Note: As the Federal Census is only taken every ten years, the County tax lists and assessment rolls have come to play an important part of our genealogical research. It helps to track the movements of our ancestors in or out of the county. It can also estimate death dates and some will even list the single men seperately. Here again - check for all possibly spellings. |
Name | Land |
ALLISON, James | 175 acres |
BARE, Jacob | 97 acres |
BARE, Christopher | 100 acres |
BART, Christian | 150 acres |
BARTHOLOMEW, Henry | 300 acres |
BAWL, Frederick | 36 acres |
BEARD, Robert | ------------- |
BECKEL, Frederick | 1526 acres |
BEIL, Baltzer Henry | 150 acres |
BERCKER, Conrad | 100 acres |
BERSTLER, John | ------------- |
BOYD, Thomas | 300 acres |
BREDRE, Vandle | 100 acres |
BROWN, Samue | 100 acres |
BROWN,Samuel | 200 acres |
CARTY's, widow | 100 acres |
CASTER,John | ------------ |
CATHMANN,Rudolph | 270 acres |
CEIPER, Michael | 200 acres |
CHRISTIAN, Egidius | 100 acres |
CLASS, Peter | 200 acres |
CLYD, James | 100 acres |
CLYD, John | 100 acres |
CLEIKINGER, Anthony | 100 acres |
CLEIN, Charles | ------------ |
CLIPPINGER, Frederick | 150 acres |
COACK, Geo. & John | 50 acres |
COACK, George | 100 acres |
COAL, Henry | 100 acres |
COLIPIGER, Heney | 150 acres |
CONRAD, Gies | ------------ |
CORT, James | ------------ |
CRAIG, William | 50 acres |
CRAIG, Henry | 200 acres |
CRAIG, Thomas | 60 acres |
CRAIG, Robert | 70 acres |
CRANKELTON, William | ----------- |
CRAZER, Frederick | 100 acres |
CREIDLER, Frederick | 80 acres |
CREIDER, Conrad | 100 acres |
CREITZ, William | 100 acres |
CRISSLER, Michael | ------------- |
DANIEL, William | ------------- |
DOAK, James | ------------- |
EDELMAN, George | 200 acres |
ELLEN EMICH, Henry | 500 acres |
ENGLEHART, Michael | -------------- |
FAAS, George | 125 acres |
FASSINGER, George | ------------- |
FREDERICK, Henry | 40 acres |
FREDERICK, John | 200 acres |
GALLIGER, Peter | ------------- |
GRAY, Niegel | 45 acres |
GRAY, George | ------------- |
GROSS, Peter | 120 acres |
HAAS, George | 100 acres |
HAGENBUCH, Andr. | 150 acres |
HANDER, John | 12 acres |
HANTZKEY, John | 100 acres |
HARTMAN, Franz | 200 acres |
HARTZEL,George | 200 acres |
HARTZEL, Jacob | 100 acres |
HASLET, William | ------------ |
HAYS, John Jr. | 100 acres |
HAYS, Robert | 100 acres |
HELLMAN, Christian | ------------ |
HEMPHILL, James | 100 acres |
HERTZEL, John | 100 acres |
HORNER, James | 230 acres |
HORNER, Hugh | 150 acres |
HORNER, Joseph | ------------- |
HOWER, Frederrick Jr. | ------------- |
HOWER, Frederick Sr. | ------------- |
HOWER, Frederick Sr. | 350 acres |
HOWER, Vandle | 200 acres |
HUMMEL, Matheias | ------------- |
KERR, James Sr | 200 acres |
KERR, James Jr. | ------------- |
KIDD, Thomas | ------------- |
KNAUSSS, Paul | ------------- |
LATTIMORE, Arthur | 180 acres |
LATTIMORE, John | 50 acres |
LATTIMORE, Robert | 100 acres |
LAUBACH, Conrad | 100 acres |
LAUBACH, Peter | 150 acres |
LAWRENCE, George | 100 acres |
LAZARUS, Martin | 200 acres |
LERCH, John | 150 acres |
LEVAN, Abraham | 200 acres |
LICKINS, Thomas | ------------ |
LILLIE, George | 100 acres |
LILLIE, Andrew | 100 acres |
LYON, James | ------------ |
MARSTELLER, Freder. | 200 acres |
MAY, Andrew | ------------ |
McCARTY, Benjamin | 100 acres |
McFADDEN, William | 100 acres |
McHENRY, Matthew | ------------ |
McNAIR, William | 200 acres |
McNAIR, John | 150 acres |
MENICH, Peter | 50 acres |
MERRICH, William | ------------ |
MEYER, Michael | 100 acres |
MUSSELMAN, Jacob | 100 acres |
NEIDLINGER,Benedict | 50 acres |
NEWHART, George | 200 acres |
NEWHART,George | ------------ |
OBERSHEIMER, Peter | 1 acre |
OTT, Nicholas | ------------ |
PRESSIN, John | ------------ |
PROTZMAN, Nicholas | 100 acres |
QUEER, George | ------------ |
RALSTON, James | 200 acres |
RALSTON, Samuel | 200 acres |
RALSTON, John | 100 acres |
RAWDEBUSH, George | 100 acres |
REABER, Adam | 140 acres |
REEVES, George | 50 acres |
REICHART, George | 75 acres |
REISWIG, Peter | 100 acres |
RIMMEL, Nicholas | 100 acres |
RITTER, Caspar | 100 acres |
RIVEL, Bartholomew | 160 acres |
RUCKLE, Baltzer | 100 acres |
SCHUCK, Jacob | 100 acres |
SEFFRAR, Philipp | ----------- |
SHEARER, Henry | 200 acres |
SHELP, Peter | 300 acres |
SHMITH, John | 100 acres |
SHNYDER, Henry | 100 acres |
SHNYDER, Henry | 50 acres |
SCHUCK, Jacob | 100 acres |
SHOEMAKER, Fred. | 160 acres |
SHOWALTER, Ulrich | 70 acres |
SICKFRED, John | 200 acres |
SIMMS, George | 50 acres |
SNYDER, John | 130 acres |
SPRINGER, George | 50 acres |
STEINAUER, Frederick | 150 acres |
STEINER, Henry | 5 acres |
STERLING, John | ----------- |
STERNER, John | 100 acres |
STERNER, Nicholas | 200 acres |
STUBER, Philip | 100 acres |
SWARTZ, Jacob | 100 acres |
TAYLOR,Geo. Esq. | 300 acres |
THRISSEL, John | ----------- |
THRISSEL, Joseph | 100 acres |
TREISBACH, Simon | 120 acres |
WALKER, John | 200 acres |
WEAVER, Jacob | 150 acres |
WERT, John | 180 acres |
WILSON, Thomas | 100 acres |
WOLF, George | 100 acres |
YOUNG, Robert | 190 acres |
YOUNG, Peter | 100 acres |
Probably Single/Minors |
ALLISON, James |
BEARD, Robert |
BROWN, Robert |
BROWN, Joseph |
CLYD, John |
CLYD, James |
CRAIG, William |
FASS, Felix |
FASS, Jacob |
GILBERT, Jacob |
GREGG, Robert |
HAPLER, Godlieb |
HASLIT, William |
HORNER, John |
HORNER, Thomas |
HORNER, Hugh |
HOWER, Niegel |
HOWER, Andrew |
KERR, William |
KIDD, Joseph |
LAIRD, John |
MACK, John |
MAY, Andrew |
McCARARY, Andreis |
RIESWIG, Conrad |
RUCKEL, John |
SMITH, Peter |
STERNER, Abraham |
STROUB, Bernhard |
WALKER, John |
YOUNG, Robert |