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From The Evening Democrat, Monday, February 21, 1898, page 2, column 6:
Gossip From Garland.
Feb. 21.--Miss Grace Horn gave a valentine party Monday evening in honor of her cousin and guest, Miss Winifred Horn, of Bradford.
The funeral of Mrs. David Martin, of Cole Hill, was held at the Presbyterian church Thursday p.m., Rev. Mellor officiating. Mrs. Martin was 72 years old.
Our new postmaster, Mr. Byron Stevens, is on the sick list, but glad to say is improving under the care of Dr. Goudy.
From the Warren Morning Mirror, Saturday, August 13, 1927, page 7, columns 3 and 4:
Much Work Remains To Be Done on the New School House; New Hatchery Nearly Completed
The local unit of the W.C.T.U. announces a yearly meeting at the Presbyterian church Friday, August 11. Officers will be elected for the coming year and all members are requested to pay their dues. This is the most important meeting of the year and all members are urged to attend.
The Garland Chicken Hatchery is receiving its share of attention. The fine building is almost completed. A large sign which will be seen from both ways is being put up. Mr. Thompson is already receiving orders for early spring chicks. Mr. Thompson is always glad to meet visitors, will take you over the place, and if you are interested in chickens you'll find he is the man to talk to.
The new Tripp garage is begin- [sic] to look good to Garlandites. The concrete floor is now finished and Mr. Tripp is beginning to do business in it. There will be a rest room for ladies and other conveniences for tourists when the building is completed. Mr. Tripp invites you to stop and get acquainted.
It will hurry the workmen if the new school house is to be ready for school by the first of September, as a great deal of work is yet to be done, however, the plumbing is finished and the walls almost plastered and the children are looking forward to school days under more sanitary and pleasant surroundings. The improved school rooms with the clean walls, good floors, steam heat with plenty of light will surely be a change that is a real treat for the children in this vicinity.
Alton Cusick had charge of the Tuesday night service. The subject was "God in the Bible" and many spiritual truths were brought out.
The Women's Auxillary met on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. Whaley. The attendance was good and a very enjoyable as wellas profitable afternoon was spent.
It was decided to serve a supper at the Moose home Tuesday afternoon and evening for 25 cents. All are urged to co-operate and make this event a success. A rummage sale will also be held next month when a variety of articles will be put on sale. Watch for the date as you may be able to get just the thing you need at a very low cost.
The hostess served delicious refreshments and a social hour was enjoyed. In the absence of Miss Morris, the ssecretary, Mrs. Rosen, acted.
Mrs. Mae Clancy and daughters Mary and Billie, Mrs. Wm. Clancy and sons Eugene and John motored to Lucinda where they visited Father Kuntz who was formerly located in Tidioute and had charge of the Garland chapel. On the way back they stopped in Lickingville where they visited Mr. Sol Sigworth who is well known here at one time being located at Torpedo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson of Pleasantville were Garland visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seeley have returned from Chapmanville where they attended a picnic.
Mr. Newell of Sherman, N.Y. was in town Thursday.
Walter Hamilton and John Clancy motored to Pittsburgh where they will witness a ball game.
Mrs. Frank Anderson enjoyed a visit with a number of Youngsville friends the other day.
Mr. Hartley of Youngsville was in town Tuesday. Mr. Hartley is again running for County auditor and wishes for the support of his friends.
Miss Rebecca Hennon of Wampum has been a recent guest at the Clancy home.
Mr. S. McClure of Boston, who has been visiting at the Marden home went to Pittsburgh Tuesday. He will return later for Mrs. McClure who will spend about three weeks with her parents.
Mrs. Jannette Mickle has received work of the death of Mr. Mickle's sister at Cambridge Springs.
Elliot Lanning writes his parents that he is improving so rapidly he will soon be allowed to come home. Elliott is at a Children's Hospital for tuberculosis in Franklin Co., where he is receiving treatment for gland trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boyd of Erie visited the former's parents here Sunday. His mother is somewhat improved. Although she suffers greatly she has better use of her limbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morris, Mr. and Mrs. George Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richards accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin of Chicago enjoyed a picnic in the woods across the river from Warren where Garland people like to hunt deer.
Mrs. Harriet Horn is again at home after spending some time in Youngsville with Mrs. Cochran.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doolittle and family of Huntington, W. Va., arrived Sunday evening and will spend a week or ten days visiting the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Doolittle.
Mr. Ralph Morris has purchased a new Studebaker sedan.
Rev. Doolittle and wife with their guests motored to Warren Tuesday and to Carry [sic] Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Seeley have taken a boy to care for.
A motor party from Aznesville, Ohio, camped in Mrs. Mickle's yard the other night, making an early start the next morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lund and daughter were entertained at dinner by friends who are camping along the Allegheny.
Mrs. Ecklund has been going to Warren every day this week, having secured employment.
Miss Gladys Lund celebrated the anniversary of her birth Tuesday. This popular young lady was entertained at two dinners by Warren friends in honor of the occasion. She was also the recipient of some very beautiful gifts.
Who's Who in Garland
I am introducing to you this week one of the pioneer families of this vicinity. A family that knew this region when the forests were rich in lumber tracts and Garland was a dot on the horizon.
Flora Jennette Birchard was born near Meadville on July 4, 1849, and Mr. Z. Mickle was born near Albany in 1844. These young people were married at Cambridge Springs in 1870 and the late C. S. Morris and his fiancee acted as maid of honor and best man. They lived in Cambridge Springs for a short time but soon came to this vicinity where Mr. Mickle bought a large lumber tract from Mr. Crouse of Reading, Pa. for $28,000, which was a big undertaking for a young man to face such a financial responsibility, but Mr. Mickle possessed both courage and will power and always managed to come out on top. He lumbered extensively for many years and that locality now is named Mickle Hill in his honor, much of the land yet belonging to the Mickle estate. Mr. Mickle was too young to enter the Civil War but in order to hire a substitute for his brother who was drafted but unable to go because of the illness of his wife, young Zack drew oil over impossible roads, suffering untold hardship to make enough money to make this possible. He loved the out of doors, owned several large farms and farmed as well as lumbered successfully. He owned the Woodside and Cowell farms at Cambridge Springs. He was als [sic] a great pedestrian and he considered it a mere jaunt to walk from Titusville and he preferred to walk rather than ride from Cambridge Springs to Garland.
Mr. Mickle died four years ago last February and rests in the M. E. cemetery in the shadow of Mickle Hill where once as a young man he labored. Four children were born to this happy couple, first a little daughter Alma who died at the age of two years. Vernon who now resides on the Woodside farm at Cambridge Springs. Ernest of Garland and Lee who is a chemist in Hartford,Conn. He has become quite a noted bacteriologist and is the head of the Connecticut Bacteriology Society. There are eight grandchildren: Mrs. Roland McDuff, Cambridge Springs; Clinton Mickle, Cleveland; Norma Jean, and Wilda Rea of Hartford; Fay and Price of Cambridge Springs and Douglas and Clifford of this place. Also four grandchildren.
Garland is famous for its grand old people and Mrs. Mickle is one of them. Her silver hair and sweet smile is an inspiration as she spends the sunset of life surrounded by many friends and many happy memories.
Mrs. Mickle a sweet faced lady lives in her beautiful home here, built out of some of Mr. Mickle's choicest lumber. She is a very charming woman, attends the social functions of the community and also opens up her home for church affairs, etc. She is a great lover of flowers and enjoys working among them. Her friends enjoy her hospitality and helpfulness. On her mother's side she springs from good old New England stock and she occasionally spends a winter there with her son and has thus come in touch with some of her mother's folks, several who are professional people that are accomplishing things in the world. She has long been a member of the local W.C.T.U. and also of the M. E. church.
From the Warren Morning Mirror, Wednesday, September 21, 1927, page 8, columns 3 and 4:
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Horn of Cleveland are visiting the former's mother Mrs. Harriet Horn.
Mr. and Mrs. Borton were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Borton is one of Garland's teachers. [Sentence typed as published!]
Many fine peaches are being trucked into Garland and sold from house to house.
The Garland Chair factory is doing a good business, and is running evenings again.
A wreck on the N.Y.C. delayed trains Saturday morning.
Who's Who in Garland
This week I introduce to you another of Garland's oldest residents Mr. George Price. Mr. Price has lived in Garland 60 years. He was born in Greenwood, Schuylkill Co. in 1850. His father was a native of Wales, and George was one of eight on a farm. After the close of the Civil War, when George was fifteen, Robert McKinney, who was on his way home from the army persuaded the young chap to come here and this vicinity has been his hame [sic] ever since.
George arrived about at the beginning of the oil excitement around Titusville, and he went to work in the oil fields. He remembers very dictinctly [sic] the Noble well and its enormous production.
He finally drifted down the river below Irvineton and worked for a man by the name of Densmore. At this time when only seventeen years of age romance entered his life, he fell in love with his employer's daughter, pretty Henrietta Densmore and they were married and came to Garland. It was while Mr. Price was down the river that the railroad from Oil City to Warren was begun.
After his marriage, he went into the saw mill business and he ran a saw mill and shingle mill for something like fifty years. There were no band mills in those days. At one time the boiler exploded killing several and injuring Mr. Price and he lost the use of one eye. Seven children were born to this happy couple and when Edith and Charley were tiny folks they built a beautiful home on the hillside overlooking the valley.
It might be interesting to many to know that when Mr. Price first came to Gaarland [sic] the P & E. railroad had been laid but a short time and that it was before the N.Y.C. here.
Hiram Andrews had just completed his home, where his daughter Mrs. Wm. Munn and family now live, and Mr. Andrews had a store, in his house.
The house owned by O. D. Horn was built as also was the Horn farm house, now owned by Albert Curtis, and at that time owned by Sammie Moore. The home owned by Lester Black was built by Mr. Wiliam [sic] Neil, father of Mr. Alfred Neil who was recently seriously injured in California. The home where Mrs. Margaret Kelsey now lives was then owned and occupied by Mr. [sic] Anna Mandaville. The Presbyterian church stood then near the cemetery and is now converted into a barn ownd [sic] by A. H. Maiden. Mr. Price's memory is good and he enjoys talking about the old days, when the friends of those happy days were here, building homes, raising happy children and planning for the future but Father Time has snatched most of them and those that still remain like to live over again those days of happy comradeship.
Mr. Price, too, like most of us, suffered many dark days and tragedies came into his life. One son Clayton was accidently drowned in California. Will was killed while working on the P. & E. railroad, and a beautiful daughter, Grace, died while still in her youth. The children that remain are Mrs. V. Mickle of Cambridge Springs, Mr. Charley Price of Kellettville, Claud of Erie and Merle of Oil City. All are married and have happy homes, thus Mr. Price is blessed with 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. His wife, his "butterfly" as he calls her flitted away suddenly one day, 10 years ago after having spent a happy day at some social function in the village.
Mr. Price now lives alone in his big house with her memories. He hears the echo of happy voices and his children come home occasionally to see dad.
The view from his home is magnificent. As he sits on his front porch he can look across the valley to the ranges of hills along the horizon, but always his eyes drop and he sees several white stones in the valley and he knows that much of his heart is there where all his loved oness [sic] sleep.
Is he active? Oh! Yes. Nature has been kind to Mr. Price. He still can do a good day's work. Among these hills people rarely grow old.
From the Warren Morning Mirror, Wednesday, February 28, 1928, page 7, columns 5 - 8:
It seems most of our Garland residents along with other great people have February birthdays. This week we have Messrs Ralph Morris' and George Johnson's birthdays on the 19th. Miss Mabel Bristow and Mrs. Jessie Still celebrate on the 23rd in honor of theirs.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Johnson and daughter of Pleasantville were in town this week visiting at the home of the Quick's.
Sad news came to Mrs. Lobdell this week when she learned that her grandson had met with an accident which resulted in the amputation of both legs. This boy who is about 19 years old is the son of her oldest son, Henry, all are well know in Garland. It is not known how the accident occurred but the young man worked in the mines near Latrobe, Pa. and as he was found along the railroad, the supposition is that he must have been hit by a train. He is in a hospital in Latrobe.
This week our subject is [sic] this article of Who's who is Leah Andrews Munn, the only one of the Andrews family left in Garland.
This family is, we have reason to believe, the oldest family in this vicinity. Mrs. Munn's great, great grandfather, Robert Andrews was the first man to settle in Pittsfield township in 1795. Robert and his brother John were soldiers in the Revolutionary War, so we know Leah is indeed a member of the D.A.R. Mr. Robert, Sr., came across the Ohio river from Wellsville and thence to the mouth of the Little Brokenstraw, where he erected either the first or second saw mill in Warren county.
Leah's father Hiram F. Andrews was born in Garland July 4, 1838, and lived here all of his llife. He died in 1922 and is buried in the Presbyterian cemetery here.
Hiram Andrews was a son of Robert Andrews Jr. and Jane Mandaville Andrews. His father was also born in Pittsfield township. Hiram's father was drowned below the dam here when his son Hiram was twelve years old, and much responsibility thus came to rest on young Hiram. He taught school at the age of 16 and finally married one of his pupils, pretty Sarah Thompson. The marriage ceremony took place in the Hyer homestead near Spring Creek which is at present owned by Dr. Hyer of Clarendon, and one of the prettiest places in the vicinity. In early life Hiram was a farmer and in 1859 he was appointed if not the first, the second postmaster here. Some authorities seem to think a man by the name of McMasters was the first postmaster. However, it was at this time that our village received its beautiful name. The settlement had been called "Gar" the short of Mullengar after an Irishman that lived here, but when the little community was going on the map, Messrs. McMasters and Andrews decided a more suitable name should be given and because the tiny village was like a mammoth wreath, surrounded as it were with its forest clad hills the name of "Garland" of which many have been justly proud. In 1866 he went into the general merchandise business with Sterrett[?] and Witmore and in 1870, he acquired the interests of his partners. In 1871 he built his first saw mill and for many years did extensive lumbering along with his other business. His partnership names at different times were Horn and Andrews, Moore and Andrews, Hill and Andrews, H.F. Andrews and Co., Gen. Store, Watt and Andrews, Hardward and H. F. Andrews Grist Mill and Farming. He loved the out of doors and spent much time on his farms. The fine orchard now owned by the Leofsky family was set out by Mr. Andrews and it was while on work on one of his farms that he lost his eyesight by an explosion of dynamite thus for twenty years before his death he was blind.
Sorrow came to him as it does to all. His first wife died at the age of 37, after a few days illness, having taken a hard cold caring for a sick friend. She left six little children, one little child Viena Jane dying in infancy. Those little children now are men and women: Mrs. J. D. Chapman of Ashtabula, Ohio, Mrs. I. G. Hyer of Clarendon, Earl and Khlar of Warren, Mrs. Wm. Munn of Garland and H.F. Andrews Jr.
In April 1883 he was married to Mary Davies, who died in 1899 leaving two daughter Florence who died in the teen age and Grizcile who is now Mrs. Arch Bristow of Warren.
Hiram Andrews will never be forgotten. His noble life will be handed down by parents to their children throughout the years to come he will live in the hearts of the people in this vicinity. He always stood for the biggest and the best. He was a staunch Prohibitionist and had been since the formation of that party. With Andrew Hertzel and Dr. Davies he established Warren County's only...[whole line unreadable]...and published the same at their expense. He was indefatigable in well doing, and accepted the truths of the gospel in its simplicity. He was an elder in the Presbyterian church for 59[?] years and was always at every service. He needed no hand to guide him to God's house, he had been there so many times he needed no one to show him the way. We see him yet with tottering step winding his way to a chair near the pulpit waiting for him. The chair is empty now but his spirit rests as a loving benediction on the heads of the little flock whom he loved and the inspiration of his beautiful life helps us carry on. The little children loved him and the older ones never let an opportunity to take him by the hand and see the smile that would illuminate his face like sunshine, pass by. A stranger was always a welcome guest in his home. No one went away empty handed or hungry. Hiram Andrews knew how to give.
His sons and daughters have been left a heritage that cannot be taken away from them.
This family of boys and girls was a very happy one as they grew up in Garland. Their gracious hospitality was appreciated and enjoyed by many. The old house rang with music and merriment, but one by one they mated and left the lod [sic] home nest and Leah who is now Mrs. Wm Munn lives there with her delightful little family and the memories of yesterdays.
Mrs. Munn is a charming woman, much beloved. She is very talented being a reader of rote, having graduated at Martyn college of Oratory, Washington D.C. She responds graciously when asked to... [another line unreadable] ...much pleasure to people in this vicinity. She is very public spirited, interested in schools and youth, gives freely her time and strength to the various activities of the community. She is the president of the local W.C.T.U. and her whole family are members of the Presbyterian church her father loved. She was a source of much comfort to her father during his last years. She would read to him by the hour, her trained expressive voice carrying him away on magic wings most of times to a vision of that beautiful city, whose builder and maker is God.
She is blessed with an unusual family. Gordan [sic] is a junior in the Youngsville High. Milton is a talented musician and has been church pianist for several years. Jane is a loveable attractive little daughter. You always find Mrs. Munn at Sabbath School with her children, where she teaches a young men's class, and also at church services where Gordon's rich young voice is an inspiration. Her's is an ideal home life, and although she is gifted along many lines, she excels as a mother.
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