These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Some parts of this copy of the microfilm LDS # 0444762 are unreadable. Items that are difficult to read are followed by asterisks or question marks. The last two or three lines of some pages are too dark to read. In many cases the census recorder relied on phonetic spelling of names, especially the German. With this in mind, saying the names aloud as spelled may be helpful toward identifying the actual surname. R's, N's, S's, are difficult to distinguish from each other. The census takers, in some cases, are rather liberal with ditto marks having women working as miners etc. The penmanship is faulty sometimes. You should verify the entries by consulting the LDS microfilm. Don't believe out of hand what you see in the records below. Many entries are my best guess. I have indicated this by the use of asterisks and question marks.
I have not included the last four columns shown on the 1850 census chart because there is little recorded data in them. I shall be happy to answer, If I can, any questions about the copy.
June Nessler

DN = Dwelling Number; FN = Family Number; VRE = Value of Real Estate holdings.

DN FN   NAME          AGE OCCUPATION     VRE          PLACE OF BIRTH                               	PA
693 705  Thomas WILSON   25 Miner          		Scotland
         Jane            24                        	Scotland
         Hugh            02                        	Scotland
         Robert          27                       	Scotland?
         George SMITH    25  Miner                 	England
694 706    DICKENSON
         Charles         34  Miner          		England
         Mary            64                        	England
695 707  DICKENSON  
         Thomas          32  Miner          		England
         Elizabeth       26                        	England
         Thomas          02                        	PA
         Margarett       01                       	PA
696 708  Hugh KELLY??    26  Miner          		Ireland
         Elizabeth ?     Unclear entry
         Ellen KELLY     1/12       	 	        PA
         Peter GALLAGHER ?   Laborer            	Ireland
         Patrick BURNS   ?   Laborer             	Ireland   
697 709  Frank BURNS     40  Miner          		Ireland
         Mary            22                    		Ireland
698 710  John BAUL??     48  Miner          		Germany
         Catherine       38                        	Germany
         Catherine       16                        	Germany
         Elizabeth       14                        	Germany
         Margarett       06                        	Germany
         George          01                        	PA
699 711 John HYDENDEKE   22  Laborer        		Germany
         Catherine       38                        	Germany
         Alexander       18  Laborer               	Germany
         Henry           15  Laborer               	Germany
700 712  George GUGER    25  Laborer        		Germany
         Martha E.       21                        	Germany
701 713  Henry RICKART   43  Blacksmith          	Germany
         Martha E.       42                        	Germany
         Elizabeth       12                        	Germany
         Adam            09                        	Germany
         Harman          01                        	PA
702 714  Morris RICHER   44  Laborer        		Germany
         Rebecca         43                        	Germany
         William         16  Laborer               	Germany
         Henry           03                        	PA
         Martha E.       01                        	PA
703 715  James MOONEY    30  Laborer        		Ireland
         Ellen           29                        	Ireland
         Catherine       11                        	Ireland
         Barney          09                        	Ireland
         Betty           07                        	Ireland
         Thomas          03                        	PA
         Peter           01                        	PA
704 716  George LOAK??   38  Laborer        		Germany
         Mary            33                        	Germany
         John            13                        	Germany
         Elizabeth       11                        	Germany
         Charles         09                        	Germany
         Adam            02?                       	PA
     Frederick MILLER    30  Laborer               	Germany
705 717  Hugh BURNS      28  Miner          		Ireland
         Mary            22                        	Ireland
706 718 O..H..UB ?? 
            Frederick    33  Laborer        		Germany
         Catherine E.    33                        	Germany
         Martha          05                        	Germany
         Adam            03                        	Germany
         John            01                        	PA
707 719 .?....., WALBUT* 31 Laborer        		Germany
         Mary E.         28                        	Germany
         Martha          07                        	Germany
         Margaret        04                        	Germany
         Sophia          02                        	At Sea
         George          1/12                           PA
708 720 George HEDENRICE 33  Miner          		Germany
         Martha E.       28                        	Germany
         Martha          05                        	Germany
         Elizabeth       5/14                           PA
709 721  Michael McCANN  30  Laborer        		Ireland
         Ann             30                        	Ireland
         John            06                        	Ireland
         Thomas          1/12                           PA
710 722 Edw McLAUGHLIN    25 Laborer        		Ireland
          Thracy? (Fem)   20                        	Ireland
711 723 James HUNTER      30 Laborer        		Scotland
          Elizabeth       31                        	Scotland
          George          10                        	Scotland
          Elizabeth       07                        	Scotland
          Jane            05                        	Scotland
          Agnes           03                        	Scotland
         William         1/12                           PA
712 724  Condy McGEE      18 Laborer        		Ireland
          Catherine       15                        	Ireland
          T. TAMANY       22  Laborer               	Ireland
          Charles BEEMAN  30  Laborer               	Ireland
         Dennis DOUGHERTY 31  Laborer               	Ireland
          John KELLY      25  Laborer               	Ireland
          Dennis McCANN   21  Laborer               	Ireland
713 725   Charles BOYLE   30  Laborer        		Ireland
          Rose            27                        	Irelanbd
          Billy           ? 
          unreadable entry.................................
          Ann             4/12                          PA
          Michael  QUINN  35  Laborer               	Ireland
        Charles GILLESPIE 60  Laborer               	Ireland
714 726   Henry KOHLER    33  Carpenter     		Germany
          Ann             30                        	Germany
          Elizabeth       02                        	PA
          Catherine       1/12                          PA
715 727  George DECKROAT  39  Laborer    		Germany
          Elizabeth       37                        	Germany
          Mary            03                        	PA
          John            01                        	PA
          John SWINGER    28  Laborer               	Germany
          Charles BELL*   29  Laborer               	Germany
       Shadrack STINEBACH 20  Laborer               	Germany
716 728   Martin WIER*    37  Miner          		Scotland
          Jane            33                        	Scotland
          Janette         11                        	Nova Scotia
          John            07                        	PA
          Agnes           06                        	PA
          Alexander       04                        	PA
          Grace           02                        	PA
          John GOVERN     27  Laborer               	Scotland
          Norman McBEAN   27  Laborer               	Nova Scotia
          John NEIS*      35  Cabinet Maker         	Scotland
717  729  George SHADE    27  Cabinet Maker       	PA
          Catherine       22                        	PA
          Martha A.       5/12                          PA
718  730  Henry SMIDT*    32  Miner          		Germany
          Catherine       36                        	Germany
          Baltzar         02                        	PA
          Henry           5/12                          PA
719 731  Thomas GILES     40               	$800 	Wales
          Sarah A.        35                        	PA
          David           14                        	PA
          Nathaniel       11                        	PA
          John            09                        	PA
          Emma            06                        	PA
          Malvina         03                        	PA
720 732 Simon S. CHARLES  38  Blacksmith     	$1000  	PA
          Mary A.         34                        	PA
          Amanda          ?                         	PA
          Reuben          12                       	PA
          William         10                        	PA
          Simon           08                        	PA
          Aaron           06                        	PA
          Milton          04                        	PA
          Edward          03                        	PA
          Mary Ann        02                        	PA
          Elias           01                        	PA
          Wm HILLINGHAM   39  Laborer               	PA
721 733   James McKAY     60  Laborer        		Ireland
          Elizabeth       57                        	Ireland
722 734  Thomas FLETCHER  22  Laborer        		England
          Maria           22                        	Germany
          Margaret SAYER  20                        	Germany
          Joseph FLETCHER 19  Laborer               	England
723 735   John CARR       39  Laborer        		Ireland
          Bridget         28                        	Ireland
          William         07                        	England
          Mary A.         06                        	England
          John            02                        	PA
          Elizabeth       03                        	PA
724 736   John ROBERTS    42  Miner          		Wales
          Mary            40                        	Wales
          William         19                        	Wales
          Mary            16                        	Nova Scotia
          Margarett       14                        	Nova Scotia
          Martha          12                        	Nova Scotia
          Benjamin        10                       	 PA
          Jane            08                        	PA
          David           04                        	PA
725 737 Maledin FERGUSON  27  Miner          		Scotland
          Mary            26                        	Scotland
          John            10                        	Scotland
          David           05                        	Scotland
          Coxwell HASWELL 30  Miner                 	Scotland
          Thomas SCAIFE   24  Miner                 	England
          Julia           21                        	Scotland
          George          1/12                          PA
726 738 Thomas COOL?      26   Laborer        		Scotland
          Margaret        24                        	Scotland
          Ellen        Under 10                    	PA
        The next entry is not readable from this microfilm.
      Charles McLAUGHLIN  40   Laborer               	Ireland
727 739   Barney CALLAHAN 30   Laborer               	Ireland
          Bridget         29                        	Ireland
          Patrick         06                        	PA
          John            04                        	PA
          Catherine       02                        	PA
          Barney CANNON   26  Miner                 	Ireland
          Isabella        21                        	Ireland
          Ann             02                        	PA
          Michael         9/12                          PA   
728 740   Robert LEE      41  Miner          		Scotland
          Jannette        39                        	Scotland
          John            17  Laborer               	Scotland
          Robert          15                        	Scotland
          John G.         14                        	Scotland
          Joseph          15                        	Scotland
          James           12                        	Scotland
          Agnes           11                        	Nova Scotia
          Joseph A.       10                        	Nova Scotia
          George          08                        	Nova Scotia
          Andrew          07                        	Nova Scotia
          Jannette        05                        	Nova Scotia
          Jane            03                        	Nova Scotia
          William         01                        	Nova Scotia
          Agnes WIER      17                        	Nova Scotia
          Wm WIER         26  Miner                 	Scotland
          Wm MUNSON       33  Miner                 	Scotland
729 741 Catherine BECKMAN 32                    	Germany
          Philip          11                        	Germany
          Adam            09                        	PA
          Elizabeth       07                        	PA
          Eliza           04                        	PA
          John H.         3/12                          PA
          John SELLANDER  27  Laborer               	Germany
730 742 Conrad LINDERMAN* 37  Blacksmith          	Germany
          Jane            34                        	Germany
          Philip          13                        	Germany
          Margarett       17                        	Germany
          Elizabeth       10                        	Germany
          Jane            08                        	Germany
          Catherine       06                        	Germany
          Henry           ?                         	Germany
731 743   Jacob Shrader   26  Laborer        		Germany
          Wilhelmina      27                        	Germany
          Silvana         02                        	Germany
732 744 Dennis O'DONALD   25 Miner          		Ireland
          Rosa            24                        	Ireland
          Mary            2/12                          PA
          Henry McGLIVEN? 32  Miner                 	Ireland
          Patrick PAUL    25  Miner                 	Ireland
          Mary McCOOL     16                        	Ireland
          James DOGHERTY  21  Laborer               	Ireland
          Owen McELVIE    20  Laborer               	Ireland
733 745   William BUNN    32  Engineer       		England
          Ann             34                        	Wales
          George          09                        	Wales
          Olivia A.       05                        	PA
          Charles         03                        	PA
734 746  Jacob MILLER     42  Laborer        		PA
          Catherine       43                        	PA
          Magdalen        16                        	PA
          Henry           19                        	PA
          Sarah           15                        	PA
          William         14                        	PA
          Aaron           09                        	PA
          John            07                        	PA
735 747   David MORGAN    64  Miner         	 	Wales
          Jane            60                        	Wales
          Jane            17                        	Wales
          Jacob           14                        	Wales
          Mary Reede      31                        	Wales
          Rebecca         10                        	Wales
          Shadrach        08                        	Wales
          Miller          10?                       	PA
          Abednego        02                        	PA
          Jane            1/12                          PA
736 748   Thomas WILLIAMS 53                    	Wales
          Margarete       32                        	Wales
          David           24                        	Wales
          Sarah           23                        	Wales
          David           01                        	Wales
737 749 Baltzer BROCT*     ? Laborer        		Germany
The rest of this page (two entries) is unreadable.
          John BROCT      1/12                          PA
738 750  William JONES    41  Miner          		Wales
          Catherine       41                        	Wales
          Daniel          12                        	PA
          Catherine       10                        	PA
          Job             08                        	PA
739 751   Paul CARROLL    41  Miner          		Ireland
          Mary            40                        	Ireland
          John            15                        	NY
          Elizabeth       06                        	PA
          Thomas          05                        	PA
          Mary A.         02                        	PA
      Patrick CONNAUGHTY? 25  Miner            		Ireland
740 752 John COYLE        22  Laborer        		Ireland
          Ellen           25                        	Ireland
          Patrick MURPHY  22  Laborer               	Ireland
          Patrick CARROLL 30  Laborer               	Ireland
          Owen BRADY      30  Laborer               	Ireland
741 753   John CAMPBELL   43  Carpenter      		Ireland
          Mary            35                        	Ireland
          Patrick         27  Miner                 	Ireland
          Patrick McGILL  39  Miner                 	Ireland
742 754   Daniel KELLY    40  Laborer        		Ireland
          Ellen           32                        	Ireland
          Edward GLEASLY  26  Laborer               	Ireland
          Thomas CARROLL  22  Laborer               	Ireland
          Patrick CARROLL 18  Laborer               	Ireland
          John KELLY      27  Laborer               	Ireland
          Bridget CARROLL 26                        	Ireland
743 755   Patrick MOYER   25  Miner          		Ireland
          Hannah          21                        	PA
          John            20  Laborer               	Ireland
744 756  James BOYLE      24  Laborer        		Ireland
          Margaret        30                        	Ireland
          Bridget         01                        	PA
745 757   James LEVI      28  Miner          		Ireland
          Bridget         25                        	Ireland
          Matthew         02                        	PA
          James           01                        	PA
746 758   Peter FAGAN     35  Laborer        		Ireland
                           Unreadable entry.    ?                                                             Ireland?
          Julia FAGAN     07                       	Ireland
          Garrett         08                        	Ireland
          Eliza           02                        	Ireland
****************************END OF PART II*************************************
Thanks to June Nessler for this contribution to Luzerne County Genweb

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky