These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Some parts of this copy of the microfilm LDS # 0444762 are unreadable. Items that are difficult to read are followed by asterisks or question marks or *. The last two or three lines of some pages are too dark to read. In many cases the census recorder relied on phonetic spelling of names, especially the German. With this in mind, saying the names aloud as spelled may be helpful toward identifying the actual surname. R's, N's, S's, are difficult to distinguish from each other. The census takers, in some cases, are rather liberal with ditto marks having women working as miners etc. Much of the penmanship is faulty. If you find a surname which approximates that of one you are researching ALWAYS check with the actual schedule.
I have not included the last four columns shown on the 1850 census chart because there is little recorded data in them. I shall be happy to answer, If I can, any questions about the copy.
June Nessler

DN = Dwelling Number; FN = Family Number; VRE = Value of Real Estate holdings.

           Joseph	38	Butcher		$3000   PA
	   Rosanna	31				PA
	   Martha A.	10				PA
	   Charles	05				PA
     Elizabeth WAGNER	19				PA
      Anthony FISHER	18				PA

the following residence is an hotel. 

962 974  DAVENPORT	
	   Lewis	49	Hotel Keeper	$9000	NJ
           Mary		49				PA
       Alvina DRAKE*	20				PA
      Lewis W. DRAKE	22	Carpenter		PA
      Mary DAVENPORT	18				PA
      Emma *. DAVENPORT	14				PA
     Martha DAVENPORT	10				PA
   Catherine RINEHART	20				Germany
     Catherine DUDER	21				Germany
          Mary TULIP	19				Ireland
       Thomas HEATER	24	Laborer			PA
	John MOEK*	35	Ostler? 		Germany
    Matthew JOHNSON	19	Clerk			PA
	Edward FISHER	21	Clerk			PA
       James SCOTT	21	Teacher			Ireland
       Wilson E. LUTZ*	22?	?			PA
	    Ann		19				PA
          Edward B.	1/12				PA
      ***unreadable entry
     John H. BUCKMAN	28	Merchant		PA
         Adam G****	25	Clerk			Germany	  	    
         John GURGER*	23	Blacksmith		PA
	  Reuben M*wry	21	Stage Driver		PA
	Albert GORTON	25	Stage Driver		PA
        Daniel BOWMAN	25	Carpenter		PA
        John  DUN*AIN*	25	Clerk			MA
963 975        BARTON
          William R.	39	Carpenter		PA
           Eliza *	36				PA
 	 M. V. B.	13				PA
	Josephine	16				PA
        Matilda		18				PA
        Mary L.		09				PA
	Eliza E.	07				PA
        Anna		05				PA
        Caroline	02				PA
964 976 Francis BRAG*	29	Laborer			PA
        Christiana	22				PA
	John		1/12				PA
965 977 LAUGHLIN
	Francis W.      25				PA
        Maria A.	26				PA
        Frances A.	01				PA
      Thirza S. MALLOY	19				PA
966 978 John A. STAIR	27	Laborer			PA
	Catherine S.	22				PA
        Edward N.	1/12				PA
967 979 Lewis SMITH	31	Laborer			PA
	 Catherine 	25				PA
968 980 William SHIRLEY	28	LAborer			PA
	 Eliza		26				PA
         Clara		01				PA
       Philetta HISER	20				PA
      Elijah BAUGHA**	09				PA
       Samuel MAYE*	45				PA
       Julia		20				PA
       David		18				PA
969 981 John SPOCHT*	32	Laborer			Germany
      Barbara		32				Germany
      Martin		11				Germany
      Philip S****	?	?			Germany
970 982 John G****	?				?
    Unreadable entry
	Mary CONESTCH	64				Germany
        Joseph OUTCH*   30	Laborer			Germany
        John		7/12				PA
971 983 Cornelius SHEINE* 27	Laborer			Germany
         Maria		22				Germany
     Elizabeth BACHMAN	50				Germany
        Christian	19	Laborer			Germany
        Elizabeth	07				Germany
        Sebella		04				Germany
972 984	Martin MORSLER*	28	Laborer			Germany
        Maria		22				Germany
	Barbara		6/12				PA
    Catherine CLINE	10				Germany
       Henry CLINE	58	Laborer			Germany
973 985	Henry BACHT	37	LAborer			Germany
         Catherine	26				Germany
   Frederick ZIMMERMAN	27	Laborer			Germany
974 986	Godfrey WALTON	31	Laborer			Germany!!!
	Mary		24				PA
	John		04				PA
	Peter		01				PA
975 987 WATRAU
         Frederick	31	Laborer			Germany
         Elizabeth	29				Germany
         Dorothy	09				PA
         Eliza		07				PA
         Catherine	05				PA
         John		6/12				PA
976 988 Jacob BOYER	34	Laborer			Germany
	Elizabeth	29				Germany
        Dorothy		09				PA
	Eliza		07				PA
        Catherine	05				PA
        John		6/12				PA
977 989 Jacob BOLANDER	35	Laborer			Germany
        MArgaret	30				Germany
        Margaret	03				PA
978 990	Henry RINGL***N	53	Laborer			Germany
	Mary		52     				Germany
	Peter		16				Germany
	Eliza		08				PA
	William		05				PA
         The next two entries are unreadable.
     Christopher S*ACHT	23	Laborer			Germany
	Philip SIGER	18	Laborer			Germany
979 991 Anthony BROWN	39	Laborer			Ireland
          Mary		25				Ireland
          Catherine	03				PA
          James		01				PA
	Michael M*L*H	35	Laborer			Ireland
         Mary		37				Ireland
         Catherine	09				Ireland
         James		07				Ireland
         Bridget	03				Ireland
       Mary HINES	59				Ireland
980 992 Michael BOYLIN	33	Laborer			Ireland
        Margaret	32				Ireland
	Rosa		07				PA
	Philip		06				PA
        Thomas		04				PA
        Mary		01				PA
	John LYNCH	21	Laborer			Ireland
981 993 Neil BRISTOL	30	LAborer			Ireland
	Susan		20	Laborer			Ireland
	Stephen McGRATH	22	Laborer			Ireland
	Patrick McGRATH	21	LAborer			Ireland
	Anthony O'HARA	22	Laborer			Ireland
	Thomas HINES	15	Laborer			Ireland
982 994 Evr*st FULLMER	22	Laborer			Germany
	Magdalin	16				Germany
983 995 Thomas LOCKLON	40	Laborer			Nova Scotia
	Thomas		18	Laborer			Nova Scotia
	Mary		15				Nova Scotia
        Johanna		15				Nova Scotia
        James		09				Nova Scotia
        William		06				Nova Scotia
        Margaret	02				PA
984 996 Henry HAKROOT	28	Laborer 		Germany
	Barbara E.	39				Germany
	Herman		14				Germany
985 997 John H*WA*	57	LAborer			England
	Mary		66				?
	The next two entries are unreadable
986 998 The first entry is unreadable.
	Eliza WINDERS	42				PA
	Edward		25	Miner			PA
	Powell*		22	Miner			PA
	David		21	Miner			PA
	Mabelle A.	19				PA
	Louisa		17				PA
	Benjamin	13				PA
	Wayne		11				PA
	Marietta	10				PA
	Matilda		07				PA
	Samuel		05				PA
	Henry		03				PA
	Adam		88	Carpenter	$1600	PA
987 999 Michael SUHER	25				Germany
	Magdalin	23				Germany
	Mary		05				PA
	Elizabeth	03				PA
988 1000 McDONALD
        John		34	Miner			England
	Ann		34				Scotland
	Mary A.		07				England
	Margaret	04				England
	John		01				PA
	James DODDS	28				England
989 1001 JONES
        Abraham		26	Tailor			Wales
	Ann		29				PA
	Clarissa A.	06				PA
	Edgar R.	04				PA
	George R.	01				PA
	Mary JONES	25				Wales
	Mary ROBERTS	16				PA
990 1002 SHULTZ
        William		25	Clerk?			Germany
        Catherine	23				Germany
	John		11/12				PA
   William WITTICK	48	Miner			Germany
      Alice		44				Germany
      John		18	Machinist		Germany
      Louisa		13				PA
      William		07				PA
      Henry SHULTZ	20	Carpenter		Germany
991 1003 The first three entries are unreadable.
     John DUSER		07				PA
      Catherine		05				PA
  Henry ALLIBACK	22	Watchmaker		PA
  Julia M. KRAUSE	16				Germany
992 1004 Joseph MOCK	31	Carpenter		PA
	Sarah		26				PA
	Henry A.	02				PA
	Hannah C. CLINE	12				PA
993 1005 WILLIAMS
        John		26	Miner			Wales
	Sarah J.	20				PA
	John H.		4/12				PA
	Benjamin	28	Engineer		Wales
994 1006  SOR*		29	Carpenter		Germany
	Christiana	24				Germany
	Elizabeth	01				PA
	Henry SHUS*	25	Laborer			Germany
	Elizabeth	17				Germany
  Gottlieb GARLOCH	18				Germany
995 1007 Dione MILT*ER	25	Saddler			PA
      	   Loretta	19				PA
996 1008     McDOWELL
	   Richard	25	Machinist		Ireland         
	Elizabeth B.	23                              Wales
          John W	04				PA
	  Mary S.	01				PA
      Sarah THOMAS	12				PA
997 1009 Philip KINSIE*	51	Pathon?!Maker		NJ
	Maria		46				PA
	Anna M.		25				PA
	John J.		22	Machinist		PA
	Susan E.	15				PA
	Josephine	08				PA
998 1010 Joseph FISHER	41	Butcher			PA
	Mary		36				PA
	Anthony		17	Butcher			PA
	Emalin		13				PA
	Eliza		10				PA
	Martha		08				PA
	Amanda		05				PA
	Isabell		03				PA
	Rosanna*	02				PA
	J*** BENNETT	20?	Laborer			?
999 1011 The first entry is unreadable.
	Susan GROSS	38				PA
	Stephen		17	Laborer			PA
	Mundis*		10				PA
	Christiana	14				PA
	Reuben		08				PA
	Caroline	12				PA
	Elizabeth	06				PA
	Catherine	04				PA
	Stephen ANDERS*	35	Laborer			PA
1000 1012 MOYER
      	Charles		34	Clerk			Germany
	Sarah		29				PA
	William		07				PA
	Ellen		05				PA
	Whitfield	04				PA
	Emma		01				PA
	Josiah SMITH	26	Teacher			PA
	William BEERS*	70	Farmer			NJ
    Elizabeth BACHMAN  	16				Germany
1001 1013 G.B. MARKEL	23	Clerk			PA
	Emily A.	21				PA
	Clorinda*	9/12				PA
	Jane STORY	16				England
1002 1014   STEWART			  		 								    												         	    	  
	Allen		54	Superintendent		CT
	Jonhil** (fem)	43				NY
	Frances		07				MI
	Eliza		04				PA
	Sarah		01				PA
	Bridget KELLY	30				Ireland
   Thomas CASSILBERRY	27	Teacher			PA
	Julia		25				PA
	Cora		03				PA
	Julia		01				PA
1003 1015  Peter ST***	29	Laborer			Not known
	Mary		20				PA
   Christian SMITH*	61				NJ
1004 1016 Philip CL***	34?	Laborer			Germany
	Catherine	53				Germany
  William BECKING	22	Laborer			Germany
  	Elizabeth       20				Germany
	Catherine*	?/12				PA
    Unreadable entry
    Unreadable  entry
	William ULLRICH 01				PA
      Catherine SINGER	49				Germany
      George            16	Laborer			Germany
1005 1017  RINEHART
	Martin		40	Laborer			Germany
	Catherine	42				Germany
	Catherine	20				Germany
	George		13				Germany
	ELiza		09				Germany
	Catherine	05				Germany
1006 1018 HIDEN*ICHT	30	Laborer			Germany
	Susanna		28				Germany
	Eliza		07				Germany
	Catherine	05				Germany
	George		02				Germany
	Susanna		9/12				PA
	Daniel BENNETT	17	Laborer			PA
	Levi BARRETT	23	Laborer			PA
	Jacob ANDRIS	41	Laborer			PA
1007 1019  THOMAS
	Ann		53				Wales
	Charles		16	Laborer			Wales
	Susan? Sarah?	12				PA
	S***  (fem)	07				PA
1008 1020 George SISMAN	38	Laborer			Germany
	Dorotha		34				Germany
	Margaret	12				Germany
	Elizabeth	08				PA
	Adam		06				PA
1009 1021  STUTZMAN
   	Jacob		36	Laborer			Germany
	Anna M.		36				Germany
	Nicholas	12				Germany
	Anna C.		09				Germany
	Dorothy		01				Pa
	Catherine	56				Germany
1010 1022  MONGLE*
	Henry S.	39	Carpenter		Germany
	Catherine	43				Germany
	Elizabeth	17				Germany
	Mary E.		15				Germany
	Martha		11				Germany
	Henry		09				Germany
	George		07				Germany
	Catherine	02?				Germany
1011 1023 The first entry is unreadable,
     Barbara E. KAHLER  40				Germany
     Philip BOU***T*	23	Laborer			Germany
     Valentin DISHINGER	24	Laborer			Germany
1012 1024 BLANCHARD	
	Ann		46				PA
	James		08				PA	
The following residence is a hotel.
1013 1025   BRITTON
	Charles		38	Carpenter	$4000	NJ
	Eleanor		43				PA
	John C.		13				PA
	Elizabeth	10				PA
	Mary A.		04				PA
	Charles S.	02				PA
	Catherine GILL	22				PA
	Solomon BEERS	30	Physician		PA
     William J. KELLY	21	Clerk			PA
	Conrad FRYE	27	Ostler (hotel keeper)	PA
      Herman LANSING	29	Carpenter		NY
	   Leah		22				Wales
   Clinton McPHERSON	19	Student			PA
	William		40	Merchant	$3000	PA
	Boann  (fem)	33				PA
	Elliott P.	05				PA
	Gillingham F.	03				PA				 				  	   	
                         END OF PART VII

************************End of Hazle Tnp 1850 Census************************ 
Thanks to June Nessler for this contribution to Luzerne County Genweb

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky