County, Pennsylvania
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Tombstone Photo Album
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Photographs in the Somerset County GenWeb Archives
Photographs in the USGenWeb Tombstone Project Archives
Complete Cemeteries
Cemetery Views

Individual Tombstone Photos
- This stone mason wall was built by those inscribed and Obediah Burton Brant who is also
buried there. Obediah is one of my Maternal Great Grandfathers .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
MARGARET BARNETT, Friedens Cemetery, Friedens, Pa.
- Notes: Margaret was born April 22, 1783, died February 6, 1867. She was the daughter
of George and Susanna Baker Shenefelt. She was married to Jacob Barnett, son of Nicholas
and Catherine Barnett. On some family members stones the last name was spelled Barndt.
At some time it was changed to Barnett.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
NICHOLAS & MARY BARNETT,I.O.O.F cemetery in Stoystown, Pa
- Notes: Nicholas was born in 1832 and died in 1910. He was the son of Jacob and Magdalina
Zimmerman Barnett. Mary was born 1847 and died 1919. She was the daughter of David and
Sarah Barnhart. The name Barnett was previously Barndt and is listed that way on some
of the other tombstones for other relatives.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
JACOB BARNDT, Friedens Cemetery, Friedens, Pa.
- Notes: Jacob Barndt born April 20, 1779, died Sept. 24, 1859. Jacob was the son of Nicholas
and Catherine Barndt. He was born in Germany. His wife was Margaret Shenefeld. Last name
was later changed to Barnett.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
JACOB J. BARNDT, Friedens Cemetery, Friedens, Pa.
- Notes: Jacob J. Barndt was born Dec. 7, 1802, died July 14, 1859. Jacob was the son
of Jacob and Margaret Shenefelt Barndt. He was married to Magdalene Zimmerman.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
MAGDALENE ZIMMERMAN BARNDT, Friedens Cemetery, Friedens, Pa.
- Notes: Magdalene was born February 27, 1797, died October 6, 1867. She was the daughter
of Jacob and Elizabeth Gibler Zimmerman. She was married to Jacob J. Barndt or Barnett
as it was later changed to.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
Laurel Cemetery,
Black Township..
- Notes:
Several names on the same stone. (Mary A.
Sechler, Jacob A. Sechler, Lydia
Calvin J.
- Submitted by: Linda Marker
NINA MARIE BOYLES, Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset County, PA.
- Notes: Born 1899, she was the daughter of E.J. and Anna Elizabeth (Deal) Boyles.
- Submitted by: Mary Quilici
- The tombstone is Obediah Burton Brant and Annie (Rodamer) Brant's. Obediah was a stone
mason by trade. This tombstone is located in Beechdale Cemetery. .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
ADAM & FLORENCE BUELMAN, Husband Cemetery,
- Adam & Florence (Kieffer) Buelman are my Great Grandparents. The only male child
of two from Frederick and Matilda (Emert) Buelman, Adam and Florence begat John Frederick
Buelman Sr. and Bessie Mae Buelman (Straub). .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
FREDERICK & MATILDA BUELMAN, Union Cemetery, Somerset
- Frederick Buelman and Matilda Emert are my Great-Great Grandparents. Frederick was born
in Germany and is the origin of the Buelman surname in this country. He was a Union Soldier
in the Civil War with the 49th Pennsylvania Volunteers. .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
- John F. Buelman Sr. and Margaret (Lohr) Buelman are my Grandparents. Pictured with them
is (my father) John F. Buelman Jr. This tombstone is located in Husband Cemetery. John
F. Buelman Sr. worked for B & O Railroad. He passed away in 1968. John Sr. and Margaret
had two children, John Jr. and James Buelman. .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
ABRAHAM CABLE, ESQ., 1729-1805. Buried in the Cable-Schrock Cemetery,
1 Mile North of Berlin., Somerset County.
- Notes: Phot contributed on July 4th, 1999,
- Submitted by: Shirley Cable Adler
MARY ALICE (COOK) DEAL, Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset County,
- Notes: Born October 10, 1858, died February 28, 1940 in Meyersdale. Married William
H. Deal
- Submitted by: Mary Quilici
WILLIAM H DEAL, Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset County, PA.
- Notes: Born June 26, 1852, died September 9, 1921 in Meyersdale from a fall. Married
Mary Alice Cook
- Submitted by: Mary Quilici
- Notes: Jacob was born 01 Oct 1850 in Somerset Co and died 18 Mar 1926 in Shanksville,
Stoneycreek Twp. He was the son of Johann Henrich (Henry) Doppstadt and Susannah Grove.
Jane was born Sept 7,1852 and died 1945. Jane was daughter of Levi Keller and Jamima Ross
(Jamima Ross was daughter of James Michael Ross and Susanna Good)
- Submitted by: Joyce (Duppstadt) Frostad
JOHANN HENRICH (HENRY) DUPPSTADT, Shanksville-Walker Cemetery.
- Notes: Henry was born 30 Sep 1819 Wettsassen, in Groshertzog von Helpen Bei Rhein, Germany
emigrated with his family in 1831 to Somerset Co where he died 15 Aug 1896 . He was the
son of Johann(es) Jacob Doppstadt and Catherina Langohr(in) He married Susannah Grove
born 13 May 1823 Brothersvalley Twp died 29 Jul 1905 Somerset Co, PA. She was the daughter
of John Grove and Catherine Lindeman of Brothersvalley Twp.
- Submitted by: Joyce (Duppstadt) Frostad
SUSANNAH GROVE DUPPSTADT, Shanksville-Walker Cemetery,
- Notes: Susannah Grove was born 13 May 1823 Brothersvalley Twp and died 29 Jul 1905 Somerset
Co, PA. Susannah was the daughter of John Grove and Catherine Lindeman of Brothersvalley
Twp. She married Johann Henrich (Henry) Doppstadt who emigrated from Wettsassen, in Groshertzog
von Helpen Bei Rhein, Germany in 1831.
- Submitted by: Joyce (Duppstadt) Frostad
DANIEL EICHER,Springfield Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Normalville,
- Notes: This photo was taken at the Springfield Church of the Brethren Cemetery, in 1999.
Shows Daniel Eicher born abt 1744 at Eichstadt in the Principality of Bavaria, Germany.
It was erected in May 30, 1952 by members of the Eicher family to the honor and memory
of our first known ancestor to America.
- Submitted by: Deborah Stewart
LUDWIG FRIEDLINE, 12JUN1756-30MAY1810. Buried in the Lenhart Burial
Grounds, Jefferson Twp., Somerset County.
- Notes: He was married to Anna Maria Lichtenberger
- Submitted by: Brian J. Ensley
CHRISTIAN GARLITZ, 1790-1870. Buried at St. Ann's cemetery in Alviton,
Maryland. |
JOSIAH GRIFFITH, Hopewell M.E. Cemetery, Jenner Twp., Somerset County,
- Notes: Born Aug 13, 1840-Died March 17, 1843, Son of Levi and Mary Griffith.
- Submitted by: Michael S Caldwell
LEVI & MARY HIAR GRIFFITH, Hopewell U.M. Church, Jenner Twp., Somerset
County, PA.
- Notes: Levi Griffith 1816-1901& Mary Hair his wife 1817-1860.
- Submitted by: Michael S Caldwell
MARY GRIFFITH, Hopewell U.M. Church, Jenner Twp., Somerset County,
- Notes: Daughter of H.& R.J. Griffith - Died July 27, 1852.
- Submitted by: Michael S Caldwell
REBECCA GRIFFITH, Hopewell U.M. Church, Jenner Twp., Somerset County,
PA. |
GEORGE & HANNAH HAER and their daughter LYDIA, Center Church Cemetery,
Summit Township
- Lydia's stone was very bad and George and Hannah's were becoming just as worn, so just
this past August , family members went together and paid to have one big stone replace
the 3 badly deteriorating stones. .
- Submitted by: Michele Haer-Carpenter
GREGORY T. HAIR, Hopewell U.M. Church, Jenner Twp., Somerset County,
PA. |
HANNA (SHULTZ) HAUGER, wife of John Hauger, Jr., 28
- Notes: Buried in the Lenhart Burial Grounds, Jefferson Twp., Somerset Co., PA.
- According to Robin Gardner, a direct descendent
of Michael Shultz and Maria Rush, Michael Shultz had three wives - Deborah Fries, Maria
Rush and Mary Woy. From the Shultz-Fries, there was Hannah and Deborah Shultz. Hannah
married John Hauger, Jr. This union and children started the Hauger Family in Pennsylvania.
From the Shultz-Rush, this union and children were the start of the Weyand, Cupp and Shultz
Families in Pennsylvania and Ohio, later westward. From the Shultz-Woy, there was Rosanna
and Anna Shultz. Rosanna Shultz married a Pisel. This marriage and children started the
Pisel Family in Pennsylvania. This information is contained in a book that chronicles
the Michael Shultz connection to the Weyand, Hauger, Cupp and Pisel Families.
- Jeanne <>, writes
that John Hauger, Jr. did not marry Hannah Schultz, he married
Hannah Mossholder, and it is proven
by her father's will which names his daughter as Hannah, wife of
John Hauger. Their sons Jonathan and William Hauger were in
Holmes County, Ohio in the 1830's and both married Bartlet
sisters there. I am descended from Jonathan's line here in Ohio.
His parents John & Hannah also signed over Ohio land to Jonathan
and William in a land deed which I have a copy of. I have been
accepted into the DAR under Hannah Mossholder Hauger as her
father served in the Revolutionary War. The Haugers and
Mossholders were neighbors back in Pennsylvania and both fought
in the war.
- Submitted by: Brian J. Ensley
JOHN HAUGER, John Hauger, Jr. 22OCT1773-03MAY1836, buried in the Lenhart
Burial Grounds, Jefferson Twp., Somerset County. |
HEFFLEY Ella S. (Pritts) , Husband Cemetery
- Ella is my grandmother. She married Walter George Heffley in 1880. They had 8 sons including
my father Peter Joseph, no daughters. email me for lots of info on the Heffleys. Robert
S. Heffley
- Submitted by: Bob Heffley
HEFFLEY Walter George ,Husband Cemetery
, Somerset
- Walter is my grandfather. He married Ella S. Pritts in 1880. They had 8 sons including
my father Peter Joseph, no daughters. email me for lots of info on the Heffleys. Robert
S. Heffley
- Submitted by: Bob Heffley
JACOB HOFFMAN (1792-1843), Hoffman Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Jenner
township, Somerset County PA.
- Notes: A photo of the stone of Jacob Hoffman
- Submitted by: Nancy Hallberg
JACOB HOFFMAN, Zion Lutheran Cemetery, Jenner township, PA.
- Notes: A photo of the Jacob Hoffman family stone
- Submitted by: Nancy Hallberg
ELIZABETH MARIAH JOHNSON, Tedrow Cemetery, Hart's Run, Aleppo Twp.,
Greene County, PA.
- Notes: Elizabeth Mariah Johnson was the wife of Henry Tedrow and daughter of William
and Mary ? Johnson of Somerset County. She was born 1802 in Somerset County and died October
2, 1877 in Aleppo Twp, Greene County, PA. She is buried with husband Henry Tedrow at the
Tedrow Cemetery.
- Submitted by: Gary Chambers
JONAS S. KAUFMAN, Sala-Livingston Cemetery on the property of Dan Weaver.
- Notes: Born December 06, 1826 in Somerset Co., PA.; died September 09, 1906 in Cambria
Co., PA.. He was the son of Solomon Kaufman and Magdalena Hochstetler.He married (1) Elizabeth
Miller. She was born October 06, 1828 in PA., and died March 11, 1857 in PA.. He married
(2) Mary Hershberger Abt. 1858 in Conemaugh Twp., Somerset Co., PA.. She was born Bet.
1826 - 1827 in PA., and died 1885 in PA.. She was the daughter of Joseph Hershberger and
Sarah Hochstetler.
- Submitted by: James Caola
MARY HERSHBERGER KAUFMAN, Sala-Livingston Cemetery on the property
of Dan Weaver.
- Notes: Born Bet. 1826 - 1827 in PA., and died 1885 in PA. She was the daughter of Joseph
Hershberger and Sarah Hochstetler. She married Jonas S. Kaufman Abt. 1858 in Conemaugh
Twp., Somerset Co., PA., son of Solomon Kaufman and Magdalena Hochstetler.
- Submitted by: James Caola
SALLIE KAUFMAN, Sala-Livingston Cemetery on the property of Dan Weaver.
- Notes: Located in Conemaugh Twp., Somerset County Pa. The grave was very close to that
of my gr gr grandparents and she may be related to them.
- Submitted by: James Caola
OLIVER F. KELLEY, Andersonville Cemetery,
- Notes: This photo was taken Oct 1998 in Andersonville Cemetery Georgia. Oliver F. Kelley,
Born 1842, Died Aug 6, 1864. Private Company B, 148th Pennsylvania Infantry. Oliver was
a POW in the Civil War. His parents were Abraham Kelly and Maria King of Somerset County.
- Submitted by: Mary Milligan
JOHN LEE KENDALL, White Oak Cemetery, Larimer Township
- John Lee was an evangelical minister at the age of 15 in West Virginia and was known
as "the boy evangelist". For many years He operated a small farm and an apple
butter factory along the Plank road in Larimer TWP. For some time, he officiated as a
justice of the peace in Larimer and was also known as "Squire" Kendall. He was
a "Jack of all trades" with tools and worked as a carpenter. John Lee was a
public spirited citizen and was always interested in the moral, spiritual and economical
welfare of his fellow man. With his wife, Amanda (Bittner), he fathered nine children.
John Lee Kendall being a deeply religious man, wrote his own funeral sermon. He was laid
to rest at the Temple Evangelical Church Cemetery at White Oak. (This is from his obituary)
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
- William Kendall's surname was actually Kennell. Louisa (Boone) Kennell was related to
the frontiersman Daniel Boone. I was told this by many family contacts and, in John Lee's
(William's son) obituary, it made a reference to it too. Daniel Boone was from Berks County
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
MOSES KING, Slonaker Cemetery, Greene County, PA.
- Notes: Moses King was born in Somerset County, Pa in 1812 and died February 3, 1892
in Greene County, PA. He was the son of John C. King and Highley Rush of Somerset County.
- Submitted by: Gary Chambers
JACOB KOOSER,St. Paul's (Barron) Lutheran Church, Middlecreek Twp.
- Notes: Jacob was born August 29, 1795 and died in Somerset County Pa., December 12,
1836, at the age of41 years 3 months, and 13 days.
- Submitted by: Linda Marker
JOHN KOOSER, Samuel's Lutheran Cemetery, Somerset Twp.
- Notes: John was born in Berks County Pa., December 12, 1760 and died in Somerset County
Pa., June 12. 1827, at the age of 67 years and 6 months.
- Submitted by: Brian J. Ensley
DAVID LIVINGSTON, Stone erected for David Livingston, Revolutionary
War Veteran, located in the Foustwell Cemetery, Paint Twp., Somerset County.
- Notes: He was born 10MAY1757 and died 02JUL1843. He was married to Anna Mishler.
- Submitted by: Brian J. Ensley
A J LOHR & HELENA (AIKEN) LOHR, Husband Cemetery,
- Amaniah J. Lohr and Helena (Aiken) Lohr are my Great Grandparents. They are the parents
of Margaret Buelman who was married to John F. Buelman Sr. Amaniah was an Architect. .
- Submitted by: Jeffrey Kendall Buelman Sr.
Laurel Cemetery,
Black Township..
- Notes:
Several names on the same stone. (Mary A.
Sechler, Jacob A. Sechler, Lydia
Calvin J.
- Submitted by: Linda Marker
SIMON C R NICHOLSON, Saint Paul Cemetery, Elk Lick Township.
- Notes: While on vacation this summer I discovered my great great grandfather's tombstone
had sunk in the ground on one side and fallen over. My father and I loaded up some tools
and spent a terrific morning together resetting the stone. If it falls over agian in 50
years, I hope my son and I can repair it again.
- Submitted by: John C Oester
JORG FRANTZ PHILLIPPI, New Centerville Cemetery,
- This is my Fifth Great Grandfather's tombstone in the New Centerville Cemetery. He was
the first white man to see Somerset County as it says on his gravestone. Jorg Frantz Phillippi,
later Francis, came to America on the ship Phoenix. He took the oath of allegiance in
Philadelphia, 9-15-1749. He was a member of Virginia Militia with Washington at Great
Meadows, 1753, and a Wagoner with Braddock's Army at Fort Duquesne, 1755. Shot in the
leg, he escaped on horseback, rode across the mountains into what is now Somerset county,
later returned and took up land along the Casselman River, now Casselman. He and his wife
Elizabeth are buried in New Centerville. They had 7 children John, George, Martin, David,
Elizabeth, Christian, Catherine. George (1770-1840) married Christine and had eleven children.
This is information copied from an old Laurel Messenger which is included with this picture
in a family album. Unfortunately the clipping didn't have a date. A few weeks ago I visited
the grave and it is still in the same, good condition! .
- Submitted by: Jeanne M. Lynn
, Old Jersey Church Cemetery
- Pennsylvania patriarch of the Pringey/Prinkey Family, now spread out over the entire
USA. .
- Submitted by: Reid W. Prinkey
MARGARET RINEHART, Friedline family cemetery in Jenner township.
- Notes: Stone of Margaret Rinehart 1793-1814.
- Submitted by: Nancy Hallberg
- Notes: Jacob was born 24 Mar 1804 and died 11 Jul 1861. Son of John and Magdalena "Mary"
Shoemaker Ringler of Elk Lick Twp. Mary Maria Handwerk was born 10 Mar 1812 and died 22
Oct 1895. Parents Unknown.
- Submitted by: Joyce (Duppstadt) Frostad
in Jenner township.
- Notes: Daughter of Jacob Hoffman & Christina Beam, wife of (1) Peter Friedline and
(2) William Rishebarger.
- Submitted by: Nancy Hallberg
MARY SKINNER RUSH, Blair's Ridge Cemetery near Pleasant Valley, Marshall
County, WV.
- Notes: Mary Skinner, wife of David Rush, born July 4, 1776 in Somerset County, PA and
died October 17, 1830. Her parents were Robert Skinner and Mary Willets of Somerset County.
Her husband was a blacksmith.
- Submitted by: Gary Chambers
DEWALT SCHNEIDER, Rev. War Vet., bur. on the Dewalt Schneider Homestead
Cemetery, Upper Turkeyfoot Twp
- Notes: Dewalt was born November 2, 1755, in the village of Wallhalber, Germany, and
died in Somerset County Pa., December 8, 1828.
- Submitted by: Linda Marker
SIMON SCHUNK, Reformed Cemetery, Berlin, Somerset County, PA.
Farewell dear friend a long farewell for we shall meet no more, till we are raised with
- Submitted by: Michael S Caldwell
Laurel Cemetery,
Black Township..
- Notes:
Several names on the same stone. (Mary A.
Sechler, Jacob A. Sechler, Lydia
Calvin J.
- Submitted by: Linda Marker
Hoffman Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Jenner Township
- Notes: Their tombstone is right inside the front stone fence.
- They were teachers in a one-room school
- Submitted by their grandson: David R. Warrick
SUSANNA SHUNK, Reformed Cemetery, Berlin, Somerset County, PA.
- Notes: In memory of Susanna Shunk - Died March 19, 1844 - Aged 87 years, 2 months, 3
- Submitted by: Michael S Caldwell
HARRY BRENNEMAN SNIDER, Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset County,
- Notes: Born September 28, 1883, in Saxton, Bedford Co, PA, and died February 20, 1971,
in Meyersdale. He married Jessie Elizabeth Deal.
- Submitted by: Mary Quilici
JESSIE E.(DEAL) SNIDER, Meyersdale Union Cemetery, Somerset County,
- Notes: Born August 29, 1888/89, died October 25, 1951, in Meyersdale. She married Harry
B. Snider.
- Submitted by: Mary Quilici
WILLIAM A. TEDROW, Tedrow Cemetery, Hart's Run, Aleppo Twp., Greene
County, PA.
- Notes: William A. Tedrow was born on June 17, 1823 in Somerset County, PA. He is the
son of Henry Tedrow and Mariah Johnson Tedrow. William A. was married to Sarah Ann Strait
on November 17, 1844 in Greene County, PA. He died September 24, 1909.
- Submitted by: Gary Chambers
CHRISTINA YOUNKIN, New Centerville Cemetery, Somerset County, PA.
- Notes: Christina Younkin's headstone and an overall view of where she and George Dull
are buried in the New Centerville Cemetery. George and Christina are buried very close
to his parents John & Elizabeth Dull, who are my 5th GGP. Their headstones are really
interesting because of their shape and the lettering is hand carved.
- Submitted by: Jeffry Dull

Information on this Site: For Reference
Reformatted: 2 May 2022
Somerset County
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