Valeria Caroline (Bahl) (10/28/1903-12/01/1987) and
Alvin Francis Frawley (12/03/1899-10/13/1977)
Husband and Wife
Married June 14, 1926 in Overton, PA
She kept the Frawley-Bahl history for over 70 years.
Settlers XXXIV: The Frawley Collection
Preserved by Valeria Bahl Frawley
and Her Daughter-in-Law Violet Thomas Frawley
Compiled by Bob Sweeney
August 2003
The Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page is most grateful to Violet Thomas Frawley for making possible the preservation of this history. Initially, we present over 400 pictures found in the archives preserved by Valeria Bahl from her childhood in Overton, PA until her death in Elmira, NY late in the twentieth century. As time goes by, more information, identifications and commentary will be added.
An enormous amount of credit must also be given to Robert V. "Bob" Bahl of Binghamton, NY, who devoted a
substantial amount of his time in September 2003 to reviewing and helping to identify the photos presented here.
Bob's father, Vincent Bahl, and Valeria Bahl were brother and sister.
A third critical source of information and material for this page only came to us in March 2009. Lynn Weatherbe, a descendant of Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter, became aware of our page and agreed to contribute several dozen of her old photos as well as commentary on the material already displayed here. Lynn is the daughter of George and Jeanne (Vawter) Weatherbe (June 3, 1923-October 20, 1972) and the granddaughter of Jamison Vawter and Theresa O'Brien. We are grateful to Lynn for this invaluable supplement to the O'Brien family history now included here. Her remarks and photo contributions are noted where they appear in the following history.
Much of our story takes place in Sullivan County, and the Overton area of Bradford County, in northern Pennsylvania. The seminal or key genealogy file for the Irish families involved in this story, as well as a vast number of other relationships, are detailed in Bob Sweeney's Sweeneys-McDonalds from County Sligo to Pennsylvania.
After the death of Owen Sweeney, in 1921, Thomas J. and Elizabeth A. (Sweeney) Frawley, Owen's son-in-law and daughter and the parents of Alvin Frawley, moved to Elmira, NY. Alvin and Valeria's longstanding homestead was at 715 Laurel Street. Their son Edwin Frawley and his wife Violet Thomas lived at 556 Baty Street. As we are told by Bart Cavanaugh, whose family also has lived in the Elmira area for many decades, Baty St is on the south side of Elmira and Laurel St. is only a few streets away. Most of the
Irish lived on the south side of the river and Laurel and Baty Sreets were in the heart of the
Irish area. Also the railroad yard was on the south side and many of the Irish
worked there. Bart, by the way, is the author of Cavanaughs of Irish Ridge, about another Irish family that originated in Sullivan County and then moved on to Elmira. Martin and Sarah (Cook) Cavanaugh, Bart's grandparents, lived at 375 Baty St. and Bart still owned their home in 2005. Says Bart: "The Frawleys lived two blocks away and the next street over there was another Frawley family related to the Cavanaughs". This relationship came about via marriage among the Bahls, Jordans and Sweeneys. Here is how: Valeria's aunt Catherine Bahl was married to Thomas Jordan, a first cousin of Mother Frawley, i.e., Elizabeth A. Sweeney, who was Valeria's mother-in-law. Thomas Jordan and Margaret (Jordan) Sweeney, mother of Elizabeth, were siblings. At the same time, Thomas J. Frawley, Elizabeth's husband and Valeria's father-in-law, had a first cousin named Bridget Frawley who was married to Michael Kelly. Michael Kelly was a brother of Agnes (Kelly) Sweeney, who as the wife of Peter Francis Sweeney, Elizabeth's second cousin. What a world!
Here is a picture of Alvin Frawley, the future husband of Valeria Bahl, taken as a school child in Pittsburgh, PA in 1906-1907. The only connection we know of between the Frawleys and the Pittsburgh area is that Elizabeth (Sweeney) Frawley, Alvin's mother, had a brother, John Sweeney, who lived with his family in Pittsburgh at this time. He was the husband of Elizabeth Madden and the father of Margaret "Peg" Sweeney. You will see pictures of both of these women below. Perhaps Alvin was in his First Communion class in this picture, or perhaps he was staying with family in Pittsburgh at this time. We don't know for now. We have been unable to make out what is written on the sign in the front of the group, although a similar picture has a sign that says "Shady Grove School". Shady Grove is the name of a a major city street and residential area in Pittsburgh today. We know not know if any of the John Sweeney family is in the picture nor the identities of anyone else shown here.

Alvin Frawley
Future Husband of Valeria Bahl
Front row, third from left
An Old Undated Postcard
Source of identification: Note on back of postcard

Robert Vincent "Bob" Bahl (1935-) and Earl Richard Bahl (1937-)
Brothers and Sons of Vincent Edward Bahl and Mildred Arvilla Hunsinger
Source of identification: Bob Bahl

Captioned: "Five ladies and a gentleman"
Likely Members of the "Philadelphia Sweeney" Family
at or Near Their Home at 35th and Ridge Streets
in Philadelphia,
Early 1940s
Middle Individual Seems to be Catherine "Kate"
(Sweeney) Daily (1864-1941)
Sister of Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Sweeney) Frawley, the Mother-in-law of
Valeria Bahl Frawley
Source of identification: Bob Sweeney

An Old Shed on the "Conmey Farm"
Grandfather's farm"
"Elkland, PA"
John Conmey was related to the Sweeney
family by both blood and marriage. He was therefore related by descent to many
of the other families that come to life in the Frawley history. It is not clear at
this point which descendant might have added these handwritten annotations. Additional Conmey
farm photos are shown below.
Source of Conmey information: Bob Sweeney
Sullivan Review
Vol. 12, No. 3
February 28, 1889
John Conmey
CONMEY - John Conmey, an aged gentleman, of Overton, died Tuesday. Buried at the McGovern Cemetery near Overton.
The Conmey Heritage
The Conmey family goes back to County Sligo Ireland and involves longstanding ties between the Conmey, Sweeney
and Brennan families there. We shall provide a brief overview here, in as much as Kate (Conmey) O'Brien
was the mother of Ella Mary (O'Brien) Bahl and Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter, whom we shall encounter more of below. We shall also encounter a mystery involving a sibling of Kate, John Conmey, Jr., his ultimate fate and the life of his
daughter, Sister Mary Cecliia [Jeanette Conmey}, a Dominican nun who spent most of her life in the Dominican convent in New Orleans. We will also see that the Conmey family
had a crucial role in the Irish Catholic clergy in 19th century Ireland, which carried over to religious avocations in the United States on more than one occasion.
Let us begin with Bartholomew (1758-1858) and Bridget (Brennan) Conmey (1774-1864), of County Sligo, Ireland, who married in 1798. Their home was in the village of Drim, Muingwar Parish, near Stokane.
They had these children: Mary, John, Thomas, James and Margaret and Bartholomew, Jr. For this information, we are indebted
to Kathleen McNamara Conmey, a descendant of James Conmey. We know that John, James and Margaret went to America, and believe that Mary did as well.
Thomas and Bartholomew II stayed in Ireland. Thomas married Bridge Walsh and they had three sons and a daughter: John, Edward, Bartholomew [III] and Mary. John became the famous Bishop of Killala, an influential
clerical leader of the Irish Catholic community in the second half of the nineteenth century. Edward went to America. We will encounter more about these ancestral Conmeys and their descendants
below. Note that we will by convention use "Conmey" as the spelling for members of this family, although several
branches continued to use "Conmy" and, once in America, anglicized versions such as
"Conley", "Convey" and even "Connolly" were also adopted.
Of particular interest to the history of Sullivan County are the three, and possily four, children of Bartholomew and
Bridget who ended up in the Campbellville or Elkland area in the middle nineteenth century. These would be John
Conmey, Sr., James Conmey, Margaret ("Peg") Conmey and Mary Conmey. Here are some brief overview items and links to clarify these individuals and their families:
(1) John Conmey, Sr. (1807-02/26/1889) was born in Castleconnor in County Sligo, Ireland and came to live on his
own farm in Campbellville, PA. He had two marriages, the first to Mary McAuley [?], and the second to Jane Flanagan (1816-10/5/1884).
His first marriage bore one child, named John, but both mother and child died young. John and Jane had three children who grew to adulthood: Catherine (8/19/1849-3/8/1896), who married
Dennis O'Brien [their family and children are discussed in detail below], Richard (1856-1937), who did not marry but
moved out West; and John, Jr. (1852-Bet. 1900-1904) who settled eventually in Florida. John, Jr. was the father of Jeannette [later Sister Mary Cecilia, O.P.] and Rose "Mary". Both John
and his children, for whatever reason, went by the anglicized version of the surname: "Conley".
We will discuss the mystery of what happened to this part of the family further below.
(2) James William Conmay (born 1814) was also born in Ireland and subsequently came to the United States. He was married to
Sarah Jane Kane (born in 1807) in Buffalo and then they moved to Sullivan County, PA. The family lived here from
about 1842 until the 1860s. Sarah died in 1862 of diptheria, along with two daughters - they and another daughter
are buried at the Neumann Shrine Church, also known as Sts. Phillip and James Church,
in Sugar Ridge, PA. James remarried Mary Jordan (born 1826; died 1911). Before Mary Jordan married James she was a housemaid at the nearby Overton
House hotel. After Sarah Jane died, this Conmey family relocated to Jones County, Iowa. I am indebted to Laura
Kendall for this information. She has also posted several photos, obituaries and so forth at the
Conmey Family Album on the Jones County, Iowa
Family Albums site.
(3)Margaret "Peg" Conmey married Martin Sweeney in County Sligo, Ireland in 1838. Martin was a younger brotehr of Michael Sweeney, patriarch of the Sweeney family chronicled in Settlers I: The Sweeneys of Ringer Hill.
Martin and Peg had three young daughters at the time of his death in 1844: Mary, Bridget and Margaret. After Martin died chopping wood in Rome, NY, a few hours after the birth of Margaret, his widow Peg relocated with the
children to the farm owned by her brother John in Sullivan County PA. She later remarried to John Doyle, an older neighboring farmer, with whom she had five sons. The Doyle and Sweeney children were always close
throughout their lives. We know some things about what became of the children of Peg Conmey. Mary moved to Wellsville, NY, when she married Rodger Sweeney, likely a cousin of some remove. You can reaad more about Mary (Sweeney) Sweeney at the Sweeney link mentioned above.
The youngest daughter, Margaret, was a house servant to her stgepfatehr, John Doyle, in the 1870 Federal Census in Sullivan County, PA. She later
became a dressmaker, living at the Home for the Aged in Elmira, NY, as shown in the Federal Census for 1900 there. She was still living at this Home
in 1920 where she is now
listed as a "Patient". She appears to have died before 1926, since she is not listed in the obitaury for her sister Bridget in that year. This sister, the
middle duaghter, Bridget, married Thomas Scales, shoemaker and Civil War veteran. They lived in several communities in lower New York State, ending up in Binghamton,
Broome County, NY. The family actually lived at 126 Beethoven Street, where Bridget died in 1926. Her home was less than a mile from where the administrator of the Sullivan County Genealogical Page, Bob Sweeney, grew up at
48 Beethoven Street. This information was completely unknown to Bob, who relates that he must have walked past that house 100 times as a kid never knowing that part of his extended family had lived there. Here is a brief biography of the
Scales and Sweeney family provied by Sandra Scales-Siwek, their great granddaughter, in December 2012:
The Scales family Bridget married into were mostly shoemakers -- from her father-in-law Nathaniel (1819-1901) through her husband , brother-in-laws
and sons... At some point, everyone worked for Lester Shoe/Endicott-Johnson Shoe company in Endicott, NY, with some starting at Richmond
Shoe before it was acquired. Bridget's daughter Kate Scales was one of the first women supervisors at "E-J". Eventually her son Joseph Elias
became a Barber Surgeon. And, two other sons, Thomas Nathaniel, Sr. and Charles, founded Gunlocke Chair Company (with two partners). It
was a proud moment to realize that both the President's chair, and the House and Senate chairs, are ALL Gunlocke Chair products. There is a
picture here of Bridget's sons -- the tall thin guy on the left near the stack of bentwood frames is our Grandfather (Bridget's son) Thomas
Nathaniel, Sr. He looks just like all those tall thin Sweeney men in your pictures! Go to Gunlocke to see these photos.
Eventually, Thomas N. parted ways with Gunlocke and bought Indian River Chair, renaming it Adelphia Chair (located in Philadelphia, NY), but
it was doomed to bankruptcy by a badly timed order that overextended them just as the Depression loomed. At the critical moment, the customer
defaulted. Thomas N. worked a while at Oneidacraft then finally took a job as foreman at Hickory Chair Company, Hickory, NC. He eventually
died in Hickory, NC. Three of his sons joined the military (Matt & John-- Army Air Corps, Tom-- Navy (medical corps). One became a priest (Don)
and one (Charles Robert or "Charlie") went from Merchant Marine to Navy to CIA to Pan Am. THomas N.'s daugthers were career women -- a nurse
(Evie) and dental hygienist (Alice) -- both civilians attached to the Army.
Going back a moment to the generation of the Scales family Bridget married into -- according to family lore we were once Protestant
but the love of a good woman brought us into the fold of the Roman Catholic Church. I believe that was Bridget; this belief is bolstered by
the fact that her brother-in-law Joseph was both Republican and Protestant as were her Scales sisters-in-law: Jane Watson, Agnes Kennedy,
Elizabeth Wallace and Kate Hausman.
Quite a story!
Lets' return to Jeannette and Rose Mary, the daughters of John and Mary "Fidelia" (McCollum) Conmey who were born in Florida. We know from the Archives of St. Mary's Dominican College in New Orleans that both girls were
students in the convent school there in 1904. We at first presumed that their father had died there. Also, the handwritten notes of Valeria Bahl state
that John Conmey, Jr. settled in the New Orleans area. We don't really know anything about his alleged time in New Orleans, but we do know, thanks to some
investigative research by Lynn Franklin, where he lived and died in Florida! In fact, his daughters, as well as two sons,
were born in Florida. We don't know exactly where he was between the 1870 Federal Census for Forks, PA and 1891 when he married in
Jacksonville, FL. Ostensibly, he lived in Texas, then moved, first to Louisiana, before arriving in Florida in 1883. We do know that he married Mary Fidelia in 1891 in Jacksonville, and lived in the Lake Panasoffskee area south of Ocala, FL.
John Conley died in 1902 and is buried in a lot surrounded by an old collapsed iron fence at the Tema Cemetery, in Tema, FL. He is buried next to his son John F. Conley, who
died before his fourth birthday. The pictures below were taken by Lynn Franklin onsite on November 30, 2011, and show the surname as "Conley". During her visit to the local community with her husband, Bob Sweeney, they
also looked for records in the Sumter County Library and Records office. A local history of the area mentioned John "Conley" as a merchant in the area in the 1880s and 1890s. He was invovled in the
eventually fruitless effort to attract major outside development to the local community. He was actually married to his wife twice, she having divorced him once an then remarried at her
father's urging. Even more shockingly,she was respomsible for his death as explained in the news report below, although she was subsequently acquitted of murder!!
Conley lingered on his death bed for a few days and tried to change his will to leave his wife out in favor of Rena Eddy, his adopted daughter. But the court, as shown by records from Sumter County Courthouse that are in
my possession, overturned that decision. Here is the news article I referred to:
Conley is Dead
Sorrowful End of a Strenous
The fatal bullet went too deep for Physicians Probe to Reach-
Mr. John Conley, the Panasoffkee merchant who was shot by his wife last Tuesday
at that place, died in the Marion County Surgical Hospital this morning at 3
o'clock. The tragedy was the outcome of a series of family
quarrels. From the Sumterville Times, we learn that shortly before
the tragedy they had a quarrel, that Mr. C. had chased her about the place with
a gun, desisted for a short time and then returned; hearing his footsteps she
hid behind some vines. He kept calling her. She finally answered,
when he strode toward her, saying he was going to shoot and kill her. She
fired at him with a 32 caliber pistol, the ball striking him in the left cheek
and ranging down towards his throat. Mr. Conley fell to the ground and
Mrs. Conley ran to a neighbor's to have them get a doctor.
Mrs. Conley said before she shot him he had choked, threw her down and sat on
her. When the neighbor, Mr. George Pendarvis, went to see about Conley's
condition he found him walking around with his gun looking for his wife, but
refused surgical help, but Dr. Nobles of Bushnell was summoned despite his
protests and examined the wound, but Conley refused to have it probed.
Conley stated that he had no gun when his wife shot him and denied beating or
threatening her.
Wednesday morning Messrs. Kilpatrick and Walker accompanied him to Ocala, where
he entered the hospital in care of Dr. Van Hood, who up to yesterday afternoon
was quite hopeful of his recovery.
Deceased was the most prominent, successful and wealthy merchant of Sumter
county. He came from Texas to Florida in 1883. A number of years
ago he married a lady of Bushnell. Trouble came because he compelled her
to assist him in the store, where much of the trade was with a rough and tough
lot of negroes, which service she resented. She sued for divorce and
secured it with alimony. Mrs. Conley then took her two children and went
to Tampa, where for a while she worked in a millinery store. Several
months ago Mrs. Conley's father besought her to return with her children to Mr.
Conley. After considerable persuasion, she consented and a little over a
month ago she came to Panasoffkee, met Mr. Conley, a reconciliation followed
and they were remarried and lived together as man and wife until the night of
the tragedy.
Mrs. Conley claims she shot her husband in self defense and has secured the
services of Col. E.R. Gunby of Tampa, to defend her. It appears that
deceased was a peculiar person, had some excellent traits of character, but
others not so creditable. A number of his acquaintances called him a diamond in
the rough. The wife has the sympathy of the community in which she and
her husband lived.
Undertaker McIver took charge of the remains and wired to his [i.e.,
Conley’s] adopted daughter, Mrs. Rena Eddy, the wife of Mr. Moses Eddy, a
saw mill man in that section, who said she would be here this morning and take
charge of the body.
Mr. Conley was well known to the older citizens of Ocala, having come
from Louisiana to this place in 1883-4 and assisted in grading the road
bed of the old F. C. & P. Railroad from Citra to Wildwood, when he sold his
outfit and turned the money into the Robinson Bros. bank, that then existed,
and which failed shortly after. From Ocala, Conley went to Panasoffkee
and became the pioneer merchant of the place. Commercially, the deceased
will be greatly missed in Sumter county, as everybody who got into financial
trouble went to him and generally secured help.
[Source: The Ocala Evening
Star, Ocala, FL, May 31, 1902]
Mary Fidelia and her children moved on. Some time between John Conley's death and 1911, the widow, Fidelia, remarried to a man surnamed Rice. They had at least three children, Mae, Helen and Daniel John Rice, born in 1911. However, by 1920, Fidelia was widowed again,
as is indicated in the Federal Census for New Orleans for that year--she is shown there with her children, Rose Mary "Conley" and the three children surnamed Rice. In the same year, Jeannette "Conley" is recorded as a nun teacher at
the St. Mary's Dominican College in New Orleans. Later, by 1930, Jeannette "Connelly", is recorded again in the Federal Census for New Orleans as a teaching nun at the same institution.

Tema Cemetery
Sumter County, Florida
Featuring the Enclosed Plot Where the
Conmeys are Interred
Rightmost Two Graves
November 30, 2011
Photo by Lynn Franklin

Conmey Grave Markers
Tema Cemetery, Sumter County, Florida
John Conmey (1851-1902) and John F.
Conmey (1892-1896)
November 30, 2011
Photos by Lynn Franklin

The Bahl Farmstead
The structure may be the original homestead of the Bahl family in Sullivan County or it may be the initial homestead in Forks inherited by Henry Bahl or perhaps the farm of his brother, Edward John Bahl*. As indicated in the excerpt below, John Edward Bahl first settled in the Cherry area about 1829 and then relocated to Forks in 1854. The margin of this old photo reads "Ed Bahl".
Source of information: Bob Bahl, 2003, and Streby History, 1903.
* Editor's Note: Grandfather of Bob Bahl
Michael Bahl, was born at Elsets [or, sometimes, called "Seltz"], France, now Germany, in 1819. He was a son of John and Elena (Fishwenger) Bahl, who came from Elsets, to Cherry Township, Sullivan County, about 1829. Michael Bahl married Mary Ann Windhaeuser, April 17, 1847. She was a daughter of Stephen and Regenia (Sheffmacher) Windhaeuser, who came from Germany to Cherry Township in 1843. Mr. Bahl located on the Bahl homestead in Cherry until 1854, when he moved to the farm, in Forks, now owned by his son, Henry L. Bahl. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Bahl were: Edward, 1st, deceased; Mary, married Patrick Sullivan; Michael, died at the age of 18 years; Frank, of Elkland township; Catharine, married Thomas Jordan, of Tonawanda, N.Y.; Louisa, died in 1886; Caroline, of Rochester, N.Y.; Edward J., of Forks; Henry L., of Forks; George, died in 1896; William, of Forks; Leona, at home.
Source: Streby History of Forks and Forksville

Captioned: "Alvin and Peg"
The couple are Alvin Frawley, husband of Valeria
(Bahl) Frawley, and Margaret "Peg" Sweeney. Alvin's first cousin.
Peg lived in Pittsburgh but often visited the Frawleys. Peg's father, John
Sweeney, who died in 1910, was the brother of Alvin's mother, Elizabeth (Sweeney) Frawley. This picture appears to have been taken in 1947 at the
Frawley home in Elmira, NY, based on comparison with the very next picture on this page.
Source of Sweeney information: Bob Sweeney

Captioned: "Alvin & Val 1947"
The couple are Alvin Frawley and his
wife Valeria (Bahl) Frawley. The photo was taken at their home in Elmira, NY in 1947.
Source of identification: Bob Bahl

Captioned: "Aunt Leona"
Leona Regina Bahl (1869-1953).
Great aunt of our contributor, Bob Bahl, and sister to his
grandfather, Edward John Bahl
Source of information: Bob Bahl
The Frawleys
Let's take a look at the "anchor" family, the Frawleys, around whom this page, this collection and these relationships are built. The original Frawley emigrants, from County Limerick in Ireland, were James and Bridget (Sullivan) Frawley. Two of their sons, Patrick and James, would be the male progenitors of two large Frawley families in the Overton-Sugar Ridge area along the Bradford and Sullivan County border. How did the Frawleys come to be in America? Mary Maloney was the wife of Timothy Frawley, one of the sons of Patrick Frawley and a brother to Thomas Joseph Frawley, husband of Elizabeth A. Sweeney. According to Cindy Frawley Duprey, Mary told the following story of the Frawley migration, which took place some time after 1838:
It seems James wished to leave Ireland and bring his family to America
(possibly to join friends who were already here). He asked the lord of the
area (remember, these were Irish peasants who did not own the land; the
English did) for permission. It was denied because the lord felt he'd lost
enough farmers as it was.
James decided to go anyway. Under cover of night, he and Bridget loaded all
their belongings onto a cart. They went to Limerick Town to book passage to
America One son, Thomas born in 1838, was definitely with them as a child. We
are not sure about others, although it stands to reason that Patrick, the oldest son
born in 1829, would be along. Anyway, they had enough money for passage for Bridget and Thomas,
but not for James and their possessions. He put the two of them on the ship
and went back into town to sell the cart and their belongings. When he
returned, the ship had sailed. Luckily, it wasn't very far out into the
harbor and he was able to row out to it. He paid for his passage out of the
money he'd gotten for the cart and "stuff."
There is also a story that he helped pay for his passage by being the ship's
They arrived in Nova Scotia and had no money for the rest of their journey.
So they walked the railroad track from Nova Scotia to northern Pennsylvania.
When they arrived at Sugar Ridge, they set up housekeeping!
A neat story! Unfortunately, we have been unable to verify any of it, but
I'm not sure that matters. Most family lore is a mixture of fact and fairy
tale. It was wonderful to hear Mary tell the story as we stood outside SS. Peter
and Paul church at Sugar Ridge.
We mentioned that there were several large Frawley families in the area, each descended from sons of James and Bridget (Sullivan) Frawley. Here are the children of James and Bridget (Sullivan) Frawley, the emigrant family:
John Frawley, married Mary Pickley
Patrick Frawley, married Mary Tompkins
Mary Frawley, married Harry Reagan
Thomas Frawley, married Mary Horan
James Frawley, married Mary O'Brien
Michael Frawley, married but wife's name not known at this time; relocated to Iowa
Timothy Frawley
To obtain details on birth and death dates, occupations, residences and so forth, you can go to Bob Sweeney's master
file of families related to the Sweeneys at Sweeneys-McDonalds from County Sligo to Pennsylvania.
As indicated above, one son, Patrick, married Mary Tompkins. They were the parents of Thomas Joseph Frawley who married Lizzie Sweeney; this family brought forth the Frawley branch that becomes central to the story we are telling here:
Thomas Frawley (1867-1940) married Elizabeth Sweeney (1872-1960), and they had the following children:
Robert Leo (1916-March 3, 1983) married Mary Ann Wagner; had 1 child: Mark Robert
Margaret Elizabeth (1913-) married Joseph Buckholtz; had 1 child: Philip
John Edmond (1911-1961) never married
Thomas Arthur (1908-1962) married Mary Van Atta; had 6 children:
Catherine Elizabeth [b.1945]
Thomas [b. 1944 in Elmira, NY; died August 31, 2008 in Athol, MA--see obituary below]
Helen Mary [b. 1943]
Mary Alice [b. 1942]
Margaret [b 1946]
Robert [1948]
Elmira, NY
September 7, 2008
FRAWLEY, Thomas (Tom)
Of Athol, Massachusetts, passed away on August 31, 2008. Tom, the son of the late Thomas A. and Mary Van Atta Frawley,
was born in Elmira, New York in 1944. He leaves behind his loved son, Thomas S. Frawley (Rachel); and grandchildren, Aria,
Logan and Sedona of Commerce, Michigan; sisters, Mary Alice Gibbons, Helen (Ron) Lovejoy, Cathy (John) Carpenter, Margaret
Subero; and brother, Robert J. Frawley (Kathy); and several nieces and nephews and many friends.
The interment services will be private for the family. Tom loved growing up in Elmira, and we hope that those who
knew him will think about him in remembrance.
Mary Alice (1906-) married J. Louis Lovell; no children
Raymond Girard (1905-1965) never married
Joseph Jerome (1902-1960) married Rosabelle Preston; no children
Bernard Anthony (1898-1943) never married [picture below]
Alvin Francis (December 3, 1899-October 10, 1977) married Valeria Caroline Bahl; had 3 children:
Lawrence Francis (1935-) married Julia Miller; had 4 children
Edward Alvin (1929-) married Violet Thomas; had 2 children
Theresa Mary (1927-1997) married Frank Morton; had 3 children*
* Editor's Note: Theresa's first child, born James "Jimmy" Banks, was adopted by her husband, Frank Morton, and was thereafter known as James Morton. Both Theresa and James are buried at the Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira:
Morton, James C, b. 06/22/1950, d. 07/19/1994, US Army, SP5, Plot: M 0 4, bur. 07/25/1994
Morton, Theresa Frawley, b. 03/15/1927, d. 10/19/1997, US Army, PFC, Res: Wellsburg, NY, Plot: M 0 88, bur.

Bernard Anthony Frawley
As a Baby
About 1898-1899
Photo Taken at the Ott and Hay Studio in Dushore, PA
Reproduced from Original Located in an Old Album Sold on eBay in January 2008
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
March 4, 1983
Robert L. Frawley
Robert L. Frawley, 66, of Elmira, NY, died March 3, 1983 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Elmira.
Born in Sayre, PA, he was a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Sweeney Frawley.
He was a retired correction officer from the Elmira Correction Facility.
Mr. Frawley was a veteran of World War II.
Surviving are his wife, the former Mary A. Wagner, of Elmira; a son, Mark, Elmira; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Lovell, Chemung, NY and Mrs. Margaret Buckholtz, Elmira.
Burial was in Elmira.
March 5, 1983
Age 66, of 605 Maple Ave., Elmira, NY, Thursday, March 3, 1983. Friends may call at the McCarthy Funeral Home Sunday
2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral there Monday 9:30 a.m. followed by Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m.
in St. Mary's Church. Burial St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Friends may make contributions to the American
Heart Assoc., Southern Tier Chapter. Survived by wife Mary A. (Wagner) Frawley; son and daughter-in-law
Mark Robert and Debra Frawley of Elmira; sisters and brothers-in-law Alice and Lewis Lovell of Chemung,
Margaret and Joseph Buckholtz of Elmira; father-in-law Anthony Wagner; sister-in-law Valeria Frawley,
both of Elmira; several nieces and nephews. Mr. Frawley was a communicant of St. Mary's Church, retired
employee of the New York State Dept. of Correction, member of the Msgr. John J. Lee Division Ancient
Order of Hibernians, The Elmira Aerie No. 941 Fraternal Order of Eagles, the Harry P. Bentley Post No.
443 American Legion, Veteran of World War II.
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
May 1, 1965
Frawley, Raymond G.
of 207 and 1/2 Sullivan St., April 30, 1965. Body at McCarthy Funeral Home. Calling hours: Saturday and Sunday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer
service there Monday at 8:45 a.m. followed by Requiem Funeral Mass at 9 a.m. in St. Peter and Paul's Church. St. Peter and
Paul's Cemetery. Recitation of the Rosary Sunday at 8 p.m. Survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. Lois Lovell of Chemung, Mrs.
Joseph Buckholtz, of Elmira; two brothers, Alvin F. Frawley and Robert Frawley, both of Elmira. He was a communicant of St.
Peter and Paul's Church; an employee of the City of Elmira.
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
July 4, 1985
Age 67, of 716 Mark Twain Apartments, Wednesday, July 3, 1985, after an extended illness. Friends may call at the Don Kalec Funeral Home,
Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral, Friday, 9 a.m. from the funeral home, followed by Mass of Christian Burial,
at 10 a.m. in St. Patrick's Church. Interment, St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Survived by wife, Margaret
Frawley Buckholtz; son and daughter-in-law Philip and Karen Buckholtz of Williamsville, NY; granddaughters,
Susan and Nancy Jo Buckholtz of Williamsville; sister, Dorothy Sherman of Elmira; sisters-in-law and brother-in-law,
Lewis and Alice Lovell of Chemung, NY, Valeria and Mary A. Frawley of Elmira; several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was a communicant of
St. Patrick's Church; former proprietor of Burke's Bar and former manager of the Mark Twain Hotel; Veteran of the US Army, World War
II. Donations to the American Cancer Society or St. Joseph's Hospital would be appreciated.
Two brothers of Thomas Joseph, Timothy and Patrick Frawley, married Mary and Anna Maloney, respectively.
According to Henry Farley of the Bradford County Historical Society, Mary and Anna were sisters. In fact,
they were his great-great aunts. Here is what Henry had to say on these relationships in April 2008:
Two of my great grandfather Maloney's sisters married Frawleys. Timothy married Mary Maloney and Patrick married
Anna (Annie) Maloney. Tim and Pat were brothers. Mary and Annie were from Sheshequin Township in Bradford County,
more specifically a place called South Ghent which is one road below the Pond Hill Irish Settlement in Rome
Township. Mary and Tim were married first; they met when they were both working for the Piollet family in Wysox.
Pat and Annie were their witnesses when they were married and a few years later they also were married.
A sister of these three brothers, Mary Elizabeth Frawley (1862-1928), married William White, son of Hiram and Martha Jane (Mase) White. They had three children: William ("Willie"), James and Mary. Unfortunately,
William, the father, was killed in a logging accident in 1892 at the age of 25, orphaning his children and widowing his pregnant wife in
the process. The third child, Willie, was born in October 1892, eight months or so after his father was killed. The father's
Death Notice
was printed in the local newspaper, the Sullivan Review. Incredibly, we have a photo of those children, found among a set of
photos showing Frawley and Sweeney family members, as well as others, at an auction outlet in Farmington, Ontario County, NY called Ontario Antiques Mall, by Ryan T. Whalen, in 2010. Not far from Rochester, Farmington is more or less
proximate to an area where many of the Frawleys eventually settled in New York State. Here is that photo, which we
can date to about 1900:

William, James and Mary White
Children of William and Mary Elizabeth (Frawley) White
About 1900
Source: Photo Collection Purchased by Ryan T. Whalen
at Ontario Antiques Mall, Farmington, NY in December
The note on the back of this photo also tells us that the daughter, Mary White, subsequently married James Brislin,
and they had "one daughter", Roslyn (Brislin) Eaton. Roslyn lived in New York City at the undisclosed time when the note was written and had two adopted children.
Another Frawley family came down from James and Mary (O'Brien) Frawley; he was Patrick's brother. They lived in Overton and then in Towanda in Bradford County, PA. Their son, James Leonard Frawley, would marry Amelia Ambs of Dushore, thereby connecting the Frawleys by marriage up with many prominent old German families of Sullivan County--Ambs, Lusch, Richley and Litzelman. We will meet them in the obituaries and other artifacts from the Frawley Collection and elsewhere throughout the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Page. Another brother of James Leonard, William Lawrence Frawley, married Matilda Broschart, in this way linking with yet another old German family in Sullivan County history.
You will also notice that Mary O'Brien, the wife of James Frawley, was also a daughter of Patrick and Catharine (Monahan) O'Brien; that makes her a sister of Dennis O'Brien, and a great aunt to Valeria Bahl; so, the Frawleys and Bahls were connected directly through the marriage of Alvin Frawley and Valeria Bahl, and secondarily through the O'Brien and Frawley marriage at an earlier date. Thanks to Carol Brotzman, here is the family chart for this "second" Frawley family, drawn backward from Grace (Frawley) Coyles, whose obituary is posted below, along with that of her sister Anna Elizabeth (Frawley) Hager:

Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
October 14, 1977
Frawley, Alvin F.
Age 77, of 556 Baty St. Thursday, October 13, 1977 in St. Joseph's Hospital after a short illness. Friends may call at the McCarthy Funeral Home, Sunday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. funeral there Monday at 8:30 a.m. followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9 a.m. in St. Mary's Church. Burial in Sts.Peter and Paul Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Valeria C. (Bahl) Frawley; sons and daughters-in-law, Edward A. and Volet Frawley, Lawrence and Julia Frawley; daughter and son in law, Theresa and Frank B. Morton; brother and sister in law Robert L. and Mary Anne Frawley, all of Elmira; sisters and brothers-in-law, Alice and J. Lewis Lovell of Chemung, Margaret and Joseph E. Buckholtz of Elmira; grandchildren, James, Christopher, Paul and Scott Morton, Douglas and Tracey Frawley, Debra, Valeria, Michael and Ellen Frawley, all of Elmira; many nieces and nephews. Mr. Frawley was a communicant of St. Mary's Church and a member of the Holy Name Society. He retired in 1965 from the Elmira Fire Department after obtaining the rank of Assistant Fire Chief. He was a veteran of World War 1 and a member of the American Legion, Harry B. Bentley Post 443.
Elmira, NY
December 2, 1987
FRAWLEY, Mrs. Valeria (Val) Bahl
Age 84, of 556 Baty Street, Elmira, Tuesday, December 1, 1987. Friends are invited to call at the Olthof Funeral Home, Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer Service there Friday at 9:30 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at St. Mary's Southside Church. Burial, St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Those wishing may make contributions to the American Cancer Society or the American Red Cross Disaster Fund. Survived by daughter and son-in-law, Theresa and Frank B. Morton; sons and daughters-in-law, Edward A. and Violet Frawley, Lawrence and Julia Frawley, all of Elmira; sisters-in-law and brother-in-law, Alice and J. Lewis Lovell of Chemung, NY, Mary Bahl of Dushore, PA, Margaret Bckholtz and Mary Anne Frawley, both of Elmira; grandchildren, James C. Morton of Florida, Christopher and Susan Morton of Watertown, NY, Paul and Scott Morton, Debra and David Bertelsen, Michael Frawley, Valerie Frawley, Ellen Frawley, Tracey Frawley, Douglas Frawley, all of Elmira; 6 great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; Mrs. Frawley was a Communicant of St. Mary's Church and a member of the Parish Altar and Rosary Society, a member and past president of the American Legion Auxiliary, Elmira Post # 443, a volunteer of the American Red Cross and the American Cancer Society. In 1983, she was the NYS Volunteer of the Year for the American Cancer Society. She was predeceased by her husband, Alvin F. Frawley, on Octoer 13, 1977.
Star Gazette
Elmira,. New York
February 17, 2006
Grace (Frawley) Coyles Age 90, of 400 E. Garfield Street, Elmira Heights, NY, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, February 15, 2006, at Bethany Manor.
Grace was born on January 13, 1916 in the Township of Menden, NY, to James and Amelia (Ambs) Frawley. She lived many years in Towanda, PA, Binghamton, NY, and Elmira Heights. She was predeceased by her parents; husband, Raymond; sisters, Helen McDonald, Ann Hager, Rowena Bailey; brothers, Bernard and Robert Frawley; and special niece, JoAnn Hager Clark. Grace is survived by her daughters, Margaret Tillinghast of Elmira Heights, Anita (Lawrence) Clapp of Trumansburg, NY, and Rita (Richard) Lewis of Horseheads; son, Donald (Bonita) Coyles of Horseheads; grandchildren, Justin and Ernest (Silvia) Tillinghast, Rachel and Nicole Clapp, Jonathan and Amanda Coyles, and Jason and Brian (fiancée, Pamela Kremer) Lewis; great-grandchildren, Kevin and Krizia Tillinghast; sisters, Bernice D'Orsogna of Mineola, Long Island, NY, and Amelia Mingos of Towanda, PA; sister-in-law, Agnes Frawley of Wysox, PA; along with many nieces, nephews, friends; and special friend, Dorothy Sullivan of Elmira.
She graduated from St. Agnes High School in Towanda in 1932 and Ridley-Lowell Business School. Family and friends are invited to call on February 19th from 3 to 6 p.m. with the Rosary held at 6 p.m., at the James D. Barrett Funeral Home, 1004 Lake St., Elmira. A prayer service will be held there on Monday, February 20th at 9:30 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Oakwood Avenue, Elmira Heights, with Reverend Eugene Dobosz as celebrant. Interment will take place on Tuesday, February 21st at 10 a.m. in Woodlawn Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to St. Charles Altar and Rosary Society, c/o St. Charles/St. Casimir's Church, 1012 Davis St., Elmira, NY 14901.
Grace's family would like to thank Bethany Manor-Skilled 1 for the wonderful care they gave to their mom.
Woodlawn Cemetery Obituary Listings
Tri-County Genealogy and History
May 15, 2005
Anna Elizabeth Frawley Age 92 of Horseheads, NY passed away on Saturday May 14, 2005. Mrs. Hager was born in Rochester, NY on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1912 the daughter of James and Amelia Ambs Frawley. Her father was from Sugar Ridge, PA and her mother was from Dushore, PA. Anna was the third eldest of ten children, six sisters and four brothers. She grew up on a farm in Black, PA, attended St. Agnes High School in Towanda, PA where she was salutatorian of her class, and graduated from Mansfield College two year teacher education program in 1932. Anna taught grades 1-6 from 1932 -1939 at Taylor School on Porter Road in Sylvania, PA. Her husband, Harold M. Hager, of Sylvania and she were married at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Towanda on August 14, 1937, and settled in Elmira, NY spending most of their years on Hillcrest Road. Harold passed away on October 13, 2001. Anna is survived by her daughter Mary (Stephen) Susch of Horseheads, NY and their children Eric (Catherine) Susch of Chestnut Ridge, NY and Nicholas (Patricia) Susch of Corning, NY; her son John (Linda) Hager of Liverpool, NY and their children Brian (JoEllen) Hager and Shawn Hager all of Syracuse, NY; her son Kenneth (Maria) Hager of Big Flats, NY and their children Andrew (Lindsay) Hager of Elmira, NY and Jessica Hager of Big Flats, NY; son-in-law Gerald (Diane) Clark of Whitinsville, MA and grandson Jeffrey Clark of Marloboro, MA; her three younger sisters Bernice D'Orsogna of Mineloa, Long Island, NY, Grace Coyles of Elmira Heights, NY, and Amelia Mingos of Towanda, PA, as well as many nieces, nephews, and a host of caring friends. As well as her parents and husband, Anna was pre-deceased by her daughter JoAnn Hager Clark in 1991 and her great granddaughter and namesake Anna Elizabeth Hager in 2004. Anna was a highly knowledgeable, skilled, and efficient housewife and mother. She was accomplished in gardening, food preservation, painting, and decorating, landscaping, sewing, cooking, and balking as well as a willing, effective ,and patient teacher of all these skills and talents. She was very devoted to her church and prayer life and The Rosary in particular. She was an avid reader and interested in business and world affairs throughout her entire life. Relatives and friends are invited to call on Tuesday May 17, 2005 from 10 - 11:30 AM at the Lynch Funeral Home 318 West Broad Street Horseheads, NY. Anna's Funeral Services will follow calling hours. Mrs. Hager will be laid to rest next to her beloved husband Harold in Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, NY following her services. The family will provide their own flowers and donations in Anna's memory may be made to the Arnot Ogden Medical Center Neonatal Care Unit 600 Roe Avenue Elmira, NY 14905, Catholic Charities of the Southern Tier 215 East Church Street Elmira, NY 14901, or to a charity of one's choice. NOTE OF APPRECIATION The family of our mother and grandmother Ann Hager wishes to thank the Arnot Ogden Hospital Staff of 3B, the snack bar staff, as well as Doctor Fay Rizk for their special attentive and compassionate care of Ann and her entire visiting family.
Ironically, in February 2006, Vincent Frawley, a first cousin of Grace and Grace, and nephew of James and Amelia(Ambs) Frawley, also died. Here is his obituary and family chart.
Daily Review
Towanda, PA
February 22, 2006
Vincent C. Frawley, 91 of New Smyrna Beach, Fla., passed away Saturday afternoon, Feb. 18, 2006, at the Oceanview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in New Smyrna Beach.
Born Dec. 9, 1914, in Overton, Pa., he was the son of the late William and Matilda Broschart Frawley.
Vincent was a graduate of Towanda High School, Class of 1933. He was employed by L. Marks Clothier in Towanda from July of 1933 until Oct. 12, 1941, when he entered the U.S. Army at Fort Eustis, Va. for training in anti-aircraft artillery. Upon completion of his training, he was assigned to the 208th Coast Artillery, Anti-Aircraft Unit, at Camp Edwards, Mass., to prepare in readiness for Foreign Service.
In early February of 1942 his unit embarked from San Francisco on the Matsonia Troop Ship and landed in Australia March 9, 1942, being among the first U.S. soldiers to enter there. He was stationed in anti-aircraft defense during the Japanese bombing of Australia. During this time he was promoted from corporal to sergeant technician. Sgt. Frawley also saw action in both the Dutch East Indies Campaign and the Papua New Guinea Campaign.
He was awarded the American Defense Service Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Service Medal; The East Indian and New Guinea Campaign Stars; the Presidential Unit Citation Award, which was in action; The Distinguished Unit Badge, 208th Antiaircraft Artillery, Feb. 19, 1944; and Good Conduct Medal, 208th Coast Artillery Antiaircraft Search Light Battalion, May 4, 1943.
After returning to the U.S. Vincent was assigned to the Greenbrier Rehabilitation Center in West Virginia. He was later transferred to the U.S. Separation Center in Fort Dix, N.J. He was honorably discharged from the 238th Antiaircraft-Coast Artillery Corps from Ft. Dix, on July 18, 1945.
On May 24, 1945, he married the former Margaret VanDerlyke at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Towanda.
In August of 1945, Mr. and Mrs. Frawley moved to Rochester, N.Y., where Vincent was employed as a tailor for Michael Stern from September 1946 until September 1972, when he and Margaret moved to Florida to make their home.
Vincent was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, New Smyrna Beach, Fla., and the American Association of Retired Persons.
Surviving are four nephews, Lawrence Frawley of Rochester, John Frawley and wife Louisa of Webster, N.Y., Wayne VanDerlyke and wife Sandra of Wysox, and David VanDerlyke and wife Melba of Towanda; a sister-in-law, Esther VanDerlyke Dayton of Towanda; three nieces, Katrina Schrieb of Walnut, Calif., and Jean Batley and husband Richard of Greensboro, N.C., and her twin sister, Joan Connell and husband Neil of Manuel, Texas; and several great-nieces and great-nephews.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret, on July 29, brothers, Francis, Ivan and Stephen Frawley; and two sisters, Genevieve and Margaret Frawley.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Third Street in Towanda. Interment will be in the SS Peter and Paul Cemetery, North Towanda Township.
The family will receive friends from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Maryott-Bowen Funeral Home, 217 York Ave., Towanda, Pa.

Yet a third child of James and Bridget (Sullivan) Frawley was John Frawley, the oldest son, born in 1828. He married Mary Pickley and they produced another large Frawley branch in the Overton area. One of their sons, Thomas E. Frawley, married Catherine Murray in 1902 and produced a family with three nuns and a long tradition in Overton and Dushore thorughout the twentieth century. One son of Thomas and Catherine was Joseph Frawley, who ran the State Liqour Store in Dushore and married Blanche Carroll.
You will notice that the given names James, Patrick, John, Timothy, Leonard and Thomas proliferate like leaves on a tree
throughout these Frawley branches. Pay attention to the ancestry for men with these given names or it becomes quite easy,
even for those familiar with the families, to become confused. You can review how the extended Frawley families were
interconnected by means of the Family Charts shown here, for which we are indebted to Carol Brotzman. In each case,
she has anchored the ancestral chart on one child, although in all cases, these families are known to have had
multiple children who could just as easily have been chosen as the anchor. All of these families eventually
descend from James and Bridget (Sullivan) Frawley. Of their seven children who grew to adulthood, three of
these Frawleys--Patrick, James and John--and their wives are responsible for the seven genealogy charts presented here:
Ancestors of Leonard C. Frawley, son of Thomas E. and Catherine (Murray) Frawley
Ancestors of Lucy Frawley, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Maloney) Frawley
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
Thursday, April 29, 1965
Frawley, Miss Lucy *
of 500 Lyon St., Wednesday, April 28, 1965. Body at McCarthy Funeral Home where friends may call
Thursday 7 to 9 and Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Prayer service there Saturday at 8:45 a.m. followed by
Solemn Requiem Funeral Mass at 9:30 a.m. in St. Mary's Church. St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery. Recitation of the
Rosary Friday at 8 p.m.
* Editor's Note: Lucy Frawley was born in Overton, Bradford County, PA on June 5, 1898 and died on April 28, 1965 in
Elmira, NY. She was the daughter of Timothy and Mary (Maloney) Frawley. Lucy had several siblings including Edward J. Frawley, James, Mary and Margaret Agnes, as well
as at least one sibling who died in infancy. In general, they lived in Elmira or on the old family farm near Overton. Edward (1892-1954) and his wife Alice L. (Keating) Frawley were married in 1919 and had several
children of their own. One of these, John D. Frawley, listed as "Donald" in the 1930 Federal Census for Elmira, NY, became a well respected judge in Elmira. He and his wife Rose Mary also had several children, including the
prominent diplomat, Elizabeth Anne (Frawley) Bagley, who served as ambassador to Portugal and advisor to Madeleine Albright during the Clinton era. Another son [obituary below], Robert Frawley, married Mary Frisk and lived in Elmira, but had a large extended family across the United States.
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
February 19, 2009
FRAWLEY, J. Robert
Age 80, died Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at home. Bob was born April 11, 1928, a son of Edward and Alice Keating Frawley. He is predeceased by his wife, Mary Frisk Frawley, sister, Rose Alice Frawley, brothers, Dr. Carroll Frawley and Gerry Frawley. Bob is survived by his children, with their families, Roberta "Bobbie" and Bill Conz of Horseheads, with children, MR3 Robert Conz, U.S. Navy, and Jennifer Conz; Edward G. and Shelley Frawley of Midlothian, TX, with sons, C2C Nick Frawley, USAFA, Eric Frawley, and Vince Frawley; Mary Ann "Mitzi" and Anthony DiPetta of Elmira, with daughters, Kristin and Emily DiPetta; Michael Frawley of Williamstown, MA. Also surviving are sister, Sister Mary Claire Frawley, SFCC of Escondido, CA; brother and sister-in-law, Judge John and Rose Mary Frawley of Elmira; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Dr. James and Patricia Frisk of Athens, GA, William and Ruth Frisk of Scranton, PA, Margaret and Charles Emmick of Elmira; along with beloved nieces, nephews; special friends and neighbors. Bob was a U.S. Army veteran. He was a graduate of Elmira Catholic High, Jean Summers School of Business, and Tri-State University in Indiana, where he earned a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Over the years he worked for Bendix Corp., A&P, and American Home Foods in Milton, PA from where he was retired. Active in the community, Bob was an ombudsman with Chemung County Office of the Aging, former board member, and member, of the Elmria Senior Center, charter member, and past president, of the Msgr. John J. Lee Division of the A.O.H., the Knights of Columbus, Elmira Council #229, Retired A&P Friends, and a long time communicant of St. Mary's Church. Family and friends are invited to McInerny Funeral Home, corner of Water and Walnut Sts., on Sunday, February 22, 2009 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. A prayer service will be held at the conclusion of calling hours, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 4:30 p.m. at St. Mary's Church, Elmira. Interment, with full military honors, will take place Monday, February 23, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. at St. Peter & Paul's Cemetery. Donations in Bob's memory may be directed to either, Sister Claire Frawley's Foundation, Saint Clare's Home, Inc., 243 S. Escondido Blvd, #120, Escondido, CA 92025-4116 or Falck Cancer Center, 600 Roe Avenue, Elmira, NY 14905. Officers and members of the Msgr. John J. Lee Division -
A.O.H. will meet at the funeral home at 1:45 p.m. on Sunday to conduct a service for our brother, Bob.
Mark O'Herron, President Officers and member of the Knights of Columbus Elmira Council #229 will meet at the funeral home at 3:45 p.m. on Sunday to conduct a service for our brother, Bob.
Jack P. Strong
Senior Grand Knight
Timothy Frawley, the brother of Edward and Lucy, was himself a brother of Thomas Joseph Frawley, husband of Elizabeth Sweeney of
Cherry Mills, Sullivan County, PA. These links make Lucy and Edward the first cousins of Alvin, Robert Leo and Raymond Girard Frawley,
as well as Margaret (Frawley) Buckholtz and Mary Alice (Frawley) Lovell--all children of Thomas and Elizabeth.
Ancestors of Florence Kelly, daughter of Michael J. and Bridget Ann (Frawley) Kelly
Ancestors of Rose Dorsey, daughter of John H. and Margaret E. (Frawley) Dorsey
Ancestors of William Lawrence Frawley, son of James and Mary (O'Brien) Frawley
Ancestors of Genevieve L. Frawley, daughter of William Lawrence and Matilda "Tillie" (Broschart) Frawley
Ancestors of Leonard Frawley, son of Patrick and Anna (Maloney) Frawley
As a rule, the people we will meet in this story are connected by blood descent or marriage to the early families
of Sullivan County, PA. As they expanded and out migrated, many of these families located in Elmira,
Chemung County, NY; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, PA; and other cities and towns in the greater northern
Pennsylvania or southern New York State area. We are engaging in this somewhat detailed history of these families so as to make sure we know how the families and personalities presented or mentioned in the photo archives and record below were related to one another.
The Bahls and O'Briens
We just took a look at the core Frawley lineage, so let's now take a peek at the O'Brien and Bahl families. We
will also shortly be reading a history of the Bahl family in America that was written by Catherine Bahl Jordan in
1939 at the age of 82 years! The O'Brien family "founders" in Sullivan County were Dennis O'Brien (1844-01/13/1913)
and his wife Catherine (Conmey) O'Brien (08/19/1849-03/08/1896). They were married on August 6, 1871. Dennis was
the son of Patrick and Catherine (Monahan) O'Brien; his mother Catherine in turn was the daughter of Joseph and
Julia Monahan. Kate (Conmey) O'Brien was the oldest child of John and Jane (Flanagan) Conmey. The picture of the Dennis O'Brien family from the Frawley Collection is shown here with the
youngest four of their nine children:
Dennis T. and Catherine "Kate" (Conmey) O'Brien About 1890, With Children, left to right: Leonard, Elizabeth, Theresa and Francis ("Frank")
As detailed in a family chart found in the Frawley Collection, Dennis and Kate had nine children. Three
died in 1883 in their infancy, so we presume one of the frequent epidemics of
some infectious disease struck the community in that year.
John (1872-1873)
Ella Mary (1874-1957), married Edward John Bahl
Daniel (1876-1883)
Jane (1878-1883)
Alice (1882-1883)
Elizabeth (01/07/1884-1964) married Alfred Neil (died 12/16/1940) on January 1, 1938
Francis P. (11/12/1885-1963), married Livia Ferrin (died 1965) on June 27, 1919; they had three children: Gertrude [adopted May 7, 1930], James who died on March 30, 1943 in WW II; and Ruth born 01/16/1925
Leonard C. (1887-1969), married Grace Rehrig (died in 1933) on September 1, 1913--they had two children: a stillborn son and a daughter Elizabeth (born 07/13/1917, married John Zerby); after Grace died, Leonard was married twice more, first to Alvina Shontz on September 1, 1938, but she died 02/27/1941, and then to her sister Helen Shontz (born 1918) on August 17, 1943; after Leonard died in 1969, Helen subsequently married Elmer Yatzeck in Florida
Theresa (born 05/31/1890), married Jamison Vawter (died 1959); they had two children, Jeanne (1923-1972) who married George Weatherbe, and Patricia (born 03/23/1925).
The O'Brien and Vawter Families

Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter and Jamison Vawter
Courtesy of Lynn Weatherbe
Courtesy of Lynn Weatherbe, here are several photos of the Vawter/O'Brien family:

The O'Brien Extended Family
O'Brien Homestead, Overton, PA 1932
Back, l to r: Ella Mary (O'Brien) Bahl, Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien, George Bahl, Livia (Ferrin) O'Brien, Mildred Arvilla (Hunsinger) Bahl, Vincent Bahl, Elizabeth O'Brien, Frank O'Brien
Middle:, l to r: Jeanne Vawter, Edward Frawley, Patricia ("Patsy") Vawter, James O'Brien, Ruth O'Brien, Gertrude O'Brien [slightly behind], Theresa Frawley [front], Rosemary [Rouse?]
Front: l to r: "Uncle Walter" Reinbold [?], Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter, Betty O'Brien and Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Courtesy of Lynn Weatherbe
Theresa O'Brien, 1919, Hollywood, CA, before her marriage to Jamison Vawter
Jamison Vawter and Elizabeth O'Brien, July 1924: Taken at the farm of her older sister, Ella O'Brien, after Jamison attended Officers Camp in Michigan. On the side of the car is Jeanne Vawter's bed--she would not sleep out of it.
Elizabeth "Betty" O'Brien, daughter of Leonard C. and Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien, Jeanne's first cousin, Overton, PA, probably August 1931
Jeanne and Patricia Vawter with Elizabeth "Betty" O'Brien, at O'Brien homestead in Overton, PA, probably August 1931
Patricia Vawter, Elizabeth "Betty" O'Brien and Jeanne Vawter, at O'Brien homestead in Overton, PA, probably August 1931
O'Briens and Vawter Children, L to r, Standing: Elizabeth (O'Brien) Neil, Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien, Elizabeth "Betty" O'Brien; Kneeling: Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter; Children, l to r: Patricia and Jeanne Vawter
August 26, 1931, Overton, PA
O'Briens and Vawters, L to r, Adults: Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter, Betty O'Brien and Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien; Children, l to r: Patricia and Jeanne Vawter
August 26, 1931, Overton, PA
Vawter Children and Henry E. Carner, L to r, Jeanne and Patricia Vawter and Henry Carner, August 1931, New Albany, PA
Note: You can learn more about the Carner family at Descendants of Henry Welles Carner.
Henry E. and Maria S. Carner, flanked by Patricia and Jeanne Vawter, August 1931, New Albany, PA
O'Brien and Vawter Cousins, L to r: Jeanne Vawter, Edward Frawley, Theresa Frawley, Gertrude O'Brien, Betty O'Brien and Rosemary [Rouse ?], 1932
Possibly Theresa Frawley, O'Brien Homestead, Overton, PA 1932
More O'Brien, Frawley and Vawter Cousins, L to r: Gertrude O'Brien, Jeanne Vawter, James O'Brien, Patricia Vawter, Ruth O'Brien, Rosemary [ Rouse?], Theresa Frawley and Edward Frawley, 1932
Three Hannon Sisters, Overton, PA
Two Hannon Sisters, Overton, PA
Elizabeth O'Brien, Sylvester Bennett, Unknown Party, Venue Unidentified
Note that the Frawley and Rouse families were directly related by marriage to the O'Briens and
therefore to the Vawters. Also, the Hannon sisters--Mary, Cathryn, and Margaret ("Maggie")--were daughters
of James and Mary (Sullivan) Hannon and granddaughters of James and Hanora (Kelly) Sullivan. They are
all interred at St. Francis Xavier Cemetery in Overton, PA. Their father established the Hannon Hotel in
Overton in 1877. According to Ed Kelly, Mary, the oldest, and Cathryn died in the 1940s, but Maggie, the
youngest, lived until 1966. None of the three sisters married. In the 1920 Federal census for Overton, the
sisters are listed as "hotel manager/assistant manager" under the Occupation category. You can see a picture
of the original Hannon Hotel structure, which was first known as Overton House, on the top page of
the Sullivan County Genealogical Web Site [righthand column].
Now, let's turn to that Bahl history mentioned just a few paragraphs ago. On February 8, 1939, Catherine Bahl Jordan, granddaughter of John O. and Helen (Feuschwanger) Bahl, the emigrants, issued A Crude Record of The Family of John and Helen Feuschwanger Bahl. Later, Valeria Bahl edited and updated the text after Catherine died. We reproduce here the edited version:
John O. Bahl was born in the year of our Lord 1787 at Alsace, France where he was reared**. [He died in 1873 at 85 yrs and 11 months]. After his early education he received military training at Alsace and served from 1812 to 1815 within the French Army in the war between France and Prussia. He had the honor of being the first man to cross the bridge at Waterloo with Napoleon, and was with Napoleon at the time of Napoleon's surrender. He served under Napoleon, one of whose bodyguards he was.
**Editor's Note: In a summary published in Everton's Genealogical Helper in March 2006, Bob Bahl is quoted as giving a birth date of October 26, 1785 in Neubenheim, Alsace and a death date of May 5, 1873 in Forks Township, Sullivan County, PA. There is also a brief and belated biographical obituary for John Bahl from the January 26, 1888 issue of The Sullivan Review reproduced below.
In approximately 1816 John O. Bahl was united in marriage to Helen Feuschwanger (born 1784, died 1854--70 yrs) and to this union were born three children: Michael, Catherine and Peter. [On her tombstone in Dushore, the mother's name is written as "Hellanna"].
In 1824 Editor's Note: We have recently discovered, through the efforts of Tom Gerber, the name of the ship and the roster of passengers that left Le Havre for America in August 1828. You can read about this information at the end of The Knaeble-Lefevre Family, John O. Bahl with his wife and three children embarked for America. The trip across the Atlantic was made in a sailing vessel, the only type of ship in use at that time. Ordinarily this trip would have required four weeks, but after having been at sea for approximately three weeks they were shipwrecked, and lost, among other things, their compass. For weeks they drifted, not knowing in what direction they were traveling and naturally their supplies became exceedingly low, so low that the passengers were finally limited to one biscuit and one cup of water a day. After drifting on and on and almost giving up hope of ever being rescued, a passing ship noticed their plight and picked them up and took them safely to shore. It was but a few days after being picked up by a passing ship that they landed in New York. After such a perilous trip, which lasted for fourteen weeks instead of the four weeks as planned, it is needless to say that they were all very thankful to set their feet upon land once more.
From New York they set out to look for desirable farming land and had been directed toward Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This section then was nothing but woods and, of course, their only means of travel was by foot. When they reached the vicinity of Lancaster they very much desired to settle there, as it appeared to be very good farm land, but the people who had previously settled there were not at all hospitable, in fact were very unfriendly, and suggested that the newcomers travel on to some other section.
One of the settlers there did consent to sell a team of oxen to one of the newly arrived party and this made traveling somewhat easier for the women and children. After many days of traveling, during which time they followed the rivers and creeks, they came to Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, and settled in that part of the county which is now known as Cherry Township. This country looked like very good farming land, as it later turned out to be, although it was very hilly and all a virgin forest. For shelter they cut hemlock boughs and fastened them on poles for tents. At night it was necessary for them to have fires burning to keep the wild animals away, and some of the men of the party kept guard through the night. A number of families who came over on the same boat settled in this particular spot. They cleared the land as rapidly as possible and built log cabins for their homes. During the time of clearing the land and building their homes, they suffered many hardships but, never the less, were very happy in their new surroundings.
My Father, Michael Bahl, was born in Alsace, France in 1818 [died 1896 at 77 years] and when 29 years of age was married to Maryanne Windhauser [Editor's Note: See her death notice below] (daughter of Stephen and Regina Kleinec Windhauser) who was born in 1825 [she died in 1913], in Alsace, France, also. My parents were married in St. Basil's Church, Dushore, Pennsylvania, in April 1847. To them were born twelve Children, seven boys and five girls, the names and birthdays of whom are given*:
Edward..................born February 14, 1848.......died 1854 at 6 yrs old
Mary Ann................born May 23, 1850............died 1924 at 74 yrs. old
Michael.................born December 28, 1851.......died 1884 at 33 yrs old
Francis Stephen.........born September 13, 1853......died 1946 at 93 yrs old
Catherine Barbara [our author]..born May 4, 1856.............died 1942 at 86 yrs old
Louise Elizabeth........born December 1, 1857........died 1886 at 29 yrs old
Caroline Mathilda.......born June 30, 1859...........died 1931 at 72 yrs old
Edward John **.............born February 9, 1861........died 1927 at 66 yrs old
Henry Sylvester.........born October 30, 1863........died 1945 at 82 yrs old
George McClellan........born December 27, 1865.......died 1896 at 31 yrs old ***
William Egedus..........born January 3, 1867.........died 1945 at 78 yrs old
Leona Regina............born October 11, 1869 [1868 on tombstone]........died 1953 at 84 yrs old
Edward, Michael, Louise, Caroline, George and Leona never married.
* Editor's Note: Obviously, some of these dates were filled into the text after the author, Catherine, died in 1942.
** Editor's Note: This is the father of Valeria (Bahl) Frawley.
*** Editor's Note: Here is an obituary for the tragic death of George M. Bahl, and a picture taken about that time:

George McClellan Bahl
Drowned in Loyalsock Creek
February 6, 1896
Photo Reproduced from Original Located in an Old Album Sold on eBay in January 2008
February 13, 1896
Sullivan Review
Dushore, PA
Drowned in the Little Loyal Sock: George M. BAHL, a young man very well known to many of our readers, was drowned in the Little Loyal Sock at the mouth of Trout Run, in Forks township, Thursday, February 6, about five o'clock in the afternoon. With his brother, E. J. BAHL, he was engaged in starting a log drive, when a sudden and unexpected movement of the logs threw him into the water. He was seen
clinging to a large log and being swept on with the boiling flood. His brother ran to a bridge a little further down, intending to catch him as he went by, but the log was empty when it swept under the bridge, and the body of
the unfortunate man has not been seen since. The creek was very high and rapid and it is the general opinion that the body was carried into the Big Loyal Sock at Forksville and from that into the big splash dam below. Divers were sent for, and they have been searching the deep pools and eddies, and boatmen have been poling up and down the creek, but up to this time the search has been unavailing. The sad accident occurred within a mile or so of the scene of the death of young POWERS last April. Mr. Bahl was an experienced lumberman, about 30 years of age, and was very much respected by all who knew him. His sad death has caused much sorrow in the entire Loyal Sock Valley.
Mary Ann married Patrick Sullivan; they lived in and around Rochester, N.Y. Francis Stephen married Catherine Tolan;
they lived around Overton, PA. Catherine Barbara married Thomas Jordan; they lived in Buffalo. Henry
married Alice Murphy; they lived on the Bahl homestead, Dushore, PA. William Egedus married
Rose Collins, they lived in Dushore, PA. Edward John married Ella O'Brien; they lived in Overton, PA.
The first four children were born in Cherry Township while my parents were living with my
paternal grandparents, but we came so fast that the log cabin proved to be too small to
take care of all of us, so father bought a farm of 130 acres in Forks Township,
which was quite large enough for a large family. Practically all of the 130
acres was woodland. There was just about one acre around the log cabin, which had been cleared. Here my parents raised their family. I [Catherine] was the first child to be born in the log cabin in Forks Township.
Father cleared the land, split the rails by hand for the fences and made all the shingles by hand for the house, which succeeded the log cabin, and also for the barn. The farm is now owned by Vincent Bahl, son of Edward J. Bahl.
My Father received very little education, as there were no schools; hard knocks and experience were the teachers and their books were the woods, the land, and the brooks. He was a very honorable and upright man. He was very fond of hunting and fishing. In the spring of the year he would go to Millview to help build log and lumber rafts and assist in taking them down the river. That business was owned mostly by the Molyneaux's, Warrens, Lippincotts, and some others.
Naturally my mother had various inconveniences with which to contend. One of the greatest of these was that the sewing for the entire family had to be done by hand since there were no sewing machines in those days.
My father's sister, Catherine Bahl, married Anthony Litzelswope. To them were born eight children: Josephine, Joseph, Elizabeth, Emma, Anna, John, Caroline and Ella.
My father's brother, Peter Bahl (1826-1892), married Caroline Litzelswope (1830-1915). To them were born fourteen children: Ella, Joseph, Henrietta, Emma, John, Sophia, Charles, Julius, Frederick, and Anna; also a pair of twin girls and pair of twin boys, all four of whom died in infancy.
There is a similarity in the number of children in the Michael Bahl family and Peter Bahl family. In Michael's family, there were five girls and seven boys, and, in Peter's family, there were seven girls and seven boys. Peter and Michael each had a son and a grandson in a fatal accident.
My mother had two sisters, Magdalena and Louise Windhauser **. Magdalena married Peter Kaufman. To this union were born seven children: Henry, Michael, Louise, Joseph, Francis, Mary, and Edward.
My mother's sister Louise married John Tourscher. To them were born ten children: Mary, Catherine, Julia [Sister Huberta], Josephine [Sister Borgia], Mathilda, Frances [Sister Vincent de Paul], Francis [Reverend], Louis, Henry, and Regina.
My mothers's people came of the royalty of France in direct line of Louis, King of France. My mother's mother was born in a palace. My mother's grandfather had about one hundred servants, approximately fifty at the palace and about fifty at the royal hunting grounds. The palace had schoolrooms and private tutors for every branch of study.
Grandmother Windhauser married out of the line of royalty and, while she was always on the best of terms with her people, she could not mingle with the royalty, so grandfather said to her, "We will go to America; there we are all kings and queens. Their real reason for setting out for America was because of the fact that grandmother could not associate with the royalty. For herself she did not care, but she was considering her children.
Both of my grandfathers died at the age of 84 years and both grandmothers at approximately 65 years. My grandmothers had passes away before my time, but I remember very well both of my grandfathers.
Grandfather Bahl's brother Frederick came to America at the same time grandfather did. He died unmarried.
I feel confident that the present and the future generations of our family will be as honest, upright, and honorable as have been the generations which have passed. May God bless them all.
Written by Catherine Bahl Jordan, at the age of 82 years.
February 8, 1939.
In October, 2006, Scott Tilden, whose wife is a descendant of Magdalena (Windhauser) Kaufman, reported as follows: I have a handwritten notation that says "great grandmother Thall and great grandmother Kaufman were sisters." The accuracy of his source was subsequently being investigated. If verified, the report would indicate either that there was a third Windhasuer sister or that one of the two sisters was married twice, or perhaps that Peter Kaufman's mother was a Thall. The Thall family was a well-known Alsatian family, like the Bahls and Windhausers, so such a relationship would not be a surprise.
Here is an obituary for John Bahl published about 13 years after his death:
Sullivan Review
Dushore, PA
January 26, 1888
One of Napoleon's guards.--
John Bahl, who died in Cherry Township in 1873 at the age of 86 years, served under Napoleon the Great, first as a common soldier and afterwards as one of the immortal "Life Guards". Born in France in 1787, his parents died during the horrors of Reign of Terror, and our young soldier saw hard times until his nineteenth year, when he was drafted and went to the wars. He was with Napoleon in the marchon Moscow and afterwards graphically described the hadships and horrors of that disastrous campaign. he followed the fortunes of his King to the last, and at the Battle of Waterloo was severely wounded. When the Man of Destiny was banished to St. Helena he retunred to the place of his nativity in France, from which place he emigrated to America in 1828. He settled in the forests of what is now Sullivan county, and battled as bravely against adverse circumstances as he had against the Muscovites. In his declining years he enjoyed comfort and plenty in the home of his son, Peter Bahl, who then resided in Cherry. Up to the day of his death he had never seen a steam-engine nor a railway train. The last few years of his life he became very feeble in mind and body and could recall but little of the stirring scenes through which he had passed.
And here is a death notice for Maryanne (Windhauser) Bahl:
Sullivan Review
Dushore, PA
February 13, 1913
Mrs. Mary Bahl of Forks township, died Feb. 5, at the age of 87 years. Funeral services were held Saturday with interment in St. Basil's cemetery, Dushore. She is survived by several children.
Let us try to assist the reader by presenting four family charts created on behalf of this page by Carol Brotzman. The first shows the lineage of Michael Bahl, the husband of Maryanne Windhauser and the father of Catherine Bahl Jordan, who wrote the preceding history. This lineage is adapted from Descendants of Jacques Bahl, authored by Byron Waver Jordan of Utah.

Note that in this chart, the names are presented in their "French" version, so that John Bahl is "Jean Bahl" and Helen Feuschwanger is "Marie Helene Fischwenger". This mixed naming tradition reflects well both the mixed French and German history of the Alsatian region the Bahls came from, as well as their efforts to adjust to their new home in the United States with names that would be recognized in their local communities. It should be noted that the father of John ("Jean") Bahl, Joseph Bahl, was married twice. Jean was the son of his second wife, Elizabeth Muller. Joseph was previously married to Maria Ann Rohr, and married Elizabeth after Anne died in December 1777. Joseph had several children by both marriages, and at least three of these children emigrated to America. One son by the first marriage, George Joseph Bahl, ended up in Iowa and has a long line of descendants. We heard from one of them in November 2006, when Sheila Frost wrote to tell us that her husband's line goes back to George Joseph. Jean also had a brother Frederick who emigrated to Pennsylvania about the same time that he did.
The next chart shows the ancestry of Vincent Bahl, the brother of Valeria Bahl and the father of Robert "Bob" Bahl and his brother Earl Richard Bahl. This chart brings the Bahl family closer to us in time and relevance to the Frawley Collection. Note the widespread linkages by marriage among many of the largest early families in Sullivan County--Hunsinger, Bahl, Heverly, O'Brien, Conmey, and Rinebold. The Frawley family in its own right was another old family as we shall see. Their roots and those of their relatives by marriage and ancestry go back to the origins of the Sullivan County community as more than a wilderness populated by a few hunters, trappers and explorers. These were among the early commercial and farming families that made the area part of a growing young United States.

The third and fourth charts show the ancestry of Alvin Frawley and his wife, Valeria Bahl. So, by dint of their marriage, the Irish ancestry of the Frawleys and Sweeneys was merged with the French, German and Irish tradition of the Bahl side of the relationship.


Another family which we will often come in contact with in this history is that of James P. and Grace (Bahl) Rouse (01/22/1899-04/15/1970). Grace was a sister of Valeria (Bahl) Frawley, and therefore a daughter of Edward John and Ella (O'Brien) Bahl. James (1895-1980), who went by "Jim" in his adult life, was one of seven children of Martin (1852-1904) and Margaret (1866-1944) (Powers) Rouse. He became a policeman in Elmira, NY and retired in 1950 after 27 years on the job.
We next link the reader to over 100 images taken directly from Valeria Bahl's photo album. Where possible we provide descriptive information about the photo. Where not we just label the photo according to its order of appearance in the album:
Daily Family Gathering August 1944
Daily Family Gathering Roster for August 1944
Here is the list by number encoded on the preceding picture:
1. Myrtle Gavaghan
2. Irene Casey Gavaghan
3. Gertrude Daily - Bill's wife
4. Jayne Netzel
5. Mary Gavaghan McDonald
6. Marie Kuhns
7. Denny Gavaghan
8. Larry Daily
9. Gertrude Daily Gavaghan
10. John Gavaghan - Irene's husband
11. Bill Daily
12. Wynne Gavaghan Brill
13. Mary Daily Schoenleber
14. Alberta Daily - Larry's wife
15. F. A. Gavaghan - Gert Daily's husband
We cannot yet pinpoint who all these people are, but we do know some. For example, Dennis "Denny" Gavaghan was the brother of Francis ("F.A.") Gavaghan. "Wynne" Gavaghan Brill (October 5, 1901-September 1969) was born Winifred Gavaghan, a sister of F. A. and Denny. Mary Gavaghan McDonald may be their sister Mary [we know they had a sister by that birth name who lived into adulthood].
What do we know about the "Daily" family, many of whom also appear in this picture and on the picture roster? We know that they lived on Ridge Road in the East Falls section of Philadelphia. They were members of St. Bridget's Catholic church there. Investigation of the Federal census records for Philadelphia from 1900 to 1920, information collected from family members by Bob Sweeney and Lynn Franklin, and direct material obtained from the rectory at St. Bridget's let us reconstruct this family as follows:
Catherine A. "Katie" Sweeney (1864-1941) [called "Mother Daily" by her children and grandchildren after her marriage] and her sister Mary Martha Sweeney (1866-1951) were two of the oldest daughters in the family of Owen and Margaret (Jordan) Sweeney of Cherry Mills, Sullivan County, PA. When they grew up, these two girls left for Philadelphia to become domestics, so they could send money back home to help support the family. We do not know exactly when they left nor where they stayed when they got there. We do know that each of them subsequently married--Katie to Michael Daily about 1896; he was an Irish emigrant who became a florist in Philadelphia. Mary married Timothy J. Casey (c. 1864-June 1937) in 1895 at St. Columba's Church [now St. Martin de Torres Church] in Philadelphia. He was a mechanical engineer born in Pennsylvania, and one of at least ten children of Richard and Mary Casey. They can be found in the 73rd district of Philadelphia in the 1870 Federal census. In the 1880 Federal census, the family is listed in the Falls of Schuylkill section of Philadelphia with the surname misspelled "Cassey". Timothy works in a blanket mill at the time.
However, the Frawley collection focuses nearly exclusively on the Daily line, not the Caseys, so will leave the Casey story for another day. Suffice it to say that the two families and their descendants were close and were still socially engaged in the year 2000 when Bob Sweeney met several of them in the Philadelphia area.
Michael Daily was born in Northern Ireland about 1863 and immigrated to the United States about 1882, according to the Federal census for Philadelphia for 1920. He became a citizen in 1892. At that time, he owned his own home in Ward 38 of the city. Originally a gardener in a local cemetery, he became a florist with his own business. The family eventually had a home at 35th Street and Ridge Avenue west of downtown Philadelphia.
Michael and Kate Daily brought forth several children; what we know of their lineage is summarized here:
William O. "Bill" Daily, born November 11, 1896, twin, died August 21, 1972 at the VA Hospital in Ventura, NJ; married (1) Helen Ormond (died April 3, 1930) on January 17, 1926 at Corpus Christi Church in Philadelphia, then (2) Gertrude "Gert" Melley
Marianna "Mary" Daily, born November 11, 1896, twin, died April 1978; married William "Bill" Schoenleber (died January 1, 1965) on November 27, 1944 at St. Bridget's
Margaret Daily, born May 5, 1898
Catherine Agnes Daily, born August 13, 1900, believed to have died in infancy
Michael "Lawrence" Daily, born October 1, 1901, died January 24, 1983; married Alberta Rapner on July 22, 1935 at St. Mary's Church in Philadelphia
Gertrude Daily, born January 15, 1904; married Francis Aloysius Gavaghan on July 21, 1942 at St. Bridget's--note that his brother, John P. Gavaghan, married Mary "Irene" Casey, daughter of Timothy and Mary (Sweeney) Casey [brothers married first cousins]; see more about the Gavaghans below
Joseph Earl Daily, born July 9, 1906, died December 10, 1978; married Virginia H. Reynolds on November 17, 1951 at Our Lady of Cavalry Church in Philadelphia
In the 1930 Federal census for Philadelphia, the Daily family is still all living together, except for the child who died as a baby. Moreover, William Daily, whose wife Helen (Ormond) died just before this census was taken, has a 2 and 1/2 year old son named William A. Daily living with them. Bill would eventually remarry to Gert Melley. Naturally, there were many children from these assorted relationships and we will meet several of them as we proceed through the Frawley materials.
F. A. and Gertrude (Daily) Gavaghan August 1944
Daily Family Members August 1944
The people listed in this photo are: Winifred "Wynne" (Gavaghan) Brill, Lillie "Katie" Daily, Mary Daily, Bill Daily, Gert (Daily) Gavaghan, Irene (Casey) Gavaghan and Jimmy Daily [child in front]; the photo is dated August 1944. What more can we say about the Gavaghan family? For this information, we are grateful to Carol Brotzman for her census research
John P. Gavaghan (June 17, 1897-March 1968) was born in Philadelphia and died in Montgomery County in the suburbs of the same city. He eventually married Mary "Irene" Casey (February 17, 1896- March 1973), daughter of Timothy and Mary (Sweeney) Casey. They were married on September 4, 1922. She was born in the Chestnut Hill area of Philadelphia and died in Montgomery County as well. Her Social Security card was issued in California, so she must have lived there at some point.
Francis A. Gavaghan (February 15, 1909-March 1987), John's brother, was born and died in Philadelphia. He married Gertrude "Gert" Daily (January 15, 1904-July 1988), daughter of Michael and Catherine (Sweeney) Daily. They were married on July 21, 1942 at St. Bridget's in Philadelphia. She was born in the East Falls area of Philadelphia and died in the Roxborough suburb of the same city. So, Gavaghan brothers married first cousins [Irene and Gert].
John and Francis, along with their sister Winifred (Gavaghan) Brill [born about 1902], who is pictured above, were all children of Thomas J. and Mary E. Gavaghan. In the 1910 Federal census for Philadelphia, we find this family; the father is age 40 and the mother age 42. Along with the three children already mentioned, the other children in the household are Thomas J. [age 11], Dennis [age 10], and Mary [age 7]. In the 1920 Federal census for Philadelphia, the parents are both shown as age 54 and born in Ireland. They emigrated in 1890 and 1888, respectively, and later were naturalized. They have another son, Francis [born apparently in 1909], and also living there is the 85-year old mother of Thomas, Winifred Gavaghan, born in Ireland but still an alien. Apparently, she has come to live with the family in that very year, upon the death of her husband. We did not know his name until 2007, but our sound guess was that it would be John or its Irish equivalent "Owen", given the name of the eldest son in the family. In 2007, Stephanie Gavaghan Myers, their great-great granddaughter provided a family tree in which he was identified as John Gavaghan. Incidentally, Thomas J. Gavaghan, the father, and his son John are working as machinists in a steel mill in 1920, and Winifred, the daughter, is a telephone operator.
Grandmother Winifred is still alive at age 95 in the 1930 Federal census for Philadelphia. She is in a household headed by her granddaughter, Winifred A. (Gavaghan) Brill, a widow, who has an eleven-month old daughter named Patricia C. Brill. Also in this household is Winifred's grandson, Francis, employed as a radio assembler, and her granddaughter, Mary, employed possibly in the same place as Francis. She is a radio operator. The balance of the family is in a household headed by Thomas J. Gavaghan, Winifred's son, and also containing Mary, Winifred's daughter-in-law and two daughters, Mary F. and Margaret M. Gavaghan. Now where did "Margaret" come from? This census says she is a daughter, one year younger than her sister Mary. But she is not in her family of origin in the respective Federal censuses for 1900, 1910 or 1920. Who can she be? We do not know at this time. Here is an educated guess: In the 1920 census for the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia [where we know the Casey family lived, at least] there is a long list of individuals identified by occupation as "students". One of these is Margaret Gavaghan, age 13, allegedly born in Ireland! Perhaps she is an orphan of a relative of the Thomas Gavaghan family, or perhaps she is in convent school. Then, later, she was adopted or otherwise was taken in by the family--we just do not know at this time!
By the way, in July 1942, Francis would join the National Guard for the duration of the war. His military record lists him as a patrolman in civilian life and also as married at that time.
At the same time, that is, in 1930, John P. and Irene (Casey) Gavaghan are living with her parents, Timothy and Mary (Sweeney) Casey, her brother Arthur Casey and their daughter, Mary I. Gavaghan (1925-1996), then age 5. This child would grow up to go by her middle name, "Irene", just as her mother had done, and to be called "Sis" by her family. It is known that John and Irene (Casey) Gavaghan had two other children, John ["Jack"], who died at age 2 and 1/2 in 1926, and Joan Margaret, subsequently married to William Thomas "Bill" McCreavy. All of these Gavaghans lived in or around the city of Philadelphia.
James P. and Grace (Bahl) Rouse and Family
James P. Rouse
Structure on John Conmey Farm
John Conmey Farm, Campbellville, PA
Caroline Bahl
Postcard: St. Francis Xavier Church, Overton, PA
Postcard: Blank Reverse Side
Vincent and Mildred (Hunsinger) Bahl Wedding Photo May 12, 1932
Daily Review
Towanda, PA
Mildred Hunsinger Bahl, 76, of 508 Mohawk St., Sayre, died Tuesday, Nov. 13, 1990, at the Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, after an extended illness. She was born in Dushore, Feb. 26, 1914, the daughter of Samuel and Libby Carner Hunsinger. She was a resident of Towanda for many years before moving to the Valley 71 years ago. She was a member of the Epiphany parish and its Altar and Rosary Society. She is survived by her husband, Vincent, at home; three sons, Robert Bahl, Towanda, Earl Bahl, Enfield, Conn., and Edward Bahl, Hanover, Pa.; two daughters, Elizabeth Kane, Bethlehem, Pa.; and Kathleen Bishop, Lexington Park, Md.; 11 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one brother, Howard Hunsinger, Athens; two aunts. Friends may call at the Jenkins Funeral Home, 111 South Main St., Athens on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A prayer service will be held at the funeral home at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at Epiphany Church, Sayre. The Rev. William Karle, pastor of Epiphany Catholic Church, will be celebrant. A recitation of the rosary will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. A vigil service will be held there at 7 p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in SS. Peter and Paul cemetery, Towanda.
Bahl and Hunsinger Identification
Edward Wayne Bahl (1939 - )
Edward Wayne Bahl
Elizabeth Darlene Bahl 1947
Elizabeth Darlene Bahl Identification
St. Basil the Great Church, Dushore, PA
Postcard: St. Basil School and Church Dated 1921
Postcard: Note on Back to Val Bahl and "William"
Bahl Album Photo Number 26
Old School House: Overton, PA
St. Francis Xavier Church Interior
Postcard: Bahl Family Gathering Early Twentieth Century
Bahl Family Gathering Roster
"Aunt Elizabeth" and George Bahl in Auto
Daily Sisters and Sweeney Aunts
James, Gertrude and Ruth O'Brien
Postcard: Alvin Frawley in Pittsburgh 1906-1907
Rose Mary and Helen Catherine Rouse
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley--Fuzzy Picture
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley at Home
Bahl Album Photo Number 46
James "Jimmy" Banks at Two Years, 11 Months
Frawley Family Gathering in Elmira September 1963
"Chris" and Jim (Banks) April 1959 Elmira
Alvin and Valeria (Bahl) Frawley and Sons
"Chris" Six Years Old 1959
"Chris" and Jim (Banks) May 1956
Jim Banks as Newborn with Mother
Unidentified Party at Punch Bowl Lake 1941
Unidentified Men and Boys at Punch Bowl Lake 1941
Willow Grove, Keuka Lake, 1950
Willow Grove, Keuka Lake
Edward Alvin Frawley and His Mother, Valeria, With Unknown
Campground at Willow Grove
Bungalow Possibly at Keuka Lake, NY 1944
Keuka Lake, 1951
Bahl Album Photo Number 65
Cottage at Keuka Lake
Bahl Album Photo Number 67
Valeria Bahl Frawley (back left) and Unknowns
Bahl Album Photo Number 69
Alvina "Al" Schontz, Second Wife of Leonard O'Brien, Before 1941
Inscription on Reverse of "Al" Schontz Photo
"Edward"'s Friends, The Friesens, California July 8, 1959
Reverse Side: Friesen Identifications
Leona Bahl, Val's Aunt 1951
Earl Richard Bahl 1954 Age 17, Taken at The Frost Studio, Towanda
Robert Vincent "Bob" Bahl Age 16 1951, Taken at the Lent Studio, Sayre
Bob Bahl Graduating from St. Agnes HS, Towanda, June 1953
Lawrence Francis Frawley 1953 Yearbook Picture
Alvin Frawley (back), With Sons Edward and Lawrence Frawley
Alvin Frawley with Three Unknown Women 1969
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Alvin Frawley (left) and Others 1970
Lake Scene 1969
Douglas and Tracy Frawley (7 Weeks) May 1968
Douglas Alvin Frawley, Violet
(Thomas) Frawley and Edware Alvin Frawley March 1966
Edward Alvin Frawley in Uniform 1967
O'Brien, Vawter, Bahls and Frawleys
Bahl Album Photo Number 94
Jim's High School Graduation 1968
Bahl Album Photo Number 96
Bahl Album Photo Number 97
Unidentified Residence 1971
Bahl Album Photo Number 99
Bahl Album Photo Number 100
"Ellen" 1972
Bahl Album Photo Number 102
"Aunt" Ella (Sweeney) Murphy
Chris Murphy and Steven Sweeney
Arthur Mcdonald with Unknown Child
Arthur McDonald, Unknown Thall, Thomas McDonald
Florence Kelly Wood in Towanda
Steve Sweeney, Chris Murphy and Joseph Sweeney at Murphys
Unknowns at Murphys #1
Unknowns at Murphys #2
Mary and Tom McDonald (Sister and Brother)
Bahl-McGovern Wedding Party: Bahls and Rouses
Bahl-McGovern Wedding Party: Bahls and McGoverns
Vincent E. Bahl, George R. Bahl, Mary (McGovern) Bahl and Marion Morrison
Bahl Album Photo Number 120
Bahl Album Photo Number 121
Valeria Bahl Frawley at Center with Unknowns
O'Briens: Aunt Theresa, Francis F., Elizabeth, Leonard and Ella (O'Brien) Bahl
Alvin Frawley (left) with Unknowns
Alvin Frawley (third) with Unknowns
Here is one more lineage chart to assist us in putting together these family connections. This is part of the vast Sweeney family that came originally to Sullivan County in 1843. The Sweeneys of Ringer Hill is a history that tells the whole story; what we are looking at here is the set of relationships from the original emigrants, Michael Francis and Catherine (Sweeney) Sweeney, to their granddaughter Elizabeth Agnes (Sweeney), wife of Thomas Frawley. Incidentally, in Irish folk lore, if two individuals, such as Michael and Catherine in this case, with the same surname but no obvious blood connection, were married, they were considered "cured". Being so was a predictor of good luck for the couple and their family. Here is the ancestry of Elizabeth A. "Lizzie" (Sweeney) Frawley, known to her children and grandchildren as "Mother Frawley".

We now turn to pictures affixed in no apparent order in one or more scrapbooks found in the Frawley collection. Where possible we provide whatever information we can about each photo. Where not, we just label the photo according to its order of retrieval from the collection:
Billy [Age 5] and Jacky {Age 3] Peterson
Bob and Frank Rouse
Edward Wayne Bahl
"KOTM" Hall, Overton, PA
"KOTM" likely refers to the
Knights of the Maccabees, a national fraternal and insurance organization, founded in 1878. We know that Overton had a Maccabee lodge and that the KOTM Hall in Overton was used for functions such as high school graduation ceremonies. We have surviving examples in the Frawley Collection of this very kind. For example, the 1919 Overton High School Senior Class invitation to Commencement Exercises was scheduled at 8 p.m. Friday, May 16 at "K.O.T.M. Hall". Just for the record, the class colors were silver and gold, and the class flower was the pink carnation. Here is the class roll:
Roberta M. Hausknecht [sic]
Catherine L. Cranmer
Helena C. Litzelman
Zita M. Bahl
Erma M. Kester
Paul J. Francke
Francis J. Bahl
Cyril F. Francke
Raymond H. Sick
Principal: Herman L. Norton
Superintendent: L. J.Russell
Unidentified Dog and Car [NY State License Plate #4J358]
"Aunt Caroline Bahl"
Caroline (Litzelswope) Bahl, Wife of Peter Bahl
Catherine Cranmer
St. Basil the Great Church, Dushore, PA [Interior]
Edward Wayne Bahl
Robert and Earl Bahl
John Conmey Farm, Elkland PA
John Conmey Farm, Elkland PA
John Conmey Farm, Elkland PA
Vincent Edward Bahl with Daughter, Elizabeth Darlene Bahl, Towanda, PA
Unidentified Daily Chldren and Grandchildren
Four Daily Generations: Grandmother "Kate" (Sweeney) Daily, Lawrence [son], Mary Jane [granddaughter], Mary Jane [gr-granddaughter] July 7, 1940
Unidentified Man and Daughter December 1947
Elizabeth Darleen Bahl
"Aunt" Elizabeth and George Bahl
Ella Mary (O'Brien) Bahl (05/12/1874-05/13/1957)
Erma Kester
Rose Mary Rouse
Florence (Kelly) Wood in Towanda, PA
Frank O'Brien in Lawrence, KS 1960
The next set of pictures shows members of the Sweeney family that grew up in the Pittsburgh area in the early to middle twentieth century. This family was the progeny of John and Elizabeth (Madden) Sweeney. John was the brother of Elizabeth (Frawley) Sweeney, otherwise known in this history as "Mother Frawley", the wife of Thomas Frawley and mother of Alvin Frawley.
Pittsburgh: Likely Margaret "Peg" (Sweeney) McLane With Children
Pittsburgh: Likely Margaret (Sweeney) McLane
Pittsburgh: Possibly McLane Home 1950s
Pittsburgh: William R. "Regis" McLane, Jr.
Margaret "Peg" Sweeney at Laurel Street Home of the Frawleys in Elmira, NY
Regis and Margaret (Sweeney) McLane with Their Children and Several Unknowns in Pittsburgh, PA
Alvin and Valeria [center couple] in Pittsburgh, PA 1957
Unidentified Individual Pittsburgh, PA
Unidentified Couple Pittsburgh, PA
Margaret "Peg" Sweeney with Children and Unidentified Man in Pittsburgh, PA
Unidentified Pianist in Pittsburgh, PA December 1957
We now return to assorted photos of the Gavaghans and Dailys [descendants of the Philadelphia Daily-Sweeney family], Bahls, O'Briens, Rouses and others.
Francis Aloysius and Gertrude (Daily) Gavaghan
George Raymond Bahl (03/29/1901-11/07/1986)
George Bahl, James "Jim" Rouse and Neat Kearney on Cypress Street, Elmira NY
George and Valeria Bahl
George McClellan Bahl (12/27/1865-02/06/1896)
Gertrude "Gert" Daily, Aunt Ella (Sweeney) Murphy, Aunt Anna (Sweeney) McDonald and Margaret Daily Before 1947
Unidentified Philadelphia Young Woman
Gertrude "Gert" (Daily) and Francis Aloysius "Dish" Gavaghan
Margaret (Jordan) Sweeney, Wife of Owen Sweeney 1929
Back: Mildred Arvilla (Hunsinger) Bahl [1st] and Ella (O'Brien) Bahl [black dress] with Other Unidentified Women
Unidentified Group Photo 1
Unidentified Group Photo 2
Bahl Family Gathering in Early Twentieth Century [see Photos 031 and 032 Above]
Back: Vincent Bahl, James Rouse, George Bahl; Front: Alvin Frawley, Unknown Man
Alvin and Valeria (Bahl) Frawley [center couple] with Two Unknown Women
Nun (probably an O'Brien), Ella (O'Brien) Bahl, Elizabeth Ann
Merriam [baby], Helen C. (Rouse) Merriam, and Elizabeth O'Brien
Ella (O'Brien) Bahl, Elizabeth Ann Merriam [baby, born 5 Mar 1946), Helen C.
(Rouse) Merriam (12/12/1921-05/20/1998), Grace (Bahl) Rouse (01/22/1899-04/15/1970)
Last Names of Women: Harrington, Good, Krowl, Maher and Frawley, with Unidentified Children
Helen C. Rouse
Helen C. Rouse
Hieber Family of Sullivan County
Oliver, Oscar and Lulu Hieber
St. Francis Xavier Church, Overton, PA [interior]
Jack Peterson
James, Gertrude and Ruth O'Brien
James "Jim" Rouse
James and Grace (Bahl) Rouse and Children
Joseph "Joe" Daily, "Grandma" Margaret (Jordan) Sweeney, and Lawrence Daily
June Rose [age 6] and Marguerite [age 3] Layberger
June Rose Layberger 1930
June Rose Layberger on Christmas Day 1931 at Age 3 and 1/2
June Rose [age 6] and Marguerite [age 3] Layberger
Valeria Bahl
Lawrence "Larry" Daily and "Bertie" Daily with "Grandmother" Catherine "Kate" (Sweeney) Daily on July 7, 1940 in Philadelphia
Lena Litzelman
Leonard and Helen O'Brien
Unidentified Cameo Shot
Group Photo at Sugar Ridge
The preceding picture was taken in September 1954 at Sts. Philip and James Church, Sugar Ridge, on the 100th anniversary of the cornerstone blessing by Bishop John N. Neumann. Bishop Neumann, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia, was canonized in 1976. To the far right is Joseph Frawley. Third from the left is Mary Kelly Kipling; fourth from the left is Helen Elizabeth "Bessie" (Kelly) Beirne, daughter of Charles and Josephine (Kelly) Sammons and subsequently the wife of John Beirne of Liberty Corners, PA. Much about the early history of the Sugar Ridge area is found in three sources, all of which will be presented on this page in time: actual comments from the Frawley Collection itself;
The Leahy Family, a history written by Irene Leahy; and
"In the Beginning..", the more widely known history of the Kelly and Leahy families written by Bessie Beirne. These sources don't always agree with one another, so we will do our best to ferret out the truth where possible.
Dennis Francis O'Brien (09/12/1844-01/13/1913)
Unidentified Woman, Possibly Catherine (Conmey) O'Brien
Grandmother Kate Daily Holding Eleanor Lynne Daily
Margaret Peterson with Unidentifed Children
Mary Francke
Mary Jane and Jimmy [Daily children?]
Bertie Daily [mother] with Her Children: Mary Jane, Jim and Lynne
Mary Jane and Lynne [children], Mary and Grandmother Kate Daily July 7, 1940 in Philadelphia
McDonald Family Tombstones at St. Basil's Cemetery, Dushore, PA
Owen and Margaret (Jordan) Sweeney Holding Unidentifed McDonald Grandchild [captioned "Jr"}
Edward John (02/09/1861-04/05/1927) and Ella Mary (O'Brien) Bahl (05/12/1874-05/13/1957) Married 09/21/1897
We now turn to a set of photos taken around and during the wedding in Overton, PA and subsequent honeymoon excursion of Alvin and Valeria (Bahl) Frawley to Atlantic City, New Jersey in 1926.
Valeria Bahl at Atlantic City June 1926
Unknown Party at Atlantic City June 1926
Alvin and Valeria with Unknowns at Atlantic City June 1926
Probably Valeria (Bahl) Frawley at Atlantic City June 1926
Probably Alvin Frawley at Atlantic City June 1926
Valeria with Unknowns at Atlantic City June 1926
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley [center] with Two Unknowns at Atlantic City June 1926
Alvin [?] and Valeria at Atlantic City June 1926
Valeria (Bahl) and Alvin Frawley Wedding Picture June 14, 1926
James "Jimmy" Considine and Mary Harrison [Matron of Honor], Wedding Party June 14, 1926
Valeria Wedding Photo # 1 June 14, 1926
Valeria Wedding Photo # 2 June 14, 1926
Frawley and Bahl Wedding Party June 14, 1926: Front: Helen Rouse; 2nd Row: Valeria (Bahl) Frawley and Mary Harrison; 3rd Row: Elizabeth (Sweeney) "Mother" Frawley, Alice Frawley, Ella (O'Brien) Bahl, Joe Frawley, Alvin Frawley and Ray Frawley; Last Row: John Edward Bahl, Ella (Sweeney) Murphy, Unidentified Frawley, John Harrison, George Bahl and Vincent Bahl
Valeria and Mary Harrison at Wedding June 14, 1926
Alvin, Frawley, Mary Harrison and Joe Frawley at Wedding June 14, 1926
Joe Frawley, Mary Harrison, Valeria and Alvin at Wedding June 14, 1926
Outdoor Table Setting, Possibly for Frawley-Bahl Wedding in 1926
We now look at a smattering of photos before going on to another photo album:
Hermann Hotel, Overton PA in Winter
Oil Well, Overton PA
School House , Overton PA
Unidentified Child
Unidentified Family, Probably at Keuka Lake, Dated 1957
Ray Frawley [presumably the seated man]
The following 63 pictures were pasted into a separate photo album largely lacking in labels or captions and where Bob Bahl and Bob Sweeney have been only somewhat successful in identifying the subjects.
Robert Leo Frawley, Alvin's Older Brother
Unidentified Couple
Unidentified Man Before House in Unknown Location
Thomas Frawley, Father of Alvin
Elizabeth (Sweeney) Frawley, Mother of Alvin
John, Robert ("Bob") and Margaret Frawley, Older Siblings of Alvin Frawley
Three Unidentified Young Men #1
"Tom" Frawley Farm, Overton PA
Unidentified Young Man
Three Unidentified Young Men #2
Three Unidentified Young Men #3, With Old Car and Building
Four Unidentified Young Men [Possibly Alvin and Siblings]
Two Unidentified Young Men
Two Unidentified Men in Winter Scene
Thomas and Elizabeth (Sweeney) Frawley
Young Woman in Winter Scene [Possibly Valeria]
Alvin Frawley
Unidentified Older Couple
Unidentified Man in Suit with Hat in Hand
Three Unidentified Men
Unidentified Couple with Valeria {?] and Alvin Frawley [on the right]
Unknown Man with Mary Harrison
Five Men in a Yard
Two Men in Winter Scene
Blurry Couple [Likely Mary Harrison with Same Man as Above]
Three Men Behind a Car
Man on Porch at Address #291
Unidentified Group of Men
Foursome [Possibly Same Individuals as Couple with Alvin and Valeria Above]
Old House [Frawley Homestead?]
Two Men Squinting
Man with Four Girls
Five Men in Detroit
The preceding picture shows five men, but we are not sure of the correct order: Alvin Frawley, "Long Jim" Rouse [second from left], James Leo "Jim" McDonald (1892-1972) and Martin Anthony "Red" McDonald (1897-1966) [brothers, Martin second from right], and someone nicknamed "Beaver". James P. Rouse, son of Grace Bahl, was Alvin's brother-in-law. Alvin was a first cousin of the McDonald brothers. Their father, Michael J. McDonald (1862-1910) was married to a daughter of Owen Sweeney. She was Anna Maria "Annie" (Sweeney) McDonald (1862-1950), oldest sister of Alvin's mother, Elizabeth (Sweeney) Frawley. The men were likely in Detroit to visit Jim McDonald, who went there to work in the auto indsutry and became a career employee of Ford Motor Company.
Alvin and Valeria
Three Men [Probably Frawley Brothers]
Two Men Outside Hotel
Two Men in a Lobby
Old Shed [Frawley Homestead?]
Train at Crossing in Winter
Train Track in Winter
Steam Engine Pulling Ore or Coal Car
Two Men in Front of Hotel
Two Men in Coat and Tie Standing on Melting Snow
Two Men Laughing [Same Men as Duo in Front of Hotel or Store Above]
Group of Women in Front of Sullivan's Monument, Newtown Battlefield Site, Near Elmira, NY
Note that the preceding picture and several others below were taken near a monument located at the Newtown Battlefield Site near Elmira. Just what happened at Newtown and why the monument? Here is an excerpt from an article in the Elmira
Star-Gazette that addresses these issues:
Sullivan's Monument Rededicated
Aug. 29, 2004
By Molly McCarthy
Corn, wine and oil were used to rededicate Sullivan's Monument on Saturday afternoon.
Under Sullivan's Monument, British cannoneers await an American attack on their encampment during Saturday's celebration of the 225th Battle of Newtown. The items represented nourishment, refreshment and joy, according to members of the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons who led the solemn 20-minute ceremony at Newtown Battlefield.
The original monument to Maj. Gen. John Sullivan was dedicated on Aug. 29, 1879, on the centennial celebration of the Battle of Newtown, according to the Chemung County Historical Society. The first monument deteriorated over time and was replaced with the granite marker now at the park.
That marker was dedicated on Aug. 29, 1912, also according to the historical society.
Saturday's rededication was part of a series of events held this weekend in honor of the 225th anniversary of the Battle of Newtown in which American troops, led by Sullivan, forced American Indian, British and Loyalist forces from the area and burned Indian homes and crops........
Here is an old postcard picture of the monument taken in 1928, which is right around the time the pictures of the monument shown in the Frawley Collection would have been taken.

Original Poscard auctioned on eBay in November 2005
Photo Contributed by Carol Brotzman
Now let's return to the Frawley photos.
John and Robert Frawley
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Alvin Frawley
Two Men [Same Due as Above] In Front of "11th Ward Hotel"
John Francis McDonald
Man with Horses
Same Man with Horses
Rooster, Turkey and Chickens on Frawley Farm [Distorted Photo]
Man Before House Under Construction [?]
Group of Men and Women in Front of Sullivan's Monument
Group of Men in Front of Sullivan's Monument
Group Before Sullivan's Monument
Blurry Photo of Group Before Sullivan's Monument
Alvin and Valeria [?] Before Sullivan's Monument
Blurry Miniature of Previous Picture of Alvin and Valeria
Another Group Picture Before Sullivan's Monument
Closer Focus Version of Previous Picture Before Sullivan's Monument
Threesome [Possibly Mary Harrison, Alvin and Valeria
Once again, we now find an assortment of odds-and-ends photos. In the original Frawley Collection, there are several places where duplicates of pictures are presented more than once. We have normally just presented one version of the same picture unless showing it twice might bear on the identification of subjects or clarification of some other point of fact or history.
Family of Robert Gerard and Teresa Alva (Hughes) Sweeney
Rose Mary Rouse as a Baby
Rose Mary Rouse as a Child
Foursome Dining at Rustic Gardens, Pine City, NY 1947
Oscar Hieber's Backman School Card 1896-1897, Cherry Township [with Picture of Addie Hieber, Teacher]
Backside of Bachman School Card 1896-1897 [with list of students and personnel]
Shady Avenue School "Room 14" Class, Pittsburgh, PA 1903 [Alvin third from left in front]
St. Basil the Great Catholic Church, School and Cemetery, Dushore About 1900
Possible 1921 Graduating Class of Overton HS [Four of Six Known]
Beekeeper Dealing with Swarm of Bees at 715 Laurel Street, Elmira [Frawley Home]
Children of Martin and Anna (Waldron) Sweeney Who Grew up in Sayre, PA
Unknown Mother with Children and Leona Bahl in Rear
Sisters: Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter and Ella (O'Brien) "Mother" Bahl
Unknown Trio
Henry Sylvester Bahl (1863-1945)
Rose Mary Rouse as a Child
Alvin Frawley [?] Portrait
Unidentified Group Photo
Unidentified Group Photo Dated 1940
Possibly Alvin Frawley on Frawley Homestead Overton PA
Unidentified Male on Porch of Frawley Homestead Elmira, NY 1947
Unidentified Male in Uniform on Frawley Porch Elmira, NY
Second Unidentified Male in Uniform on Frawley Porch Elmira, NY
Two Men and Car in Front of Frawley Home Elmira, NY
Unidentified Man in Uniform with Two Women Front of Frawley Home Elmira, NY
Nun and Older Woman--Unidentified
O'Brien Family Gathering
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Rose Mary Rouse
Rose Mary Rouse
Company 159--Graduating Class at US Naval Training Center, Sampson NY August 22, 1944
We next turn to 38 images collected in a separate photo album in the Collection. We provide identifications and speculations where that is possible:
Family Gathering [2nd row: Vincent Bahl is second, then Henry Bahl and Ella O'Brien Bahl; 1st row: "Mother" Frawley on right, others unknown]
Unknown Couple, and Man with Child at Address Number 614
Group of Elderly Women Dining
Unidentified Girl
Edward Frawley, Son of Alvin and Valeria
Alvin Frawley
The preceding photo shows Alvin Frawley as an Assisant Fire Chief in the Elmira Fire Department. Here is the story that appeared in the local paper when he retired in 1965:
Star Gazette
Elmira, NY
April 9, 1965
Assistant Fire Chief Alvin F. Frawley will retire May 1 after more than 32 years with the Elmira Fire Department.
His retirement was included among topics to be discussed Monday night by City Council. A successfor will be named by City Manager Carl F. Sanford.
Frawley, 65, a native of Dushore, Pa., joined the department on Dec. 1, 1932, after nearly 10 years as a fireman with the Pennsylvania Railroad.
He was promoted to lieutenant in January 1943, and to captain in March 1950. He was named assistant chief in 1959.
Frawley is called "Foxy: by other firemen because he has a reputation of always checking the smallest detail. It was while he was keeping a close watch on a fire last year that he came out of a
spectacular three-story fall with only an injured thumb.
Frawley was directing firemen on May 3, 1964, from the second floor of a burning building at 230 Home St. when the floor caved in and he fell to the cellar.
Other than some bruises to his right thumb, he was not injured.
Several years ago Frawley was asked to describe some of the highlights of his career in the fire department. He recalled an incident about a car that had fallen in the
Chemung River.
"I was in a crew," he said, "which pulled a man out of a car that had dropped into the Chemung River at the foot of Esty St. in dead winter.
"After we cut away the top of the car, we lifted him out. He was so stiff we couldn't move his joints. The man escaped drwoning becasue the water only came up to his neck."
Frawley added: "He was treated at the hospital and came out of his experience without even catching a cold."
A World War 1 veteran and a communicant of St. Mary's Church, Frawley is a member of the Harry B. Bentley Post, American Legion.
He lives with his wife, the former Valerie [sic] Bahl of Dushore, at 715 Laurel St. The couple have three children.
Valeria and Unknown Woman
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Valeria Sweeping Driveway
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Unknown Family Group Photo 1974
Unidentified Five Children in July 1969 [?]
Buckholtz Children
Professor Francis P. O'Brien at Desk
Unknown Female Couple
Sts. Philip and James Portfolio
Professor Francis P. O'Brien at University of Kansas 1956
Unidentified Standing Child
Unidentified Baby on Couch
Bahl Male Photo
Cameo Photo of Unidentified Woman
Farmstead of Edward John Bahl
Undated Grade School Class Photo
Valeria and Alvin
Unidentified Young Woman
Three Bahls: Tintype, Late 19th Century
Bahl Family Tintype Photo: Late 19th Century, Leona Bahl Front Right
Alvin and Valeria (Bahl) Frawley
Leonard O'Brien
Top: Ella (O'Brien) Bahl; Bottom: Grace (Raynic) O'Brien [?] with Ella (O'Brien) Bahl
Unknown Man and Two Women
Bernard and Alvin Frawley About 1901
Unidentified Bahl with Wife
The Log Cabin Homestead of Edward John Bahl
Unidentified Family Photo [Possibly the Family of Edward John Bahl]
Leona Bahl
Two Unidentified Children
Woman with Child [Adult is Possibly Leona Bahl]
High School Class [St. Basil's?]
Valeria (Bahl) Frawley, Louis "Lou" Lovell, Mary "Alice" (Frawley) Lovell and Edward Alvin Frawley [son of Valeria], Early 1940s, Probably at Keuka Lake, NY
We proceed next to 20 assorted unidentified photos found in the Collection:
Man and Woman
Leonard and Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien with Daughter Betty O'Brien
Likely Children of Frank O'Brien: Gertrude, James and Ruth [per Lynn Weatherbe]
Younger Woman with Ella (O'Brien) Bahl
Two Old Women with Pitchforks
Grace (Rehrig) O'Brien, Leonard O'Brien and Betty O'Brien 1932 [per Lynn Weatherbe]
Men and Women Before Oil Rig
O'Brien Extended Family 1932 [per Lynn Weatherbe]
Nun with Unidentifed Woman [another version of earlier photo]
Group of Bahls: Unknown, Henry, Ella (O'Brien) [?}, Leona
Woman in the Woods
Unidentified Family Photo
Probably Leona Bahl
Two Girls
Yawning Woman
Theresa (O'Brien) Vawter, Francis F. O'Brien, Elizabeth O'Brien, Leonard O'Brien and Ella (O'Brien) Bahl
Young Woman in Nursing Attire
Unidentified Child
Unknown Older Man
Grace Bahl High School Graduation Picture
The final entries in the Collection are these photos:
Assorted Members of the Vawter, Bahl and Rouse Families, In Front of Frawley Home in Elmira, NY
Vincent and Mildred (Hunsinger) Bahl Wedding Photo [Bob Bahl's Parents]
World's End State Park, Forksville, PA
"Betty O'Brien Zerby"
Betty Zerby [Smaller Picture]
Both Alvin Frawley and his wife Valeria (Bahl) Frawley are buried not far from where they lived, at St. Peter and Paul's Cemetery, 623 Franklin Street, Elmira, NY.
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