1920 Nanticoke Census

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name, Relation, House, Mort/Owned, Sex. Race, Age, Mar. Status, Yr. Immig., Nat./Alien, Yr. of Nat.

FISHER, Margaret   	Head R   F W 48 S
        Mary            Sister   F W 51 S
        Hughey          Brother  M W 49 S
        Patrick         Brother  M W 44 S

GRIFFITHS, James M.	Head R   M W 45 M 1889 Na 1894
           Mary 	Wife     F W $% M 1884 Na 1894
           Howard Jr(?) Son      M W 18 S
           Harriet      Dau.     F W 17 S
           Byron        Son      M W 16 S
           Delbert    	Son      M W 12 S
EVANS, Harriet Mother-in-law     F W 65 Wd 1889 Na 1894

NICKLUS, Mary		Head R   F W 60 Wd 1895 Al
         Edward		Son	 M W 23 S
         Jospeh		Son	 M W 16 S
STEPNAKSI(?), Margaret	Dau.	 F W 20 Wd 
         Frank		Grandson M W  2 S
         Mary		Granddau F W  1 S
KANJORSKI (?), (?)	Grandson M W 14 S
The head of the Nicklus family was born in Lithuania.

SHILINSKI, Anthony	Head R   M W 40 M 1903 Al
           Maggie	Wife     F W 40 M 1903 Al
GRIGAS(?), August	Son	 M W 16 M
           Frank 	Son	 M W 13 M
SHILINSKI, Amelia	Dau.     F W 12 S
           Praxido(?)	Dau.     F W  9 S
           Ustinea      Dau.     F W  6 S
The head of the Shilinski family and his wife were born
in Lithuania.

CIECIELSKI(?),Stanislau Head R   M W 28 M 1902 Na 1916
              ?         Wife     F W 23 M
              Harry(?)  Son	 M W  7 S
              Stanley   Son      M W  5 S
The head of the Ciecielski was born in Poland.

AITUKAS, Charles	Head R   M W 32 M 1902 Na 1913
         Margaret	Wife	 F W 26 M
         Helen		Dau.	 F W  6 S
         Stanley	Son	 M W  4 S
         Beatrice	Dau.     F W  1 S
The head of the Aitukas was born in Russia.

GILGENOST, Bertha	Head O F F W 52 Wd 1886 Na 1888
           Alfred	Son	 M W  ? S
           Bernard	Son	 M W 18 S
           Edward	Son      M W 16 S
The head of the Gilgenost was bron in Germany.

MCCARTHY, James		Head O F M W 51 S
          Mary		Sister	 F W 47 S
The head of the McCarthy family was born in Connecticut.
FISHER, James	Brother-in-law	 M W 45 M
        Anna		Sister	 F W 46 M
        Marie		Niece	 F W 18 S
        Joseph		Nephew	 M W 18 S
	James		Nephew	 M W 11 S
	Anna		Niece	 F W  7 S

INGRAM, John		Head R   M W 50 M 1887 Na 1890
        Artermia(?)	Wife	 F W 46 M 1888 Na 1980
        Evan		Son	 M W 21 S
        Pheor (?) 	Dau.     F W 19 S
        Anna		Dau. 	 F W 16 S
        Catherine   	Dau.     F W  9 S
        Sheldon		Son	 M WM 7 S
        Sarah 		Dau.	 F W  4 S
The head of the Ingram family and his wife were born in

MORGAN, Eric W.		Son	 M W 25 S
        Norman W.	Son	 M W 23 S
	Berry(?) W.	Son	 M W 21 S
	Ralph		Son	 M W 19 S
	Lewis		Son 	 M W 14 S
	Sara		Dau. 	 F W 14 S

MCCARTHY, John F.	Head O F M W 48 M
	  Anna		Wife	 F W 37 M
          James		Son	 M W 21 S
	  Alice		Dau.	 F W 19 S
	  Katherine	Dau.     F W 18 S
          Jean		Dau.     F W  9 S
MCMANAMON (?),Mary Sister-in-Law F W 47 S

JARNZEK(?), Martin	Head O M M W 35 M 1905 Na ?
            Angeline	Wife	 F W 26 M
	    Edmund	Son	 M W ?  ?
            Eleanor	Dau.	 F W ?  S

DAVIS, Thomas W. 	Head O F M W 73 Wd 1819 Na 1876
Mr. Davis was born in Wales.

POWELL, Grant		Head R	 M W 48 M
        Mary J.		Wife	 F W 44 M
	Esther		Dau.	 F W 11 S
	Evelyn		Dau.     F W  9 S
	Mary		Dau.	 F W  ? S

EVANS, William 		Head R   M W 24 M
       Eleanor		Wife     F W  ? M
       Robert 		Son	 M W 3 11/12 S

GRIFFITH, Edward W.	Head O F M W 48 M
          Margaret	Wife     F W 43 M
          Martha(?)	Dau.	 F W 17 S
WILLIAMS, Anna	Mother-in-Law	 F W 64 Wd 1888 Na 1896
          Walter Brother-in-Law  M W 19 
Mrs. Williams was born in Wales.

THOMAS, John E.		Head R   M W 46 M 1916 Na 1918
        Elizabeth       Wife	 F W 42 M 1916 Na 1918
        Leon(?)		Son	 M W 19 S 1916 Na 1918
        Thomas		Son      M W  ? S
         ?		Son      M W  ? S

This Census was donated by Anne Marie.

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



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County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky