1880 Pittston

The census listings I will post are only a sheet or two from a specific town. Sometimes, it's not even the entire sheet, but you never know, it may hold the key for someone!

These are a partial Listing of Census from Luzerne County. They were donated by the generous people researching in Luzerne county for the Luzerne County Genweb Project. If you have something you would like to donate send it to Mary Ann Lubinsky

Name, Race, Sex, Age, Relationship, Marital Status, Occupation, Sick or Disabled, Birth Place, Birth Place

River Street
House #

#29 MCCARTHY, Edward, W M 42 Head Married Miner(?) Ireland 
              Mary   W F 34 Wife Married Keeping House Ireland
              John    W M 10 Son Single Attend School Pennsylvania
              Maria   W F  7 Daughter Single Attend School Pennsyl.                 Edward  W M  5 Son Single Pennsylvania

#30 FLEMMING, Edward W M 40 Head Married Miner Ireland
              Mary   W F 45 Wife Married Keeping House Ireland
              Mary Jane W F 22 Daughter Single Dressmaker Pennsyl.
              Edward W M 18 Son Single Tailor Penns.

#31 COSGROVE, Bridget W F 50    Single Keeping House Ireland

#32 CONNOR, Luke W M 35 Head Married Miner Ireland
            Margaret W F 33 Wife Married Keeping House Ireland
            Jane W F 14 Daughter Single Attend School Pennsylvania
            Hannah W F 9 Daughter Single Attend School Pennsylvania
            Luke W M 8 Son Single Attend School Pennsylvania
            John W M 6 Son Single Attend School Pennsylvania
            Edward Jas. W M 4 Son Single Pennsylvania
            Michael W M 2 Son Single Pennsylvania

#33 MACENTIRE, Bridget W F 50 Washerwoman Ireland

#34 SHERRIDAN, Darby W M 80 Head Married Ireland
               Mary W F 55 Wife Married Keeping House Ireland
               John W M 32 Son Single Laborer Ireland
               Dennis W M 30 Son Single Laborer Ireland
               Patrick W M 22 Son Cutter Single Ireland

#35 DAVITT, Francis W M 35 Head Married Laborer Ireland
            Ellen W F 35 Wife Married Keeping House Ireland
            John W M 8 Son Single Attend School Ireland
            Michael W M 6 Son Single Attend School Ireland

This Census was donated by Anne Marie.

Luzerne County PAGenWeb



©1996-2016 by Mary Ann Lubinsky for the PAGenWeb Project, and by Individual Contributors


County Coordinator
Mary Ann Lubinsky