1850 Butler Twp., Luzerne County Part II

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky


Some parts of this copy of the microfilm LDS # 0444762 that I have been viewing are unreadable. Items that are difficult to read are followed by asterisks or question marks. The last two or three lines of some pages are too dark to read. ALWAYS CONSULT THE ORIGINAL COPY BEFORE YOU ACCEPT DATA. In many cases the census recorder relied on phonetic spelling of names, especially the German. The difference between lower-case s, r, and n as well as between the the upper case L and S is sometimes hard to distinguish on the original microfilm copy. With all of the above in mind, saying the names aloud as spelled as well as substituting the aforementioned letters for each other may be helpful toward identifying the surnames you are researching.

I have not included the last four columns shown on the 1850 census chart. I shall be happy to answer, If I can, any questions about the copy.

June Nessler

The numbering is a bit different on this census. Each page begins with #1.
All birthplaces are in Pennsylvania unless otherwise noted.

1	HUGHS Mary E.		49	(Widow)		$300	
		Matilda		31
		Sydney* (f)	15
		Evan (f)	?
		Hannah I.	?
2	DOUBT	Daniel		46	Tavern Keeper	$1000
		Elizabeth	47
		Anna M.		24
		Samuel		22	
		Willebee (m)	20
		Ann E.		16
		Andrew		14
		James		12
		Susanna		11
3	SIGLIN*	Elias		38	Tavern Keeper		
		Emeline		28	
		Mary Elizabeth	07	
		George W.	06?
		Reuben C.?	02
		Abi (f)		6/12
     Under this entry there are two ages penciled in, 08 and 12 as though 
     there might have been others in the family.

1	DONNE 	Abraham		55	Landlord	$12000	
		Margaret	50
		George		22	Farmer
		Josiah		20
		Allice		18
		Elizabeth	14
		Stephen		10
		Peggy		45
	BALLIET Maria		20
	GORDON	Alfred		35
	MACHAMAN Barbara	22
	DRUMHELLER Stephen	25	Merchant
		Evan h.		13
	KIDNEY Jonas		22	Stage Driver
2	DURST* Daniel		?
		Harriet		34
		Mary E.		11
		***** (f)	19
		Eugene		06
		WEATLY*		03
3	HUNT 	Catherine	45	(widow)		$3800
		Mary E.		17
		Hannah		12
	DILLORGAN Josiah	03
4	WASHBURN John		25	Blacksmith	$300
		Mary Ann	24	
		Albert		04				
		Maria		01
	BENNET*	Barbara		19
	MOWRY  	Samuel		18	Apprentice
5	SANTEE 	Samuel M.	29	Landlord		
	SEAMAN	Ann B.		48	(widow)		$3000
	MICHAEL Jacob		23				
	SOHOE*	Rachel		20
	WIGUERT* Susan		20
	Philips Lafayette	30	Stage Driver		
	GEEIR*	Frederick	33	Butcher			Germany
6   The first two entries are unreadable.
	*****	Clara C.	1/12
1	Roberts	William T.	37	Geologist	$5000	England
		Hannah		29			$1000	England
	YOST Newton C.		08				England
		Blanch		06				England
	ALBERTS	William		06				England
	RUDY	Abigail		16				England
	MELLICK	Harriet		13				England
2	SMITH Daniel		30	Teamster		England
		Mary Ann	36				England
		Margaret Jane	06				England
		Emma Olivia	22				England
	VANDERMARK Sarah	22				England
	SCHLEPPY Henry		18	Tailor			PA?
3	SANTEE	 Lou*		39	Blacksmith	$2000	PA?
		Barbara		39
		Mason		13
		Ann C.		11
		Elizabeth	09
		Harriet		07
		Richard		22
		Solomon		03
4	THOMAS 	Jacob		26	Carpenter	$1000
		Magdelena	23
5	HOOFACRE Jacob		65	Farmer
		Rebecca		60
		Ann		19
6	FRITZINGER Christian	47	Wagon Maker
		Mary		38
		Fionna*		17
		Owen		13
		Mary		?	
7	DRUM 	Philip		63			$4000
		Magdelena	45
		Susanna		19
		Ann Margaret	17
		Louisa		?
		Unreadable entry
		Unreadable entry
	CUNNIUS John		10				
1         ARI*	Peter		24	Farmer		$200	
		Mary		22
	        Daniel Obadiah	01
2	SMITH   James		59	Lumberman		NJ
		Amelia		52	
		George W.	21	Laborer
		Phineas		19
		Mary Ann	16
		Martha		12
		Phineas		2				NY
3	SMITH	Asher		27	Lawyer
		Emeline		27
		Mary C.		02
		Charles 	01
4	MERVINE	Alj*		43	Farmer
		Catherine	31
		Mary Elizabeth	08
		Amelia D.	06	
		Sarah A.	03
		Charles Oscar	01
	HOVENSHID* Barney	27				Germany
5	CAWELLY*   Thomas	32	Farmer
	RISNER*	   Henry	24
		   Martha	20				
6	RUNDRY	Preston		25
		Letitia		24
		James B.	02
7	MICHAEL	John		21	Laborer
		Mary		22
		Sarah A.	?
	Pr***   Margaret	10
8	SHELLHAMMER Cornelius	34	Logging
		Elizabeth*	37
		Stephen*	09?
		Daniel*		06
		Catherine	05
		Jacob		3/12
10	RARICH*	Peter		30	Laborer
		The next three entries are not readable.
1	BEISELL	Adam		22	Carpenter	$700
		Rachel		30
	ANDREW	William 	01
		Sarah		16
2	SEIWELL Jonas		44	Farmer		$5000
		Sarah		34
		Mary	     1 0r 6
		Malinda		05
		Angelina	04
		Franklin	03
		William H.	6/12
	KOENING	Henry		24	Teamster
	DOUBT	Samuel		23	Miller
	BALLIET	Hannah		34
3	SHELLHAMMER Daniel	59	Farmer		$400
		Catherine	55
		Hannah		17
		Martha		28
	DRUM	Charles		08	
	LONG	Eleanore	24
		Charles		26
4	NETZATAR* Christian	40	Farmer		$400
		Bevy		39
5	WHITE Jacob		28	Mill Wright
		Mary Ann	26
	   William Clinton	05
		John A.		02
6	AROR*	Could this name be EROH?
		John		46	Farmer		$1200
		Susan	  20 or	50
	FRITZINGER Eliza	04		
	BALLIARD  Samuel	24
7	FRITZINGER Henry	36	Mason		$500
		Elizabeth	34
		George W.	08
		MAry		07
		Thomas*		06
		*****ew	F.	03
		****** C.	3/12
		Joseph		70
	The next two entries are unreadable

This page was donated by June Nessler

©1996-2016  by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors

 Mary Ann Lubinsky
County Coordinator

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