Home for the Homeless
Those who have remembered the Institution
Wilkes Barre Record@ July 12, 1895The donations to the Home for Homeless Women have been generous for the month of June and the managers are duly grateful: Mrs. Lonts (sp?), vail and cape; Needlework guild, two night dressers; Mrs. Murray Alexander, milk, rhubarb, vinegar, buttermilk; Mrs. Pfouts, butter and eggs; Miss Carrie Alexander, berries; Mrs. C. R. Wood, 12 fans; First M.E. Church, flowers; Mrs. Van Buskirk, buttermilk and lettuce; Mrs. B. F. Beeves, strawberries and cream; Mrs. Ayers, Westminister Church, basket of flowers; Mrs. Charles Parrish, furniture and drapes for one room, pictures and vase; Mrs. A. E. Chamberlain, magazine; Mrs. Mary Harvey, bedstead and mattress; Mrs. W. H. Sturdevant, complete furnishings for a tray for the sick room; W. J. Marvel, half bushel of beans; Standard Dairy, 10 gallons buttermilk; Mrs. Daniel Fell, 1 dozen pineapples; Mrs. Lewers, tomatoes; Mrs. Rogers, groceries and fruit; Mrs. Dr. Harvey, cherries; Mrs. James Rutter, roses; Anderson & Whitesell, a large, fine roast, every Saturday for two months; Dr. Fell, medicine; Central M. E. Church, $18.25; Mrs. George S. Bennett $25; Mrs. Dr. Diefenderfer, $5; Mrs. L. H. Gross, $1; Mrs. H. V. Ingham, $1; Mrs. J. E. Patterson $5; John Graham,$10; Miss Ella Sturdevant, $5; Donations for improving the grounds: Miss Cornelia Hillman, $39.50; Mrs. Pfouts, $5; Miss Ella Sturdevant $2; collected by Miss Weir, through Mr. Dilley, $64.25; a manager, $25.
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This Article was donated by Pat Krivak.
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