These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Some parts of this copy of the microfilm LDS # 0444762 that I have been viewing are unreadable. Items that are difficult to read are followed by asterisks or question marks. The last two or three lines of some pages are too dark to read. ALWAYS CONSULT THE ORIGINAL COPY BEFORE YOU ACCEPT DATA. In many cases the census recorder relied on phonetic spelling of names, especially the German. The difference between lower-case s, r, and n as well as between the the upper case L and S is sometimes hard to distinguish on the original microfilm copy. With all of the above in mind, saying the names aloud as spelled as well as substituting the aforementioned letters for each other may be helpful toward identifying the surnames you are researching.

I have not included the last four columns shown on the 1850 census chart. I shall be happy to answer, If I can, any questions about the copy.

June Nessler

170 172	   FRISBIE  HAnson	31	Lawyer		$2000	PA
		Mary E.		31				CT
		Francis H.	04				PA
		Cairence* (m)	02				Pa
	   HARVEY  E.B.		32	Lawyer		$2000	PA
	   McNELLY Catherine	14				Irel
171 173    EASTERLINE Joseph	?	Clerk		$1500	NJ
		Mary		24				PA
	   PHENIX  Jane		10 (Phenix may be a middle name)MD
172 174    TREADAWAY Hester	40			$1000	PA
	   WARD  Celinda	25				PA
	   PERRY Rebecca	23			$3000	PA
	   WARD Elizabeth	08				PA
173 175	   NICHOLSON George B.	24	Lawyer		$2500	PA
		Mary A.		22				PA
		Mary E.		5/12				PA
	   MOORE Sarah		19			     Irel?
174 176    DANK?* DAICH?*
                Mary		36				PA
                S***** (f)	14?				PA
175 177	   PETERBAUGH
		Samuel H.	37	Innkeeper	$5500	PA
		Lydia		?				PA
		Susan R.	15				PA
           WENDEL Ewin W.	22	Bar Tender	PA
	   HAKES  Lyman		31	Lawyer			NY
	   McCOWAN James	36	Cabinet Maker		PA
	   ENGLE Anselm		30	Surveyor		Germ
	   HOPKINS John		42	Painter			PA
	   COOPER Jacob L.	30	Painter			PA
	   MINGLE James L.	18	Telegraph Operator	PA
	   CARVER John W.	20	Telegraph Operator	PA
           LUTZ Mary		42				PA
	   LINES William	09				PA
	   HOSE Catherine	26				PA
	   GILLIGAN Mary A.	18				Irel
           HULEY William	45   	Boatman			CT
	   HAWLEY Marice (f)	41				CT
176 178    OVERTON Anna M.	60			$1500	MD
177 179    LEOTT* Mary		50				PA
178 180	   BOYD E.L.		52	Physician		MA
		Ruth Ann	47				CT
		Caroline A.	14				PA
		Fanny E.	11				PA
	   PHENIX Samuel	16	Laborer			MD
		Samuel Phenix is listed as a black man.
179 181	   LOOMIS William	33	Saddle & Harness Maker	CT
	   	Elizabeth	26				PA
		William		05				PA
		Fanny		03				PA
		Sherman		01				PA
	   KUTZ William		20	Saddler			PA
	   RICHER George	14	Saddler			PA
	   TODD Charles		18	Saddler			PA
	   HAUPT Susan		20				PA
           REEVES Elizabeth	32				PA
	   	Ellen		06				PA

180 182    The two entries are unreadable except that they
            were born in Germany.
181 183	   The three entries here are unreadable except that they 
           were born in Germany.

182 184	   WELLS Benjamin F.	35	Inn Keeper		NY
		Jane		30				NY
		Harriet L.	11				NJ
		Susan F.	09				NJ
		Mary A.		07				PA
		Benjamin F.	05				PA
		Sarah E.	03				PA
		George T.	01				PA
	   BAKER Edward B.	26	Bartender		NY
	   HODGDON James	35	Merchant		PA
	   RITER Alfred		19	Hosteler		PA
	   McGINNIS David	27	Hosteler		PA
	   MITCHEL Joseph	38	Stage Driver		NJ
	   GANGWARE Aaron	46	Stage Driver		PA
	   THOMAS John		21	Stage Driver	      Canada
	   WHITLOCK Harriet	27				PA
  	   MURPHY Maria		20				Irel
	   McWADE Bridget	20				Irel
	   WHITMAN John P.	24	Carpenter		PA
183 185	   STEELE George P.	48			$8000	PA
		Lydia		33				PA
	   LEAVENWORTH F. J.	22	LAwyer			PA
	   STEELE John		27	Clerk			PA
	   FREECE William	13				PA
	   AUSTEN Henry		52	Carpenter		Engl
	   DOAK John		09				PA
	   McWADE Catherine	28				Irel
184 186	   COLLINGS Daniel	65	Watchmaker	$2000	NJ
	   	Melinda		60				PA
		Eliza		22				PA
		Harriet		17				PA
		Julia		15				PA
		Joseph		12				PA
185 187	   ULP* Sarah		60			$6000	CT
		Ann		30				PA
		Ellen		23				PA
		Henry		21				PA
186 189	   OSTERHOUT* Isaac	40	Merchant	$8000	PA
	 	Elizabeth L.	32				NJ?
	   ESPEY  John		12 	Clerk			?
	   **?** Catherine	12				?
187 190    RAFFERTY Sarah	68				Irel
		Catherine	41				Irel
		Charlotte	16				Germ
	   FELLOWS Jane		23				PA
188 191    HOLT Thomas		35	Brick Maker		Engl
		Elizabeth	28				Engl
	   CAMP William		21	Teamster		NJ
	   YETTER Henry		21	Laborer			PA
           WOOLEY Martha	18				PA
189 192	   DRAKE Benjamin	72	Blacksmith	$400	NJ
		Nancy		64	Merchantess	$17,600	PA
190 193    RAINOW Elizabeth	61			$2000	PA
191 194	   PORTER Azuba (f)	36			$2500	PA
	 	Edgar		11				PA
	   BAINES James		70			$5000	MA
           WILLIAMS Elizabeth	20				PA
	   MOORE MArcella	20				Irel
	   DUNN Charles		29	Carpenter		PA
	   	Lydia		28				PA
192 194    EHRET Mrs.		63				PA
		Samuel		08				PA	
193 195	   HILLMAN H.B.		43	Inn Keeper		PA
		Elizabeth	35				PA
		Henry B.	16	Clerk			PA?
		Herman P.	13				PA
		Mary		11				PA
		Arthur W.	09				PA
		Holland		07				PA
		Elizabeth	01				PA
	  GRAY Isaac		50	Tailor			CT
	  YOHE Andrew		28	Druggist		PA
	  DENNIS James P.	38	Clerk		$5000	PA
	  JONES John B.		31	Merchant	$1200	PA
	  WARD William		25	Clerk			PA
	  DIMICK Alfred		26	Shoe Store		CT
          FLECK Reuben J.	30	Merchant	$1000	PA
	  MORGAN E.C.		28	Dentist			PA
	  CARNEY Patrick	26	Porter			Irel
	  MU**** Catherine	16				Irel
          FLINN Ann		19				Irel
	  WHITLOCK* Christiana*	?				PA
		Unreadable entry				PA
194 196	  PIERSON Nathaniel	30	Hatter			NJ
	  	Esther		30				NJ
		Silas		08				NJ
		Phebe 		06				NJ
		Washington	03				PA
		Israel		7/12				PA
	  SUTTON Charles B.	20	Clerk			PA
196 197   BETRON Elmira	(f)	22				PA
	 	Isabella	21				PA
197 198   GARRETT Caleb		32	Carpenter		Engl
		Sarah A.	38				NJ
197 199	  BEISEL William	35	Inn Keeper	$3000	PA
		Hannah		28				PA
		Levi		25				PA
	  STEEL Andrew		22	Bricklayer		PA
          KOONS William		27	Bricklayer		PA
	  WOLFINGER hiram	28	Bricklayer		PA
          LEGER John		22	Barber			Germ
	  BRUNDAGE  Asa		23	Lawyer			PA
	  HARRINGTON ?		20	Printer			PA
          DIVER Stephen		20	Laborer			PA
	  HUFF Lee		20	Hosteler		PA
	  SCHRANK Charles	21	Hosteler		Germ
	  HEIZEN Elizabeth	18				PA
	  RANDEL Artimissa (f)	17				PA
198 200	  PETTIT Henry		38				PA
		Julia Ann 	33				PA
		William H.	11				PA
		John		07				PA
		George W.	05				PA
199 201	  JENKINS Reuben	30	Attorney at Law	$700	PA
		Catherine M.	28				PA
		William Henry	10/12				PA
	  CONDREY Elizabeth	21				PA
200 202	  BARBER Samuel		34	Shoemaker		PA
		Nancy		32				PA
		Martin		10				PA
		Mary Jane	04				PA
		Ellen		02				PA
		Joseph		40	Shoemaker		PA
201 203	  PHILIPS Ellen		11				PA?
202 204   PHILIPS Sylvina	23?				PA?							 
***********************END OF PART IV WILKES BARRE 1850 CENSUS*********

This page was donated by June Nessler

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky