These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Some parts of this copy of the microfilm LDS # 0444762 are unreadable. Items that are difficult to read are followed by asterisks or question marks. The last two or three lines of some pages are too dark to read. In many cases the census recorder relied on phonetic spelling of names, especially the German. With this in mind, saying the names aloud as spelled may be helpful toward identifying the actual surname. R's, N's, S's, are difficult to distinguish from each other. The census takers, in some cases, are rather liberal with ditto marks having women working as miners etc. Penmanship in many cases is faulty. You should consult the LDS microfilm to verify your research.
I have not included the last four columns shown on the 1850 census chart because there is little recorded data in them. I shall be happy to answer, If I can, any questions about the copy.
June Nessler

DN = Dwelling Number; FN = Family Number; VRE = Value of Real Estate holdings.

747 759  Patrick BURNS   34   Laborer              Ireland
         Catherine       31                         Ireland
         Mary            4/12                       PA
748  760 Hugh BOYLE      31   Miner                Ireland
         Catherine       38                         Ireland
         Jane            06                         PA
         Mary            03                         PA
         Patrick         01                         PA
749 761  Hugh BOYLE      40   Miner                Ireland
         Catherine       40                         Ireland
         Ellen           16                         PA
         Rosa            13                         OH
         Catherine       07                         PA
750 762  Conrad SAGER    36   Laborer              Germany
         Margaretta      44                         Germany
         Catherine       16                         Germany
         Anna C.         12                         Germany
         Jacob           18     Laborer               Germany
751 763 Frank McLAUGHLIN 40   Laborer              Ireland
          Mary           35                         Ireland
         Michael         13                         Ireland
         Bridget         11                         Ireland
         Mary            07                         PA
         Anna            05                         PA
         Barney          04                         PA 
752 764 Michael GAITHER* 30      Laborer           Ireland
         Eliza           25                         Ireland
753 765  Cond?  HASTON*  32      Laborer           Ireland
         Mary            28                         Ireland
         Manus           04                         PA
         Winifred        03                         PA
         Hannah          01                         PA
754 766  Hugh MAYER      23      Laborer           Ireland
         Bridget         30                         Ireland
         Hannah McELIND* 17                         Ireland
755 767  Daniel GOLDEN*  4?   Miner                 Ireland
         Bridget         ?                          Ireland
         ..............  ?                          PA?
         ............    ?                          ?
     Catherine GOLDEN    06                         PA
         Bridget         04                         PA
756 768 James CANNON     27   Miner                 Ireland
         Catherine       25                         Ireland
         Margaret        05                         Ireland
         Mary            05                         Ireland
         Anna            02                         PA
         Catherine       2/12                       PA
757 769  Brice HADDON    31    Machinist            England
         Rebecca         23                         PA
         Mary CRARY*     11                         Ireland
758 770  Samuel HADDON   37    Moulder             England
         Mary            24                         England
         Lydia           03                         PA
         Samuel          3/12                       PA
         Ellen MULLIGAN  12                         PA
         Hannah ALLEN    25                         England
         Lucien          23  Machinist              CT
         James           1/12                       PA
     Charles SQUIMSHAW   25   Machinist             England
         George LEE      27  Blacksmith             England
         James BROWN     07  Moulder                Scotland
759 771  Henry MEANS     40  Clerk                  PA
         Clarisa         37                         PA
         John            09                         PA
         James           07                         PA
         Eliana* SHEARS  12                         PA
760 772  George KING     50   Miner                 Scotland
         Elizabeth       33                         PA       
         Elizabeth       08                         PA
         Ann             05                         PA
       Barney Coni?ers*  35  Laborer                Ireland
        George RADCLIFF  48  Miner                  England
761 773 John PARKS       54  Miner                  Scotland
         Magdelena       41                         PA
         John BLACKWELL  ?                          PA
762 774 Michael MULLIGAN 40  Laborer                Ireland
         Ellen           35                         Ireland
        R........(female)12                         NY
         Margaret*       08                         PA
      ...... (female)    07                         PA
     .......(female)      ?                         PA
         Julia           02                         PA
763 775  Robert FAGAN    40  Laborer                Ireland
         Catherine       38                         Ireland
         Robert          15                         NY
         Peter           13                         PA
         Christian       11                         PA
         John            09                         PA
         James           07                         PA
         Mary A.         04                         PA
         Catherine       02                         PA
         Thomas          5/12                       PA
764 776  John GORMAN     23                         Ireland                         
 Sarah           23                                 PA
         Jane            02                         PA
765 777  Owen FARRY      28  Shoemaker              Ireland
         Catherine       23                         Ireland
         Mary            ?                          PA
         Dennis          22  Laborer                Ireland
         Ellen MOONEY    14                         Ireland
         John            20  Laborer                Ireland
         Barney          18  Laborer                Ireland
         John            26  Laborer                Ireland
     Charles GALLAGHER   21  Laborer                Ireland
766 778  Patrick McMAHON 31  Laborer                Ireland
         Julia           40  Laborer                Ireland
767 779  John RILEY      51  Laborer                Ireland
         Catherine       27                         Ireland
         Thomas          12                         PA
         Mary            10                         PA
         John            07                         PA
         Catherine       05                         PA
         James           01                         PA
768 780  James GOLDEN    35  Laborer                Ireland
         Mary            28                         Ireland
         Mary            01                         PA
         Peter SMITH     45  Laborer                Ireland
769 781  James JAMES     35  Engineer               Wales
         Jane            27                         Wales
         George          13?                        Wales
         Richard         ?                          Wales
         ............    ?                          PA
         Mary?           ?                          ?
         Sophia          04                         PA
         Sarah I.        01                         PA
     Margaret TOWARD*    12                         PA
770 782  David BARGES*   44  Carpenter     $1000    PA
         Catherine       45                         PA
         Hannah          14                         PA
         Catherine       08                         PA
         Charles         02                         PA
 771 783 WATSON  
         Christian       22  Miner                  Germany
         Margarette      22                         Germany
         Louisa          6/12                                PA
         Jacob DASEN*    22  Laborer                Germany
         Susan           23                         Germany
772 784  Jacob STUMP     30  Laborer                Germany
         Mary E.         23                         PA
         Martin          08                         PA
         Catherine       05                         PA
         Mary E.         03                         PA
         William         01                         PA
         Daniel KESTER   26  Miner                  Germany
         Henry KRAUDE?   20  Laborer                Germany
         Francis SHAE..? 21  Laborer                Germany
     William Phillipis*  23  Laborer                Germany
         Levina BARGES*  22  Laborer                PA
773 785  John MENICH*    30  Laborer                Ireland
         Catherine       19  Laborer                Ireland
774 786 John HEGENSICHT  20  Laborer                Germany
         Margarette      18  Laborer                Germany
775 787 Jacob CROAP      52  Blacksmith             Germany
          Anna B.        35                         Germany
         Daniel          22  Blacksmith             Germany
         Peter           08                         PA
         John            07                         PA
         Henry COALFASS* 23  Blacksmith             Germany
     Catherine DIESROT*  16                         Germany
776 788  John GOST*      37  Miner                  England
         Elizabeth       32                         England
     ..?...... (male)    08                         England
     .?.......(female)    ?                         England
          Elizabeth*                                England
777 789  William ..?....  ?                         England
          ...?....   (Female)                       England?
778 790 George HEITZBERG  47 Laborer                Germany
          Evelina         47                        Germany
          William         18                        Germany
          Martha C.       12                        Germany
779 791  Thomas PHILLIPS  60 Miner                  Wales
          Mary            48?                       Wales
          Jabez           22                        Wales
780 792  Martin REARICK   39 Miner                  PA
          Cate            39                        PA
          Harrison        14                        PA
          Peter           12                        PA
          Nathan          10                        PA
          Levi            08                        PA
          Sarah           06                        PA
          Mary A.         05                        PA
          Martin          01                        PA
781  793  Samuel BENNETT  29 Miner                  England
          Jane            27                        England
          Mary A.         06                        England
          Elizabeth       04                        England
          Margaret I.     02                        PA
          Sarah           6/12                      PA
782 794   William AIRY    27 Miner                  England
          Rachel          24                        England
          John W.         04                        PA
          Richard         02                        PA
          Martha S,       01                        England
783 795   Thomas OLIVER   43 Miner                  England
          Margarette      38                        England
          William AVERY   45 Miner                  England
          Joseph          38                        England
          Thomas WALLS    29 Miner                  England
784 796   James WILLIAMS  59 Miner                  Wales
          Lana            42                        PA
          Mary            06                        PA
          Susan           03                        PA
          Barbara         7/12                      PA
785 797 Augustus* ....?ROUT ? Miner                 Germany
          Anna            22                        Germany
786 798 Con*  Kelly (male) ?  Miner                 Ireland
           ...?...         ?                        Ireland
           ...?... ...?... ?                        Ireland
           John KEL:LY     05                       PA  

****************************END OF PART III**********************************
Thanks to June Nessler for this contribution to Luzerne County Genweb

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky