1880 Nanticoke

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name, Race, Sex, Age, Relationship, Mar. Status Occupation

DAGNON,         W M 40 Head Married Coal Miner
        Elizabeth W F 28 Wife Married Keeping House
        Mamie W F 9 Daughter Single School
        Elizabeth W F 6 Daughter Single
CORCORAN, Frank W M 40 Boarder Married Laborer

FISHER, Patrick W M 36 Head Married Laborer (born in Ireland)
        Ellen W F 36 Wife Married Keeping House (born in Ireland)
        Miles W M 13 Son Single Door Tender (born in NJ)
        Mary W F 11 Daughter Single School (born in NJ)
        Hugh W M 10 Son Single Breaker Boy (born in NJ)
        Maggie W F 8 Daughter Single School (born in PA)
        James W M 7 Son Single (born in PA)
        Patrick W M 4 Son Single (born in PA)

CRAMER, Amelia W F 45 Head Widow Keeping House
        Matilda W F 19 Daughter Single At Home
        Bertha W F 14 Daughter At Home
MULLADAY, Edward W M 28 Boarder Single Laborer
CORRICK, Fred W M 30 Single Boarder Shoemaker
DACEY, John W M 33 Married Boarder Laborer

DOUGHERTY, Daniel W M 37 Head Married Laborer
           Mary W F 34 Wife Married Keeping House
           Catherine W F 15 Daughter Single Washerwoman
           Mary Ann W F 13 Daughter Single At Home
           Hanora W F 10 Daughter Single At School
           Ann W F 7 Daughter Single

There is more to this family but it is cut off.

Center St. (Hanover Sect. formerly known as Rhone)

HARRISON, Francis W F 6/12 Daughter

CUSTER, Solomon W M 58 Head Married Farmer
        Ester W F 51 Wife Married Housekeeper
        Ida W F 17 Daughter Single Home
        Ella W F 14 Daughter Single Home
        Edwin W M 14 Son Single Laborer on Farm
        Henry W M 12 Son Single Laborer on Farm

MCCARTHY, F.D. W M 40 Head Married Farmer (born in Ireland)
          Catherine W F 40 Wife Married Housekeeper (born in Ireland)
          Anna W F 7 Daughter Single
          James W M 12 Nephew Single
          John W M 8 Adopted Single

This census was donated by Anne Marie.

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky