1920 census West Hazleton/Han Alley & Rear South Broad

page 90B 14 January 1920 Ward 3

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Bera, Valentine         head    32 M 1908    Pol Pol Pol  coal mines
  Vladislava            wife    25 M          Pa   "   " dress maker at home
  Joseph                son      7            Pa  Pol  Pa
  Henry                 son      5            "    "    "
  Irene                 dau      3            "    "    "
  Josephine             dau    1 3/12         "    "    "

Evjak, Joseph           head    37 M 1912      Pol Pol Pol  coal mines
  Constance             wife    36 M 1912       "   "   "
  Flora                 dau      8              Pa  "   "
  Frank                 son      6              "   "   "
  Barney                son      4              "   "   "
  Kenneth               son      2              "   "   "
  Anthony               son     2/12            "   "   "

Deisenroth, Herman      head    28 M            Pa Ger  Pa    coal mines
  Louise                wife    24 M             "  "  Ger
  Frederick             son   2 8/12             Pa  Pa Pa
Reese, Carl             head    22 M             "   "  " steamshovel
  Elizabeth             wife    28               "   " Ger
  Carl                  son   1 5/12             "   "  Pa

Heinavich, Stanley      head    30 M 1908      Pol Pol Pol  coal mines
  Francis               wife    34 M 1910       "   "   "
  Stanley               son      6             Pa   "   "
  John                  son      6              "   "   "
  Michael               son      4              "   "   "
  Helen                 dau    1 11/12          "   "   "

Roby, John              head     24 M 1904     Pol Pol Pol coal mines
  Lena                  wife     26 M 1904     Gal Gal Gal
  Julius                son       8            Pa  Pol Gal

Martinkovich, Stanley   head      28 M 1913    Pol Pol Pol  coal mines
  Arial                 wife      32 M 1908    Pol Pol Pol
  Sophia                dau       4 5/12       Pa   "   "
  Stanley               son       2 6/12       "    "   "
Lipko, Edward           bord.    34 S 1913     Pol Pol Pol  coal mines

Boskowski, Katherine    head      38 wd. 1910   Lith Lith Lith
  Eva                   dau       18 S           Pa    "   "  silk mill
  Katherine             dau        8             "     "  "
Dejeugskies, George     bord      65 M          Lith Lith Lith coal mines

Kelpsk, Mary            head       50 wd 1892   Lith Lith Lith
  Anna                  dau        18 S          Pa    "      "  silk mill
  Katherine             dau        17 S           "     "      " shirt factory
  Benny                 son        15             "     "      " shirt factory
Harporitly, Bertha      mother     69 wd.        Lith Lith Lith

Yachyanovich, Walter    head       36 M 1905   Pol Pol Pol coal mines
  Stanichova            wife       37 M 1905    "   "   "
  Marian                dau         7           Pa  "   "
  Josephine             dau         6           "   "   "
  Kasimir               son         3           "   "   "
  Helen                 dau     1 6/12          "   "   "

Paslewie, Thomas        head       31 M         Pa Cze Cze  coal mines
  Julia                 wife       26            "  "   "

This Census was donated by Carol Queen.

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky