 19 Mohawk Avenue.
Gherer-Motz Wedding--G. F. Gherer and Alta M. Motz, both of North Warren were married Friday at the Evangelical parsonage by the Rev. D. L. Caldwell.
Had Appendix Removed--Miss Sadie Bailey, a clerk in the C. E. Metzger Co., store was taken to Emergency Hospital Friday evening and operated upon for appendicitus. She was taken ill Thursday evening. She withstood the operation well and is expected to recover soon.
Had Foot Amputated--Clarence York, who was recently injured by being hit by a switch engine in the P. and E. freight yards, and who has since been in a serious condition at Emergency Hospital, had his left foot amputated at the ankle today. His other injuries are healing as rapidly as can be expected.
Wedding at Parsonage--K. Edward Smith, of Sheffield, Pa., and Miss Ethel Hayett, of Tylersburg, Pa., were united in marriage at the First M. E. parsonage by the Rev. H. M. Conaway at 11 o'lock [sic] this morning. They will reside in Sheffield, where Mr. Smith is ticket agent for the Pennsylvania railroad.
Died at the Hospital--Mrs. Cora Park Peterson, wife of A. G. Peterson, of Akeley, who was recently brought to Emergency Hospital and operated upon for a serious trouble, died in the hospital last Thursday night at about 11 o'clock. The funeral will be held from the Cable Hollow church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock.
Warren Man to Wed--Joseph Laskowski, of the local D. A. V. freight force and baggage master, left today for Buffalo, where he will on Tuesday be married to Miss Mary Olszweski, of that city. They will go on a wedding trip to New York City and Detroit and will be absent about two weeks. They will make their future home at 21 Locust street.
Injunction Against Railraod--The Borough of Eldred served an injunction on the Shawmut railroad Monday to restrain them from following out their plans of construction on their new stretch of road at that place. The railroad has narrowed the bed of the Allegheny river at several places, and it is feared that in time of high water great damage will be done.
Marriage Licenses--Among the marriage licenses issued from the office of Register and Recorder Allen during the past week are the following: Walter B. Owens and Maggie M. Raner, both of Torpedo; Harry W. Upton and Anna L. Grettenberger, both of Tidioute; Karl E. Smith, of Sheffield and Ethel Hayett, of Tylersburg; Oliver P. McMichael and Ethel P. Steiner, both of Loleta.
Married at Rectory--Miss Anna Grettenberger, of Tidioute, and Harry W. Upton, of Worcester, Mass., were united in marriage at ten o'clock this morning by the Rev. W. H. Jones, rector of Trinity Memorial church, at his residence, 412 Fourth street. The couple will reside in Little Valley, N.Y., where Mr. Upton is employed in the cutlery works. Miss Eva Burke, of Warren, witnessed the ceremony.
Laying More Tracks--Supt. C. J. Gibson of the Tionesta Valley railroad is busy in laying new track. He says that about twelve miles of new road are necessary each year to keep the big mill of the Central Pennsylvania Lumber Company at Sheffield supplied with logs. His road has an immense amount of logs, bark, pulp and chemical wood to haul the year round, and there's no danger of getting out of business for many years to come. The new track has been laid in Elk county where there are large tracts of timber awaiting the woodman's axe. Next year the T. V. road will be extended up Farnsworth run.
Might Drill Wells--It is simply a suggestion that the Borough drive wells at a half dozen places about town, where they would prove a convenience to the greatest number. There are a large number who do not like the water supplied by the Warren Water company for drinking purposes and it is not uncommon for persons to walk four blocks to a well to fill their jug, canteen, pail, pitcher, or whatever the receptacle might be. It is somewhat of an imposition upon owners of private wells to be annoyed at all times of the day by persons wanting water and as the cost of driving a few wells would not cost [sic] to exceed $30.00 each it seems that the Council might at least give the matter its consideration.
Pleasant Surprise Party--A very pleasant surprise party was given Mr. C. F. Schwing Friday evening in honor of his birthday anniversary. Mr. Schwing was out with Mr. P. S. Horton on a pre-arranged fishing trip and while he was absent friends to the number of 15 couples took possession of his home. Mr. Schwing returned just as the party was ascending the stiarcase. The evening was pleasantly passed in playing billiards and cards. A very elaborate four-course luncheon was served and delightful music was furnished by different members of the party. Throughout the evening Mr. Schwing wore a broad smile, the kind that does not come off. Before departing his guests presented him with a handsome leather chair as a token of esteem, and extended to him their best wishes that he might enjoy many more pleasant birthdays.
(edition was eight pages in length)
John A. VanOrsdale is Appointed by Postmaster General Hitchcock
RUSSELL, Nov. 9--Beginning Tuesday the village of Russell will have a new Postmaster in the person of John A. VanOrsdale. Mr.Van Orsdale [sic] received his commission yesterday morning from Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock. He secured his position through a civil service examination held at Warren, Pa., on Aug. 27th, receiving an average of 94 out of a possible 100 in the test.
J. A. VanOrsale [sic] is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Orsdale [sic] of Ackley. He was proprietor of the Home Bakery here for about eighteen months and was well liked by the residents of the village. His many friends congratulate him on landing such an honorable position.
Jay Wiltsie will receive the appointment as Assistant Postmaster.
Thomas F. Akeley forwarded his resignation to the Postoffice Department on June 21st. After a service of nearly twenty years as Postmaster of Russell, during which time he has served the department and the public to the very best of his ability. Mr. Akeley was appointed postmaster on Dec. 9, 1891. During the change of administration Harvey T. Russell was postmaster for two years. Mr. Akeley was re-appointed on July 30, 1898 and has held the position ever since.
As soon as reports and other business can be attended to the ex-postmaster will retire from public life and live on his farm east of Russell.
(edition was eight pages in length)
Daily Reflections
Purchased Gas Rights--A. D. Goal, of Warren, has bought the controlling interest in the gas territory between Youngsville and Sugar Grove, this county, and is putting down two more wells 1,000 feet north of the old producing wells. He has great faith in the territory as each gas well is better than its predecessor. It is hoped that he may strike the main artery.
Old Chums Met--Two Youngsville boys, Rev. Guy L. Brown and Fred Wright, the former now pastor of the Central Baptist Church of Trenton, N.J., and the latter chief bookkeeper for Grandin & White in Missouri, met in Youngsville Wednesday morning for the first time in many years. They were inseparable chums in boyhood, but in manhood are both filling useful niches in business and society.
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